Sabtu, Februari 18, 2012


RCI: Najib ‘cheats’ PBS, Upko

Luke Rintod

In a secret meeting last night, Umno warlords in Sabah convinced Najib Tun Razak that the mostly Muslim legalised illegals had voted in BN in every consecutive elections.

KOTA KINABALU Feb 17, 2012: The much-anticipated announcement on the Federal Cabinet agreement to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the large presence of illegal foreigners in Sabah and the rampant issuance of Malaysian documents to them, failed to materialise today.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who was expected to announce the RCI in Lahad Datu, instead cancelled his scheduled press conference after a function in Kampung Nala in Tungku near Lahad Datu and went straight to Tawau where his government executive jet flew him to Kuala Lumpur.

Senior journalists who were tipped by Najib’s entourage of the possible announcement on RCI were taken back with the PM’s “change of plan”.

It was believed Najib decided to withhold any announcement on the proposed RCI after he had an ‘unscheduled’ meeting with Sabah Umno leaders here last night.

According to some journalists, who were with Najib in Lahad Datu, everybody had expected the RCI announcement in Tungku, Lahad Datu after the premier, who was on a two-day visit to Sabah, did not do so while in Sipitang yesterday.

image pairin (2) “Frustration was painted on the face of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Upko senior vice president Dr Ewon Ebin here in Lahad Datu.

“We do not know if they genuinely did not know (that there is no announcement on RCI) or they already knew last night, but they look a bit gloomy afterwards when the premier left,” said a journalist.

Umno-BN’s fixed deposit

FMT meanwhile was made to understand that key Sabah Umno leaders spoke strongly against announcing the RCI now with a looming general election.

Najib had earlier during the BN meeting hinted to them that his visit could be the last before Paliament is dissolved.

This had prompted the influential Umno cliques here to quickly gather around Najib last night and brief him about Umno’s strength in the state which rests among the mostly Muslim illegal immigrants who have been voting in BN in successive elections.

This new development is expected to heat public debate on the ruling party’s sincerity to resolve the Sabah problem of being overwhelmed by immigrants from neighbouring Muslim districts in southern Philippines and Indonesia.

50 ulasan:

  1. The government is waiting for the right time to announce the implementation of the RCI, just wait and see. We wouldn't want the RCI to be implemented without proper consideration.

    1. Pm will announce the implementation of RCI, he will fulfill his promises to Sabahan.

    2. the oppositions is using this to make the people believe that the pm will never approve RCI to be set up in sabah.

    3. Kerajaan Persekutuan tiada sebab untuk menolak permintaan tersebut.

    4. rakyat perlu berfikiran positif. kerajaan pasti akan mengumumkan penubuhan RCI tidak lama lagi.

    5. Hopefully the announcement not take time too long.

    6. RCI ini sudah menjadi permintaan seluruh rkyat Sabah..harap akan ditubuhkan dengan segera.

  2. Hope that the Federal Government will take actions to implement the RCI soon before the opposition use this opportunity to make cheap publicity.

    1. The federal government will fulfil their responsibility towards the people.

    2. this issue is just a political tool for oppositions.

    3. jangan sampai isu ini dimainkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu..perlaksanaan harus dibuat segera.

  3. Maybe Datuk Najib forgot to announce or it is not in a right time to tell Sabahans...

    1. Of course the PM needs find the best time to announce when the RCI will be launched.

    2. so, when is the right time to tell Sabahans??

  4. To make a good decision we need more time to discuss the good and bad impact.

    1. banyak perkara yang perlu di pertimbangkan. PM perlu masa untuk mengumumkan RCI.

    2. Make sure the RCI can bring positive results to the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah.

    3. Government has taken too long for the decision.

    4. tuntutan RCI sudah lama dibuat. rasanya sudah tiba masanya ia diluluskan.

    5. Hopefully PM will tell a good results regarding the RCI.

  5. RCI establishment should be made with proper consideration and implemented upon.

    1. Kerajaan pasti ada sebab tertentu kenapa belum mengumumkan RCI,harap yang terbaik saja.

    2. RCI mgkin akan diumumkan pada masa yang sesuai.

  6. Let the right decision be made for the betterment of others.

  7. Will setting up RCI be the only way to deal with matters concerning the illegal immigrants?

    1. Mungkin ada alternatif lain selain RCI untuk selesaikan masalah ini.

    2. apa salahnya untuk mencuba RCI ni. sekurang2nya kita dapat mengetahui punca isu ni dan pelakunya.

    3. kalau ada 1000 kaedah pun untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI tetapi tidak diperjuangkan pun tiada guna juga.

  8. Promises made to be people must be fulfilled.

  9. Let’s hope PM will be approved of RCI establishment

    1. The RCI has already gotten the approval from him, now we're only waiting for the launch of the RCI.

    2. Anticipating the cabinet's decision.

    3. semua berharap agar RCI ditubuhkan untuk selesaikan isu pati.

  10. PM will fulfill his promises to Sabah, he will approved this matter.

  11. RCI pasti akan ditubuhkan juga nnti.

  12. Look, the government is keen to help us out.Why loss hope on this?

  13. PM tidak mengumumkan penubuhan RCI ketika lawan beliau di negeri ini tidak semestinya beliau enggan menubuhkan RCI.. kenapa isu remeh seperti ini perlu dikontroversikan?? kenapa tidak ada pemimpin2 pembangkang yang berjumpa dengan Najib bertanyakan soalan itu ketika beliau berada di negeri ini??

  14. mungkin juga beliau belum bersedia mengumumkan penubuhan RCI kerana masih ada perkara yang perlu dibincangkan sebelum beliau benar2 boleh membuat kenyataan secara terbuka..

  15. dalam kenyataan Dompok juga, beliau hanya menyampaikan maksud beliau dalam bentuk jangkaan.. tidak semestinya Najib AKAN mengumumkan penubuhan RCI..

  16. RCI mungkin akan dilaksanakan namun bukannya sekarang ini masih dalam perbicangan..

  17. Mengenai RCI tidak perlu dirisaukan. Jika PM telah mengatakan akan membawa kepada kabinet maka perkara ini akan benar-benar dilaksanakan.

  18. Datuk Najib mungkin menunggu masa yang sesuai untuk menubuhkan SSD untuk Sabah. Maka kita tidak perlu mendesak perkara ini. Biarkan Kerajaan Negeri meneruskan perjuangan tersebut.

  19. Teruskan memperjuangkan penubuhan RCI untuk menangani isu PATI di Sabah.

  20. Jika benar RCI telah dibawa di kabinet maka mungkin masih memerlukan masa untuk perbincangan mengenai RCI PATI dan IC projek di Sabah.

  21. Buat masa kini RCI adalah cara yang lebih ideal berbanding dengan cara lain. Tidak harus menolakkannya.

  22. Najib harus bertindak bijak kali ini.

  23. Please don't buy time, the PATI issue needed prompt action.

  24. suara rakyat pasti akan didengari..semoga masalah pati akan dapat diselesaikan..
