Villagers hit by landslip plead for candles
Kota Belud May 13, 2012: Some 500 residents in Kg Kiau Teburi, Kg Kiau Nulu and Kg Kiau Bersatu directly affected by the recent landslide there, have appealed for the public to provide them with candles.
Nabalu Natural Disaster Committee member, Sindih Taliban, said they are in desperate need of candles while waiting for their electricity supply - which had been totally cut off by the landslide - to be restored.
He said so far they have received donations in the form of food supplies and kitchen utensils as well as candles from the Persekutuan Muda Mudi of Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB), delivered by Jerry Gungkat and Cecelia Likun, and Upko through its Komulakan Chief Ewon Benedict.
Ewon, who is also Kota Belud Upko Division Deputy Chief, presented RM1,000 to students of SMK Bundu Tuhan who are forced to walk through the jungle and hills after the road leading to their village was badly damaged, making it impassable following the landslide.
The Wednesday landslide at Kampung Kiau Teburi resulted in about 3,000 people in the said three villages, including school children and government staff, losing communication link to Ranau and the State Capital.
Apart from that, Sindih also urge the authorities to build an alternative route for them to Ranau so that they can continue with their daily routines.
The committee can reached at mobile phone no: 012-8342362.
The responsible authorities should build an alternative route for the people to ranau so that they can continue with their daily routines.
BalasPadamKemudahan jalan raya harus disediakan.
PadamKeperluan asas seperti jalan raya, air, electrik harus sentiasa dalam keadaan yang baik.
PadamLets provide them with candles. Its the least we can do to help them.
BalasPadamwe can do more than this.
PadamProviding candles for them shouldn’t be a problem.
BalasPadamWe should contribute in one way or the other to have impact in the lives of the casualties.
BalasPadamThey need us now so let’s participate in reaching out to them.
BalasPadamwe should at least try our best to help them.
PadamThe government has to build a route way for them as an alternative.
BalasPadamIt is important they get back to their daily routines in order to survive.
PadamKeselamatan harus diutamakan.
PadamHarap bantuan akan segera di berikan kepada mereka.
BalasPadambantuan harus diberikan pada mereka, walaupun sedikit sekurangnya dpt kurangkan beban.
PadamRakyat Sabah pasti akan bersama2 membantu penduduk kampung yang mengalami kesusahan ini.
PadamMari kita bersama2 membantu mereka.
BalasPadamDiharapkan kerajaan akan memberikan bantuan kepada mangsa tanah runtuh untuk membuka jalan yang sementara sebelum jalan utama disiapkan.
BalasPadamKerajaan pasti akan mencari jalan untuk membantu mereka agar kehidupan harian mereka berjalan seperti biasa.
PadamJalan alternatif harus juga disediakan.
PadamThe SESB will be finding ways to restore the electricity to the villager because there is difficulties to move the generator to that location.
BalasPadamhowever, it will take some time.
Padamwakil rakyat/parti2 pasti sudah bertindak untuk memberikan sumbangan kepada mangsa tnah runtuh ni.
BalasPadamHoping prompt action been taken.
PadamSumbangan dari wakil rakyat mungkin dapat mengurangkan beban penduduk.
BalasPadamKita harus membantu dengan hati yang ikhlas.
PadamHope there will be enough help to these people. they are really in trouble now.
BalasPadamWhere is the WR? He should responsible to resolve the issue.
BalasPadamKerajaan harus prihatin dengan keadaan rakyat.
BalasPadamKerajaan akan berusaha menyelesaikan masalah yang rakyat hadapi.
BalasPadamTurun padang dan memahami keadaan sebenar rakyat.
BalasPadamKeadaan ini harus bertindak cepat agar keselamatan penduduk dan kanak-kanak tidak diancam.
BalasPadamSaya dengar pihak tertentu akan membuka dua jalan alternatif bagi membantu penduduk yang terjejas disebabkan oleh masalah tanah runtuh ini.
BalasPadamkerajaan perlu cepat dan cekap menyelesaikan masalah ini.. contohi negara Jepun bagaimana mereka boleh memulihkan negara dalam masa yang singkat setiap kali berlaku bencana alam..