Isnin, Ogos 30, 2010


Namewee Media Release

Kuala Lumpur 28 August 2010 - My name is Wee Meng Chee. I am a Malaysian who grew up harmoniously with friends from all all walks of life and different races. From my young age, I was taught under our national education system to always have an open mind so that some day I can in turn, contribute my intellectual thoughts back to my beloved country.

Over the past few weeks, servants of the government under the education system have committed certain acts which disrupted the racial sentiments in the country and like many of my fellow Malaysians, I felt saddened and at times angered by these black sheep who do not respect that Malaysia is a multi-racial country with freedom of religion.

I strongly believe that this country was built by all races including Malays, Chinese, Indians and other minorities. Hence, my main objective for uploading the new video titled ‘Nah’ was to condemn such acts and to stand up against racism.This video was about defending the constitution of the country because just like me, most Malaysians want nothing but peace and racial harmony.

I have used obscene language blatantly as a form of communication in some of my videos but that does not mean I am not educated nor that I have committed a serious crime. Vulgarity content was chosen only with the objective of bringing forward my point of view (and the view of many people) with more impact. Therefore, I believe it is more critical to highlight the subject matter instead of focusing on the choice of words.

Based on the report I have read by Utusan Malaysia, I am truly saddened and disbelief that I am now being accused of causing racial tension in my beloved country by a small group of politicians representing the government when all I was doing in my own way, was to defend the true constitution of the country and condemn those who do not respect our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s hard work of building a 1Malaysia country. To show my support for our Prime Minister for enforcing ‘Zero tolerance over racist remarks’, I have also taken out the said video from my youtube account since I have already highlighted my stand over the issue, which is to STOP RACISM in this country.

Many accusations have been made upon me since 2007, and this time I like to defend for myself as nobody seems to be defending for me in the political arena. My name has been used on many incidents by politicians over the years, this time I am not going to let empty accusations with no basis being laid upon me again. I am only an individual with no political agenda or motives, who wishes to voice out his opinion against racism in this country.

Therefore I like to challenge Puteri Umno Chief for an open debate, I like to find out from her, why is she attacking the victim (the Malaysian public) when the real perpetrators of this very issue has yet to be punished? If the Chief thinks that I have no respect and sense of responsibility for my own country, please accept my invitation to have an open public debate on this issue. Help us Malaysians define, how to become a good patriotic citizen of Malaysia, educate us please.

Lastly, I love my country and I wish Malaysia a very Happy 53rd National Day !!


10 ulasan:

  1. Karya Name Wee itu tidak berniat membangkit isu perkauman tapi hanya mengeluarkan suara hatinya serta menyeru rakyat untuk menghapuskan diskriminasi dan sifat racis.

  2. kepada sesiapapun, dalam menyuarakan pendapat, bahasa yang sopan perlulah digunakan.

  3. "Vulgarity content was chosen only with the objective of bringing forward my point of view (and the view of many people) with more impact."

    I agree with him. Not only it could bring a bigger impact, it could also bring him publicity. From the way i see it, he did not raise any racism issue. He mention clearly that the vid is directly about stop or in another word f*ck racism. Who is not mad knowing that a racist was not punish for her racist remark.

  4. Hopefully the Puteri Umno will take his challenge to have an open public debate. I would love to see Namewee in action.

  5. Naaa i knew it... i knew it..he has nothing to do with racism and such but only a voice to make us know that we are not in right track anymore. Aware that we tend to forget about being nice to each other, recently. So, let us join our hands together and remember "Bercerai kita roboh"..

  6. hhmm entahlah.. saya sebenarnya kagum dengan bakat anak muda ni... cuma beliau mungkin ada alasan munasabah utk menggunakan perkataan yang dianggap rasis oleh sestengah pihak - namun logiknya s/ada sengaja atau tak, asalkan orang lain terasa/tersinggung konpom hal tu dianggap tak baik la kan. huhu

  7. Apapun, saya harap hal ni dengan baik :)
    Selamat menyambut hari merdeka!!!

  8. Apa-apa saja semua pihak mengusik. Biarkan semua berjalan lancar.

  9. I have never thought someone would be so brave and actually doing it naturally towards his own opinion and judgment. I guess that's from the heart.

  10. please find another solution that really can help to stop racism in Malaysia and the stern action should be for those who being a racist, not who against the racist..
