Selasa, September 06, 2011


Bumburing steps down as Upko Tuaran chief

TAMPARULI September 6, 2011: After being at the helm of a political party’s division since 1981, United Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organization (Upko) Tuaran chief Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing has decided not to seek re-election for the post.

Bumburing who said he was a division chief since the days of Pasok to Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and now Upko, pointed out that he wants to make way for the younger generation to play their part in politics.

He however stressed that his loyalty is still with Upko and he remains the party’s deputy president until the time when its members feel the need for him to make way for another to step into his shoes.

Bumburing made the announcement in his speech at the Upko Tuaran division’s triennial general meeting which was launched by party president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok yesterday.

He admitted that there were many questions from division members who felt confused by his decision.

“I hope no speculations will arise from this decision as I am still Upko deputy president and my commitment as well as loyalty to the party has not wavered,” he said, adding that to him posts are not important, only the desire to serve the people.

Bumburing told reporters later, it has been 30 years so it is high time for me to hand over the torch. I just want to give chance to the younger generation as we cannot be selfish in matters like this.

“Of course those party members who are used to my leadership have protested but I think that at one point or another, party members must accept the fact that there is going to be a change of leadership.

I can see the young people are ready to lead the party and I have a clear conscience on this. Of course there are a lot of things that still need to be done in Tuaran, especially in Kiulu in terms of infrastructure but I think we must give chance to the young leaders to participate in political activities,” he said.

image Bumburing added that he was glad with the transition of power to his successor, Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau who is also Upko secretary general and former Tuaran member of parliament.

“I have no regrets of my previous service in this area. Of course I have my ups and downs in politics. I’ll say that I have a graceful exit from the division. Also now I am more or less spearheading the Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (AAM) in Sabah and there is a lot of work to be done as we are going to open up 17 divisions in the state.








Bumburing said that he joined AAM because it has similar struggles as Upko, among them are supporting a clean and efficient government, the urgent need to resolve the illegal immigrants problem and the need to increase the Sabah oil royalty to 20 per cent.

“If Upko members still need my service at the state level, I am there if not, I am also fine with it,” he said.

Asked if he would accept a re-nomination to contest in the coming 13th general election, Bumburing replied, “we will cross the bridge when we get there”.

Meanwhile, when asked about the response of Sabahans to the newly set up AAM, Bumburing who is the national pro-tem deputy chairman, said it had been tremendous from all walks of life.

According to him, there are 17 potential divisions to be set up in Sabah and these divisions will later form the nucleus state committee.

“We are still structuring the state hierarchy as all potential line-up has to be approved by the Supreme Council, including AAM pro-tem chairman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah,” he said and stressed that AAM is an NGO which is open to everybody.

AAM, being an NGO, hopes to become the third force in forging and transforming a better government administration that will be transparent and accountable, truly competent and efficient, free of corruption and cronyism, clean and honest as well as fair and trustworthy, among others.

The inaugural speech by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah at its recent launching in Kuala Lumpur as well as the proposed constitution of AAM are also available on its website.


Time for Upko to look for new ‘blood’ – Dompok

“The party must outlive the founding fathers, this must happen,”

“I think there are a lot of people coming up and they must be given the space to show the talents that they have,”

“It is for the party members to identify … it is not for me. We can probably give pointers as to which leader has shown a lot of promise and has contributed but beyond that I think it is up to the party members to decide. This is democracy,”


Election should not be held before poll reform – Dompok

this is because the select committee is automatically dissolved when Parliament is dissolved to make way for election.

So the Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms must be allowed to complete its work before parliament is dissolved, otherwise there is no reason to set it up,

“Therefore election should only be held after the findings of the committee have been presented to Parliament,’

35 ulasan:

  1. Have a good retirement, Bumburing. This is a time to give chances to new faces to step up and take up the role.

  2. I agree that the younger generations should be given more chances to take up roles in parties and governmental sector.

  3. Bumburing berani memberi laluan kepada orang muda memimpin.

  4. Harap2 pemimpin muda UPKO akan lebih berjiwa rakyat.

  5. ini akan memberikan peluang kepada muka yang baru untuk meneruskan perjuangan.

  6. harap muka baru nanti akan menjalankan tugas dengan sebaiknya.

  7. antara pemimpin2 BN di Sabah, Bumburing adalah yang paling aktif dan lantang bersuara berkenaan dengan masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Sabah. sayang sekali beliau bersara ketika rakyat sabah masih memerlukan kelantangan suara beliau..

  8. apa2pun keputusan beliau ini perlu dihormati dan saya harap beliau terus mengikuti perkembangan politik di negeri ini dan terus menyumbang idea serta suara bagi mewakili rakyat di negeri ini terutamanya berkaitan dengan masalah2 yang beliau sering perjuangkan seperti isu PATI..

  9. mmg kita perlu beri peluang kepada generasi muda untuk memimpin. tapi kena pastikan pemimpin yang dipilh benar berkebolehan.

  10. Bagus la juga...ada peluang juga orang2 muda untuk mengambil tempat Bumburing. Lagipun, sesuai sangat la kalau orang muda yg memimpin, kerana mereka lebih memahami perasaan & aspirasi orang2 yg sezaman dengan mereka...

  11. 30 tahun..satu tempoh yang memang lama. harap pengganti beliau tidak kurang hebatnya juga.

  12. betul, ahli veteren janganlah pentingkan diri dan ketagihan dengan kuasa, perlu beri laluan kepada generasi muda untuk teraju arena politik yang kian menggila ini

  13. AAM, being an NGO, hopes to become the third force in forging and transforming a better government administration that will be transparent and accountable, truly competent and efficient, free of corruption and cronyism, clean and honest as well as fair and trustworthy, among others. - harap semua ini tercapai dalam memupuk dan mengubah pentadbiran kerajaan yang lebih baik.

  14. among them are supporting a clean and efficient government, the urgent need to resolve the illegal immigrants problem and the need to increase the Sabah oil royalty to 20 per cent

    semoga semua isu ini dapat diperjuangkan dan ditangani dengan lebih berkesan oleh pihak kerajaan negeri.

  15. semoga penggantinya, Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau dapat memainkan peranannya dengan lebih berkesan dalam arena politik ini

  16. betul, kedudukan pangkat tidak penting, apa yang perlu ialah keinginan untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat

  17. keputusan yang mengejutkan namun kita harus hormati keputusan beliau...diharap selepas ini, beliau tetap akan terus memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan sabah.

  18. diharap penganti beliau akan dapat memainkan peranannya dengan lebih berkesan..selamat maju jaya.

  19. Time for the younger continue United Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organization (UPKO) politic. Bumburing is right time for new.

  20. Sudah tiba masanya memberikan tugas kepada orang muda dalam politik. Berikan mereka ini kepercayaan dan bimbingan untuk meneruskan perjuanga parti UPKO.

  21. Respect Bumburing decision. May be it is a good idea to injet new blood and let the younger generation to take up the role.

  22. Pastikan calon yang mengambil alih adalah calon yang betul berkaliber, bertanggung jawab, good leadership, sanggup berdedikasi dan berkorban untuk parti dan rakyat.

  23. Tidak hairan orang baru mengambil alih orang lama. Berterima kasih usaha Bumburing selama 30 tahun, berharap generasi muda akan berusaha dan membawa Upko ke tahap yang lebih gemilang.

  24. "Bumburing said that he joined AAM because it has similar struggles as Upko, among them are supporting a clean and efficient government, the urgent need to resolve the illegal immigrants problem and the need to increase the Sabah oil royalty to 20 per cent."

    Teruskan usaha dan memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk semua rakyat di Sabah.

  25. The next topic is who is the right candidate for replacement?

  26. Respect Bumburing decision. He had made up his mind and brilliant idea to retire so that the younger can take over his job and continue to fight the best for the parti and people of Sabah.

  27. Harap gantian beliau adalah calon yang berkebolehan and berkaliber untuk menguruskan halehwal dalam parti dan sanggup berusaha lebih banyak untuk masyarakat.

  28. Seharus memberi penghormatan kepada Bumburing keatas usaha dan khidmat beliau di bidang politik selama 30 tahun.

  29. Semoga ahli-ahli parti memberi sokongan penuh kepada pemimpin baru seperti memberi sokongan kepada Bumburing selama 30 tahun yang lalu.

  30. Harap lebih banyak pemuda-pemudi yang berkebolehan tinggi menyertain politik untuk memperjuangkan lebih banyak untuk rakyat di Sabah. Mereka lebih berpelajaran tinggi, lebih memahami apa yang kami perlukan dan juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan generasi sebaya mereka.

  31. He certainly knows what he wants.

  32. Well, is not a bad thing at all.

  33. Nampaknya beliau mempunyai sasaran.
