Ahad, April 03, 2011


Buying of SMC was useless, says Upko

April 02, 2011Kota Kinabalu: United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Organisation (Upko) on Friday wants the Health Ministry to seriously look into the health needs in Sabah which it described as pathetic.

Its Vice President, Senator Datuk Maijol Mahap said the conditions at the QEH I is chaotic while the wards were simply "overloaded" with patients.

"The ward is cramped and very often the patients were asked to return to their district hospital soon after being operated and not recovered from the surgery," he said.

To make matters worse, he said the district hospital is unable to provide proper treatment to the patients due to lack of expertise, equipment and facility.

Because of that, he said the condition of the patients continues to worsen.

When this happen, he said the district hospital simply send them back again to the QEH.

Inevitably, he said the situation is compromising the patients' safety and health.

Another problem he said is logistic when sending patients from QEHI to QEHII.

Maijol claimed that when patients from QEHI are transferred to QEHII, it takes about two hours to accomplish because they have to arrange the ambulance which is limited as well as to arrange for accompanying doctors and nurses.

"What will happen to the life of the patient in case of emergency and urgent surgery?" he asked.

The government he said bought the Sabah Medical Centre (SMC) and renamed it as QEHII but that the equipment such as CT scan and MRI there could not be used because it was damaged.

However, he said the equipment could not be repaired because the government has no funds to repair it.

"But how could the government have no money when they had the funds to purchase the SMC at a cost of hundreds of million of ringgit?" he queried.

With regard to the delay in the construction of the new QEH building, Maijol said it is a farce.

The Health Minister he said gave the contractor until May to complete the given task.

However, he said the project should have been completed in time.

"Any delay in its completion will have a very far reaching implication including loss of lives," he said.

But construction at the new building is not the only reason that Upko is very concerned with, he said.

He said the Operating Theatre building next to the old ward that has been completed some time ago, still could not be used due to lack of surgery equipment.

"But I don't understand the logic. Why is it that they have the money to build it but no funds to purchase the equipment?" he asked.

He claimed that there have been cases in the past where patients died while waiting to be operated on.

Such is an extremely sad situation of the medical services in Sabah, he said Maijol said the district hospitals also lack in many things.

Citing a personal experience, he saw a young mother who has just given birth in Kota Marudu hospital lying on the floor with the new born baby.

"When I asked the doctor, he said there just aren't enough hospital bed for the patients," he said.

Given the scenario, he said it is unbelievable that the situation in Sabah is just worse as in undeveloped nations where health services and infrastructure is concerned.

To this, he asked what the Health Ministry and Health Department is doing to improve health services in the State.

At the moment the Ministry and Department's health development programmes for Sabah remain very unclear and confusing.

"I hope they will do something because the people of Sabah also want good health.

"We also want the medical facilities and services in Sabah to be on par with those in the peninsula," he said.

He said that they should also consider building more hospitals in Sabah.

This is because the number of poor people or hardcore poor in Sabah numbered more than those in West Malaysia, he said.

"Yet the number of hospitals there by comparison is far more than what we have in Sabah," he said.

Meanwhile, in the long term, he proposed the government should also seriously consider acquiring the army office and quarters next to QEHI.

17 ulasan:

  1. Membeli SMC bukan tiada berguna. Ia boleh menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan hospital, tapi masih tidak cukup lagi. Kerajaan masih perlu membina hospital baru untuk menampung keperluan rakyat di Sabah.

  2. SMC dibelikan oleh kerajaan kerana ia dah siap boleh digunakan. Kalau mahu hospital baru dibina, lama lagi kena tunggu. Sekurang-kurangnya SMC boleh memenuhi keperluan pesakit sekarang.

  3. kenapa pula tidak berguna? SMC juga diperlukan untuk membantu para pesakit.

  4. SMC dapat membantu menampung keperluan rakyat untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kesihatan. apa pun usaha untuk memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kesihatan akan sentiasa dilakukan.

  5. Looks like a new hospital is needed to be build to solve this problem.

  6. Tidak berguna??? aiks, rasanya apapun perkara jika dibuat dengan betul semuanya pasti akan berguna :)

  7. Malah, saya yakin pembelian SMC pasti membuahkan sesuatu yang positif kepada rakyat.

  8. SMC boleh memenuhi keperluan bantuan perubatan untuk sebahagian pesakit. Ada sebilangan mereka yang mungkin tidak mampu lagi menunggu hospital baru bolehlah mendapatkan bantuan perubatan dari SMC. Ada orang yang sudah lama menunggu untuk mendapatkan pembedahan, takkan nak suruh mereka tunggu lagi?

  9. Hospital baru sememangnya diperlukan, tidak salah membeli sebuah hospital yang sedia ada untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat semasa menunggu hospital baru. Mungkin ia kelihatan seperti tidak penting bagi UPKO, tapi bagi pesakit dan keluarga pesakit, ia adalah penting.

  10. Pertumbuhan penduduk ini penyebab kepada masalah hopsital ini berlaku. Apa pun kita mahu kerajaan mencari jalan bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini.

  11. Beli SMC??Mungkin boleh dipertimbangkan juga masalah ini. Kita tidak perlu lagi tunggu lama untuk pembangunan hospital baru..

  12. Siapa cakap itu useless? Cuba kamu fikirkan perasaan mereka yang sudah lama menangguh perubatan mereka kerana tidak cukup hospital.

  13. mempertikaikan peruntukan kerajaan untuk membeli hospital tersebut atas alasan peralatan yang tidak mencukupi seolah2 peralatan itu lebih baik dari bangunan hospital. apa gunanya peralatan jika tidak ada bangunan? peralatan itu boleh disediakan dikemudian hari sekiranya benar kerajaan tidak mempunyai peruntukan. sekurang2nya bangunan sudah disediakan dan yang paling penting hospital itu boleh beroperasi seperti biasa.

  14. Bukan useless, tapi Blessing, besyukurlah daripada tidak ada hospital.

  15. Saya percaya sememangnya kerajaan mempunyai plan tersendiri. Jadi jangan pertikaikan keputusan yang sudah dibuat oleh kerajaan.

  16. Kementerian Kesihatan perlu memastikan bahawa hospital mencukupi dan juga ada doktor dan perkakas yang elok.

  17. Hope that the government will give funds to repair the broken equipments so that they can be used to save the people.
