Isnin, Julai 19, 2010


Govt urged to enrol more SPM holders for teacher-training

KUCHING: The Sarawak Teachers' Union (STU) has proposed to the Education Ministry to enrol more Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) holders for teacher training courses and reduce that of the Post-graduate Teacher Education Course (KPLI).

Its president, William Ghani Bina said this would ensure that only those who were genuinely interested in the profession join teacher training courses and were posted to rural areas.

He said as most KPLI trainees chose the teaching profession as the last resort after failing to get other jobs, this would be detrimental to the quality of education in the long run.

"STU proposes to the ministry to enrol more SPM holders from Sabah and Sarawak for teacher training courses as many of them are keen to be teachers," he told Bernama here Monday.

Ghani claimed that SPM leavers, who were trained as teachers, were more dedicated and committed to their profession.

On the Education Ministry's decision to deploy teachers from Sabah and Sarawak to their home states, he said this could help change the rural community's perception of education.

"For example, if a Penan teacher is posted to serve his community, he may be able to change the perception of elderly people on education and ways to improve their livelihood," he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Sunday that Sabah and Sarawak had asked for their own teachers to be deployed to the two states as students could understand them better and this could solve some of the problems. – Bernama


Sabah memerlukan 500 guru namun hanya ada 200 guru berasal dari negeri itu,

15 ulasan:

  1. Yes, please make sure you are really interested in this proffession or it would just be a complete waste of time and money on both parties.

  2. Make sure teachers are not only dedicated to teach but also knowledgeable. What's the point of teaching if you don't have strong understanding on the subject you teach.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, I heard that it's not the teachers' choice to choose which subject they want to teach.

  4. I dont get it, Where does he get the facts that SPM leaver are more dedicated than graduates in becoming a teacher?

    is there any measurement to measure who was dedicated & who was not?

    Different people have different way how to planned their future...some might want to get a diploma/degree first then enrolling themselves as a teacher, & some try to apply for a place in teaching institute after they finish their SPM...but that doesn't justified the facts that spm leaver is more keen to be a teacher than a degree holder...

    You cannot judge how "Genuine the person interest towards teaching" based on his or her education...generalizing this facts seems look bias towards the degree holder who has work hard in their study & decided to become a teacher...

  5. You said it Urnoob! Exactly what I have in my mind.. ;)

  6. SPM leavers who trained as teachers or KPLI trainees???...for me the important is, make sure the teachers dedicated and knowledgeable..

  7. The more dedicated and knowledgeable the teachers are, the better. Besides, teachers should be strict but good to the students. And also, able to help and guide them go through their studies.

  8. Whether its SPM or degree holder, its doesn't matter... The most important thing are they're knowledgeable and keen to teach the student :)

  9. urnoob, I absolutely agree with you :)

  10. uisks, spm holders??? Sorry, tapi bukan niat untuk memandang rendah mana-mana pihak... tapi bagi saya lepasan SPM atau KPLI patut diberi peluang yang samarata berdasarkan kemampuan mereka kerana apa yg paling penting ialah tahap pengetahuan mereka dalam semua aspek bagi membolehkan mereka layak menjadi seorang pendidik.

  11. Jangan anggap pelatih KPLI memilih kerjaya sebagai guru sebagai pilihan terakhir bah... Kesian dorang. Mungkin itu mmg minat mereka dan siapalah kita untuk fikir mereka mcm tu. Kalau mereka mmg layak jadi guru, apa salahnya kan... hehehe

  12. Xavier, saya dengar pun macam tu.. tapi taktau juga lah betul ka tak.. tapi saya yakin subjek diberikan berdasarkan kemampuan pelatih/guru juga ba tu :)

  13. Haish...It's hard to find most caliber, dedicated and genuine teachers nowadays.

  14. i don't think the KPLI is the main problem, try to find another solution because this proposal would only invite problems such as unemployment among graduates.

  15. setuju dengan 2718...tidak semestinya guru-guru KPLI tidak mempunyai komitmen dan didikasi yang tinggi dalam bidang perguruan..
