A 10-year-wait to replace his stolen IC ended with Sabahan Junaidi Justin (left) discovering that he has a 'twin'.
By Marcel Chong
KOTA KINABALU Mac 19, 2012: New evidence has emerged that citizenship registration in Sabah is in shambles.
In a press conference held here, lawyer Ansari Abdullah (right) said he had been approached by the father of MyKad holder, Junaidi Justin, whose identity had been stolen.
On reporting the lost of his identity card to the National Registration Department (NRD), Junaidi was told not to make a police report on the matter as they would sort out the matter.
But that was more than 10 years ago. Junaidi has since found that he has a fake “twin”. The ‘twin’ has since married under his name and has also cashed in on the government BR1M aid of RM500 recently.
Junaidi approached Ansari, who is PKR Tuaran division chief, for assistance.
Ansari is now seeking an explanation from the NRD on how and why they had failed to act on information that they had received over a decade ago.
He also wants to know why NRD failed to respond to repeated entreaties by Junaidi’s family resolve the discrepancy.
Hope that the NRD can be approached for further explanation on this matter, the 'twin' must be tracked down for questioning whether the mistaken identity is intentional or unintentional. Hope that Junaidi's identity and rights can be returned.
BalasPadamI suggest that NRD will have a better system for recording any stolen, lost or changed identity cards and there shouldn't be any repeated identity card numbers in the country so that this sort of mistaken identity can be prevent. Hope that the NRD will take the right approach to resolve this problem.
BalasPadamLain sudah dia punya twin ni...sudah lah curi dia punya duit, pastu pakai nama si ori plak untuk kahwin.
PadamNRD should be more proactive when dealing and solving problems. Today, the 'twin' problem happened. We don't want such problem happen in the future again. NRD data system must be updated frequently.
PadamMat salleh bilang ni sudah jadi kes 'identity theft' atau kecurian identiti. Harap-harap JPN buat siasatan lanjut berkenaan dengan hal ini serta beri penjelasan kepada si mangsa.
BalasPadamJPN jangan biarkan hal sebegini berlaku lagi, memalukan saja.
PadamJPN harus memberi penjelasan....kehilangan IC harus dilaporkan kepada JPN dan juga polis untuk mengelak daripada tuan punya IC yang hilang disabitkan kesalahan atas kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh si pencuri identiti..
BalasPadamdan diharap si pencuri identiti ini akan segera dikesan untuk membantu siasatan..
BalasPadamWhy it takes so long to replace an IC? Then Junaidi met Ansari to tell his problem. Is he trying to make the govt looks bad? Something fishy.
BalasPadamNo point to see Ansari regarding the IC. must got personal agendas
PadamBetul tu, jumpa Ansari pun tiada guna, nanti kena kasih panas lagi isu ini.
Padamreport polis saja la kalau yakin memang ada kembar IC tu.
BalasPadamya, report polis sahaja, jika betul perkara ini berlaku, tidak perlu jadikan isu.
PadamJPN harus perjelaskan hal ini. hal ini tak seharusnya berlaku. mutu mykad kena dipertngkatkan agar ia tidak dpt dicopy.
BalasPadamSelain itu kualiti kerja harus dipertingkatkan juga supaya hal sebegini tak berlaku lagi.
PadamPerkara sebegini tidak sepatutnya berlaku, free2 orang yang guna ic dia dapat BRIM. harap perkara ini dapat di siasat.
BalasPadambanyak sudah saya dengar cerita sebegini, takut nanti jadi trend pula sudah.lebih baik segera ambil langkah awal untuk mencegahnya.
BalasPadamSetuju wawa. Jika tiada tindakan drastik dibuat, tak mustahil senario ini jadi trend masa kini.
PadamAdui, apa sudah mahu jadi sama Sabah sekarang.
BalasPadamPekerja di JPN biar betul dorang ni buat kerja. Tak pandai kerja letak jawatan biar saya yang masuk kerja sana.
BalasPadamHal ini patut disiasat dan tindakan selanjutnya harus diambil.
BalasPadamSemoga masalah ini akan dapat diselesaikan oleh pihak JPN.
BalasPadamKesilapan sebegini yang kita mahu elakkan dari terus berlaku.
BalasPadamlepas ni buat la laporan polis untuk kehilangan Mykad 10 tahun lepas sekali dengan tindakan pegawai JPN yang mengarahkan pengadu untuk tidak membuat laporan polis..