KOTA KINABALUSeptember 6, 2011: Re-delineation or increasing the number of seats is best done after the next general election, said Sabah Election Commission (EC) director Datuk Md Idrus Ismail.
However, he said the EC is currently doing preliminary studies on the call by politicians in the state, especially on the population at each area.
“The study covers the whole of Sabah and not just limited to certain areas,” he said when contacted by The Borneo Post yesterday.
Although he understood there was a pressing need for re-delineation or additional parliamentary and state seats in Sabah, Md Idrus said it would be best decided after the general election.
“For one, the ruling government does not have a two-third majority in Parliament. For re-delineation or additional of the parliamentary seats be done, it needs to be passed in Parliament, but without the strength, it is not possible. So for this issue, we will have to wait until the next election, and whoever has the two-third majority will then be able to make the decision.
“As for the state seats, Sabah has no problem but we still need to get the approval from the state government as stipulated under Section 13 of the Federal Constitution,” Md Idrus explained.
He said everyone is talking about the election, so is the EC.
“We are currently tuning towards running the election. We are preparing ourselves by training our personnel and it is expected to begin in November. We have also submitted our request for logistic purposes, such as what we need and materials to be used in the next general election.
“It is better to do one job at a time. We cannot be doing the study and conduct preparations for the coming election at the same time, it can be quite messy.
“Let’s say if EC decides to do the re-delineation tomorrow, we have to first gazette the date and finalise it by getting the Prime Minister’s signature within the next two years. Our next general election is maturing soon so I do not think it is in time for the next polling day,” he said.
Md Idrus added that to date, three political parties had made official requests to the Sabah EC to propose for the re-delineation or additional seats.
“Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) has basically requested us to do the study in Keningau, Pensiangan and Tenom; Umno Kinabatangan requests the exercise be done in their area, while the United PasokMomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organisation (Upko) wants us to conduct the study covering the whole of Sabah,” he said.
On another development, Md Idrus urged those who have yet to register themselves as voters to do so soon.
“The safest time would be this month as September is the last month for the third quarter revision for this year. We need some time to verify the applications and normally the names will be gazetted by late October or early November.
“For those who register after September, the names will only be gazetted in February. And by then, it would be difficult to make changes, if there is any,” he said.
Hope that the government will make the best decision for the state.
BalasPadamAll factors should be considered first before taking any actions.
BalasPadamIsu penambahan kerusi di Sabah memang patut dikaji.
BalasPadamHarap2 yang muda-mudi yang cukup umur mengundi mendaftar diri sebagai pengundi. Jalankan tanggungjawab anda.
BalasPadamKawasan Sabah yang luas memerlukan masa yang agak lama untuk mengkaji relevan penambahan kerusi.
BalasPadampelbagai pekara perlu dipertimbangkan terlebih dahulu sebelum semuanya dilaksanakan.
BalasPadambagi kawasan yang luas, rasanya pertambahan kerusi memang wajar kerana dapat memudahkan pembangunan dilakasanakan dengan lebih berkesan.
BalasPadamkalau begitu, terpaksa la bersabar terutamanya wakil rakyat yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjaga kawasan yang benar2 memerlukan penambahan kerusi ini.. rasanya penjelasan ini cukup kukuh untuk tidak meluluskan cadangan penambahan kerusi di sabah..
BalasPadamparti politik yang membantah seperti DAP dan PAS boleh la menarik nafas lega kerana sudah tentu cadangan ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
BalasPadambyk kawasan di Sabah yang terlalu luas, kawsan ini yang perlu ditambah kerusi parlimen untuk mudahkan urusan pentadbiran dan pembangunan.
BalasPadampenyelidikan dan pemeriksaan terperinci dari semua sudut perlu dibuat bagi memastikan keputusan yang bakal diambil adalah keputusan terbaik.
BalasPadampenambahan kerusi itu nanti sudah pasti membolehkan lebih banyak wakil rakyat berkhidmat untuk rakyat seterusnya memberi tumpuan terhadap pembangunan di kawasan-kawasan berkenaan. dengan itu, tiada kawasan2 yang terabai.
BalasPadammana2 la...yg penting kerusi dun & parlimen perlu ditambah untuk kebaikan rakyat sabah sendiri juga...
BalasPadamdengan penambahan kerusi ini juga wakil2 rakyat yang terpilih dapat menangani masalah semasa yang dihadapi oleh penduduk setempat dengan lebih berkesan
BalasPadamsemoga penambahan kerusi ini dapat persetujuan 2/3 dari parlimen dengan lebih cepat
BalasPadamjika ini dapat dilaksanakan, berharap semua wakil2 rakyat dapat memainkan peranan masing2 dengan lebih cekap dan menangani masalah rakyat dengan lebih berkesan
BalasPadambetul, penambahan kerusi ini juga bermakna peningkatan peruntukan untuk memberi manfaat kepada penduduk di suatu tempat.
BalasPadamharap idea ni dapat maklum balas yang +ve dari semua pihak
BalasPadamWe hope EC can give the best services on GE 13th soon.
BalasPadamSelagi tidak ada keputusan dari 2/3 dari perlimen atau Dun maka penambahan kerusi ini pasti tidak boleh dilaksanakan lagi. Jadi buat keputusan yang terbaik. Perlu atau tidak penambahan kerusi ini buat masa sekarang.
BalasPadam“As for the state seats, Sabah has no problem but we still need to get the approval from the state government as stipulated under Section 13 of the Federal Constitution,” Md Idrus explained.
BalasPadamHoping such proposal go on right track to get the approval.
Such proposal need to follow right procedure to get it's approval. I'm sure our government will high consider and do the best upon the requirement in Sabah..
BalasPadamMake sure the decision has finally made after a thorough and proper research about the additional seats. Anyway, it's a great idea indeed.
BalasPadamcadangan yang baik tyetapi harus mengikuti prosedur yang betul untuk mendapatkan kelulusan dari parlimen.
BalasPadamProposal yang baik seharus dikaji dan dilaksanakan dengan secepat mungkin supaya rakyat dapat memberi perhatian sepenuhnya dan mendapat pertolongan yang lebih berkesan. Walaubagaimanapun, kami tunggu berita baik dari Parlimen.
BalasPadamHope they have realized our needs.
BalasPadamGood proposal eeded to rush up but have to follow right procedure to get the proposal approve by the parliment.
BalasPadamMust closely follow up the status of the proposal. Make sure it's comply to all the requirement and the parliment can approved the proposal the sooner the possible. Some matter especially benefit to the people of Sabah shouldn't be late also.
BalasPadamHarap tambahan kerusi menyenangkan kerja para wakil rakyat dan mereka dapat lebih berfokus kepada hal rakyat.
BalasPadamYa.. agree to Peng Sen.. hoping the WR can fulfilled the people needs and wants more effective and efficient.
BalasPadamI see "no reason" that parliment to reject the proposal that sound very awesome to the people of Sabah.