Foreigners 'taking over our farms'
Vegetable plots that surround much of Kundasang. — NST picture by Malai Rosmah Tuah
KUNDASANG 2011/06/09: The influx of illegal foreigners, who farm and sell the produce here, is threatening the livelihood of the local farmers and hawkers.
A community leader said the area, which is popular for its highland vegetables, had been seeing a steady flow of foreigners renting the lands from the locals and selling the produce at a lower price than those offered by local farmers.
Kundasang Development and Security Committee chairman Mien Bangaloi said they had lodged complaints with the local authorities, but to no avail.
By law, foreigners are only allowed to work at the vegetable farms as labourers, or employed by the hawkers as assistants, but they are not allowed to trade.
"They sell at cheaper prices because they don't have to pay taxes, rentals, permits, licences or even bills, unlike local farmers or hawkers. The foreigners run their operations in the early hours to avoid the authorities or even the local traders," said Mien, who headed the committee overseeing 18 villages within Kundasang under the district of Ranau.
He also blamed some locals who cooperated with the foreigners by renting out their land.
Mien said some locals would rent their lands for as low as RM50 per month for an area of about 0.4 ha.
"For that size of land, we can produce RM10,000 to RM15,000 worth of vegetables, per season, of about four months.
"Their numbers are growing in remote locations such as Mesilau and Monteki, where I think there are hundreds of foreigners without valid documents."
Mien claimed the committee had complained to the Immigration Department, the District Office and the police, but the foreigners are still around.
"I have heard of the authorities conducting operations, but every time they launch it, not many are caught."
masyarakat tempatan seharusnya mengusahakan tanaman mereka sendiri dan bukannya menyewakan tanah mereka kepada warga asing pula.
BalasPadamWe should really stop relying so much on foreign workers.
BalasPadamGive priorities to the locals when it comes to hiring workers.
BalasPadamlebih baik usahakan sendiri, pasti kita akan lebih maju.
BalasPadam"I have heard of the authorities conducting operations, but every time they launch it, not many are caught."
BalasPadamrasanya awal2 lagi warga asing ni sudah diberitahu tentang kedatangan penguatkuasa. mesti orang tempatan juga yang beritahu tu.
kadang2 rakyat tempatan kita sendiri yang terlalu baik hati menjadi punca kedatangan beramai2 PATI ke negeri ini. tidak cukup memberikan mereka kemudahan rumah, berniaga dan sebagainya, kini ada pula orang tempatan yang berani membantu mereka mendapatkan MyKad..
BalasPadamWhy rent their land at first place?
BalasPadamHow to help the local if the jobs are given to the foreigners??
BalasPadam"I have heard of the authorities conducting operations, but every time they launch it, not many are caught."
BalasPadamI hope the authorities didn't purposely let go any foreigners when this operations are being conducted.
pelan 6P Hishammudin tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah PATI di sabah..
BalasPadamPATI akan sentiasa masuk ke sabah dan beranak-pinak..kenapa PATI ramai di malaysia? disebabkan kerajaan lemah dalam menyelesaikan isu ini bahkan baik hati sehingga memberi pengampunan dan status PR kepada mereka.
BalasPadam"..The influx of illegal foreigners, who farm and sell the produce here, is threatening the livelihood of the local farmers and hawkers."
BalasPadamand now hishammudin want to give amnesty to them..why should they given an amnesty while they robbing and raping the local rights?
penduduk tempatan yang menyewakan tanah mereka kepada PATI harus ditahan kerana mengkhianat dan tanah tersebut harus dirampas..hukuman berat harus dikenakan kepada mereka yang bersalah.
BalasPadamNaaa Masidi, you should do something.
BalasPadamKesihan kepada penduduk tempatan kita diharap pihak berwajib dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan segera.
BalasPadamThis is totally absurd.
BalasPadamKebanyakan orang2 timur mengusahakan ladang sayur di sana.
BalasPadamTrue, some of the people there are actually selling their lands to foreigners for quick cash.
BalasPadamSome of the people are actually selling their lands to foreigners for quick cash.
BalasPadamTengok sendiri, PATI mengambil tempat pertanian penduduk. Apa pun penduduk perlulah melaporkan perkara ini kepada polis yang berhampiran.
BalasPadamForeigners are counting the days to be part of us.
BalasPadamKementerian harus meninjau aduan ini.