01 October 2011 : UPKO Deputy President, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing said that either Deputy Home Minister Datuk Lee Chee Leong is utterly ignorant or deliberately lying to hoodwink the intelligence of the people of Sabah when he ‘confidently’ denied the existence of the so-called Project IC; or for that matter there are foreigners who have obtained Malaysian ICs through dubious means.
Bumburing said, “Either The Deputy Home Minister Datuk Lee Chee Leong is utterly ignorant or deliberately lying to hoodwink the intelligence of the people of Sabah when he flatly denies the existence of Project ICs, or for that matter denying that there exist foreigners who have been given Malaysian ICs through dubious means.
“Ignorant because there are several books written on the issues with substantial proof provided by the individual writers, and was even included as evidence by an Election Judge in a court of law, and yet this Deputy Minister audaciously shows up here in Sabah and declare to the people of Sabah that no such things have ever happen here.
“Lying to hoodwink the people of Sabah and perhaps all Malaysian in general when he said that the Ministry have not been provided with information on the matter by those who made the allegations when requested.
“I would like to refresh this Deputy Minister’s memory by going back to the June 2010 Parliamentary session when the Home Minister himself challenged me to provide him with documented proof when I for the umpteenth time brought it up in parliament.
“Subsequently, at the end of the December 2010 Session, I handed over to the Ministry a 122-page memorandum calling for the nullification of all ICs belonging to foreigners whose background are questionable and the manner those ICs were issued were also questionable. With it were documented proof that there are ICs issued to foreigners which were questionable indeed.
“On 21st May 1996, the Director-General of The National Registration Department (NRD) issued a circular (Ref: JPN.KP (S):H/163/2/1(49) to all the NRD Director at States and Division level informing them that more than 16,000 ICs beginning with the letter “H” issued by the Department have been classified as ‘tidak diiktirafkan’ Meaning, this ICs were issued to people who were not qualified to have it.
I am asking, if this have happened before, what guarantee do we have that this didn’t happened again and what guarantee do we have from Datuk Lee Chee Cheong that he can come out clean on his statement?
“The Press reported yesterday that according to the 2010 Population report, more than 27% of the population of Sabah are foreigners, meaning we have almost 900,000 people among us who are foreigners. How many of these people who may have succeeded in getting Mykads for themselves? Out of every ten foreigners we bump into in the streets, how many among them would proudly confess to having MyKad in his or her possession?
“I therefore advised those political leaders to get their facts rights and study the real problem faced by the people here before coming over to Sabah and start saying something that would sound like a mockery to the intelligence of Sabahan. And no one, State or federal leaders should come up with that kind of statement until a full inquiry to determine whether those allegations are true or false are carried out and for that, only the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry can guarantee us the right kind of solution and information we needed which would eventually settled this perennial problem.”
Request for Project IC proof absurd – Majimbun
for Lee to ask for proof was absurd since the memorandum from UPKO, books by Mutalib MD and Dr Chong Eng Leong were good enough.
“I have, several times, highlighted the same issue in Parliament and tabled the issue of IC of Jerom Majimbun in BN meetings to the former and present PM but they failed to take any action,”
“In fact, this kind of federal leaders are ignorant of the issues that affect Sabahans.
SAPP deputy president Datuk Eric Majimbun
Perkara ini tidak boleh dinafikan lagi. Rakyat Sabah bukannya bodoh.
BalasPadamLee tu tidak faham betapa seriusnya kes PATI ini di Sabah yg mengakibatkan tiba2 saja peningkatan penduduk bertambah.
BalasPadamsudah lama ini isu tapi kerajaan masih mahu mempertimbangkan samada perlu atau tidak RCI. Kalau makanan kan basi sudah berulat lagi. RCI diperlukan dalam isu PATI ni.
BalasPadammasalah PATI di sabah tak pernah selesai malah makin teruk.
BalasPadamonly the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry can guarantee us the right kind of solution and information we needed which would eventually settled this perennial problem - setuju dengan Datuk!
BalasPadamtubuhkan sahaja Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) dan tengok keputusannya, kalau masih tidak dapat menangani masalah ini, carikan lagi cara lain sampai masalah ini selesai
BalasPadammungkin pihak Lee makan gaji buta tanpa membuat siasatan langsung ke atas aduan yang dikemukakan
BalasPadamjelas sekali ada sesetengah pihak yang cuba menyembunyian sesuatu dari diketahui umum
BalasPadamisu PATI sudah sekian lama berlarutan, sudah semestinya rakyat Sabah mahu masalah PATI ini ditangani dengan jayanya oleh kerajaan Sabah!
BalasPadamMesti ada punya lah.....mau menipu pun tidak dapat sudah!
BalasPadamJika hal ini betul, rakyat Sabah tidak akan marah tapi kena perbetulkan apa yang sudah terjadi. Hantar baiik pendatang asing kembali ke negara asal mereka.
BalasPadam"The Deputy Home Minister Datuk Lee Chee Leong is utterly ignorant or deliberately lying to hoodwink the intelligence of the people of Sabah when he flatly denies the existence of Project ICs, or for that matter denying that there exist foreigners who have been given Malaysian ICs through dubious means."
BalasPadamAdakah mana-mana pihak yang ingin sembunyikan sesuatu dari rakyat? RCI tidah harus ditolak sebab ia lebih berfungsi dengan baik untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI.
RCI berkemampuan menyelesaikan masalah PATI dan memberi maklumat punca-punca PATI di Sabah, kenapa proposal ini tidak dipertimbangkan malah ditolakkan tanpa sebab?
BalasPadamKerajaan sering mengatakan "utamakan rakyat", adakah ini cuma slogan untuk menambat hati rakyat tetapi tiada tindakan langsung? Semua pihak sokong RCI tetapi kerajaan menolak semua cadangan dan memorandum dan dikemukakan, adakah kerajaan tidak ikhlas untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI?
BalasPadamSemoga ini bukan disebabkan taktik kotor semata-mata untuk mengekalkan kuasa di PRU akan datang. Walau bagaimanapun, kami tetap berharap kerajaan menubuhkan RCI untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI, dimana jumlah pertambahan PATI ini teramat luar biasa.
BalasPadam"The Press reported yesterday that according to the 2010 Population report, more than 27% of the population of Sabah are foreigners, meaning we have almost 900,000 people among us who are foreigners. How many of these people who may have succeeded in getting Mykads for themselves? Out of every ten foreigners we bump into in the streets, how many among them would proudly confess to having MyKad in his or her possession?"
BalasPadamSatu kes yang amat membimbangkan semua rakyat di Sabah. Sebanyak 900,000 PATI di negeri Sabah sahaja dan jumlah ini semakin bertambah. Jika 10% diantaranya diberi identiti, maka sebanyak 90,000 pengundi baru akan pengundi di PRU akan datang. Apa dah terjadi dengan politik negara kami? Semua sudah sakit rasanya.
kalau projek IC ni betul2 ada mesti ada di antara pemimpin2 di Sabah ni yang terlibat membantu menjayakan projek tersebut.
BalasPadammungkin kesilapan lampau tu tidak akan dapat diubah tapi biarlah pihak2 yang mencipta masalah PATI ni dapat didedahkan.
BalasPadamIsu ini mungkin melibatkan kepentingan sesuatu pihak hingga ia dinafikan.
BalasPadamWell, we're not that stupid.
BalasPadamrasanya memorandum yang telah diberi oleh datuk wilfred kepada pihak KDN, tidak dibaca atau juga mungkin telah dilupuskan..sebab itu KDN minta bukti lagi..
BalasPadamtindakan KDN yang terus-menerus menidakkan isu ini berlaku, menambahkan lagi rasa curiga rakyat sabah ke atas keikhlasan dan ketelusan KDN..bahkan juga menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati dan marah rakyat sabah kepada kerajaan..tuntutan rakyat sabah agar RC ditubuhkan seharusnya dipenuhi; bukan saja untuk kepentingan rakyat tulin sabah bahkan keselamatan dan kedaulatan negara.
BalasPadamseolah-olah pihak KDN tidak tahu akan tanggungjawab mereka ke atas keselamatan dan kedaulatan negara dengan terus membutakan mata dan mentulikan telinga berhubung dengan isu projek IC di sabah.
BalasPadamJangan buat assumption, buat lah siasatan...
BalasPadamharap siasatan berhubung pekara ini akan diteruskan..
BalasPadamisu pati perlu dipandang serius dan penyelesaian terbaik perlu dicari.
BalasPadamKerajaan seharus mengkaji memorandum yang dikemukakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI. Jika cadangan ditolak, apakah sebabnya? Adakah cadangan yang lebih baik berbanding dengan RCI?
BalasPadamKerajaan tidak seharus menyembunyikan kebenaran dari rakyat. Rakyat berhak untuk mengetahui hal yang sebenar di seluruh negara termasuk Sabah & Sarawak. Sikap menyembunyikan hakikat tidak bermakna masalah tidak berlaku.
BalasPadam"Datuk Lee Chee Leong is utterly ignorant or deliberately lying to hoodwink the intelligence of the people of Sabah when he ‘confidently’ denied the existence of the so-called Project IC; or for that matter there are foreigners who have obtained Malaysian ICs through dubious means."
BalasPadamSusah untuk rakyat percaya tiada Projek IC dimana banyak warga asing telah diberi identiti sebagai Malaysian dan terbuktinya mereka berhak untuk mengundi. Apakah penjelasannya dari kerajaan?
Memorandum PATI ditolak seharus bersamping dengan penjelasan dan sebabnya. Apakah tindakan selanjutnya dari kerajaan berkenaan dengan isu PATI?
BalasPadamTernyata RCI membawa kesan lebih baik terhadap masalah PATI dengan informasi-informasi dan punca-punca masalah tersebut. Tiada sebab kerajaan menolak proposal tersebut? Adakah kerajaan betul-betul berhasrat untuk menyelesaikan masalah atau memain dengn masa?
BalasPadamsaya cuma mampu katakan, baik Dato Lee bersara.. apa gunanya beliau pegang jawatan menteri kalau tidak tahu situasi sebenar di Sabah..
BalasPadamHarap masalah di Sabah ini perlulah dipandang serius oleh kerajaan Persekutuan.
BalasPadamTidak ada guna kalau cakap kosong sekarang. Seharusnya jika menerima laporan maka siasatlah kes ini dan bukannya duduk diam saja. Kenapa susah sangat SSD dilaksanakan? Sedangkan itulah yang paling sesuai sekarang ini.