Isnin, September 05, 2011


Musa: ‘We will consider’

TUARAN 5th September, 2011: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said the state Barisan Nasional (BN) leadership is willing to consider proposals by several of its component leaders to increase the number of state and parliamentary seats in Sabah.

He said Sabah being a vast state naturally had a need for more seats.

“We agree but we must follow the set procedures”

he said when speaking to reporters yesterday after attending the Aidilfitri Open House of Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Mohd Noor at Dewan Bersatu here.

Musa is also the Sabah Umno liaison chief and state BN chairman.

Others present at the event with him included Deputy Chief Ministers, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Masidi Manjun as well as other cabinet ministers and state assemblymen.

Pairin said the addition of state and parliamentary seats in Sabah would be a wise move to enable more elected representatives to serve the people and focus on development in the areas they represent.

“There are large areas which are difficult for just one wakil rakyat. However, the request for more seats should be taken into consideration in the real context and not according to race or ethnic groups.

“This means we need to consider the needs of the people in certain areas so development can be focused there,” he said.

Pairin therefore believed a careful study needed to be made before making any firm decision on the matter.

“We are all in BN and we must discuss and exchange ideas to determine the best decision, in order to avoid a tussle for seats.

“Even now, the election has not even been announced and yet people are already scrambling to become candidates.

“What is important is to carefully study it from all aspects and ensure that the decision is for the good of all,” he said adding that he will raise the matter at the next BN meeting.

Meanwhile, Bernama reported that Musa has described as a “non issue” a Wikileaks report of the alleged intention of some Barisan Nasional MPs in Sabah to cross over to the opposition on Sept 16 after the 2008 general election.

“No MPs (from Sabah) crossed over or defected to the opposition on Sept 16, 2008…so it’s a non issue,” he said.

Musa was asked to comment on the statement by State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said Keruak on Sunday, dismissing the Wikileaks report as untrue.

Online portal Malaysiakini reported on Friday that a leaked US embassy cable had lent credence to the claim of Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim that a group of Sabah and Sarawak politicians had planned to defect from the BN because of alleged marginalisation of the two states.

An entry in the cable, posted by Wikileaks, quoted Salleh as telling US embassy officials that potentially more than half of the 25 Sabah MPs were ready to abandon the BN.

The cable claimed further that embassy officials found “no expressions of support” for then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi among the senior Sabah politicians they met in a series of meetings in the state from June 18 to 20 that year.


PR’s attempt to take over Federal Govt is history – Anwar

The issue of Pakatan Rakyat’s bid to take over the Federal Government in 2008 is now ‘water under the bridge’

“All that is history because we are now focusing on what is important and that is the coming election,”

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

49 ulasan:

  1. Hope that the allocation of seats are done fairly among all component parties.

  2. More parliament seats are also needed for Sabah. Hope that the Federal government will approve it.

  3. kerusi tambahan perlu bagi memudahan urusan pembangunan negeri.

  4. Ramai yang bersetuju dengan cadangan ini. ada di antara pemimpin dalam PR juga bersetuju. jadi, harap2 cadangan ini mendapat kelulusan 2/3 dalam parlimen nanti.

  5. semoga wakil rakyat akan lebih fokus dengan keperluan dan kebajikan rakyat di kawasan jagaannya nanti.

  6. If it can help to solve the problem, why not?

  7. The MP also can have more concentration on their respective area.

  8. I can't wait to know the result!

  9. "There are large areas which are difficult for just one wakil rakyat. However, the request for more seats should be taken into consideration in the real context and not according to race or ethnic groups."

    Indeed right.. no discrimination.. Study the needs to increase seats.. Im sure such proposal with get high consideration from everyone especially the parliment.

  10. Great proposal but needed to follow the rigth procedure to get approval.

  11. “What is important is to carefully study it from all aspects and ensure that the decision is for the good of all,”

    Memang perlu dikaji dengan teliti sama ada proposal tersebut bermanfaatkan semua pihak.

  12. Untuk kebaikan semua rakyat dan masyarakat seharusnya dilaksanakan secepat mungkin. Kami menunggu berita baik dari parlimen.

  13. I see nothing bad about adding more seats particularly the WR can focusing more on their work and responsibility to the people.

  14. Dengan adanya pertambahan kerusi, mungkin skop kawasan dapat dikecilkan sedikit dan wakil rakyat di kawasan tersebut dapat fokus lebih untuk membantu penduduk di kawasan itu.

  15. Yang penting pembahagian kerusi dibuat dengan adil. Kalau cadangan ini untuk kebaikan, apa salahnya.

  16. Nampaknya bahang PRU 13 semakin dirasakan. Bilalah PM akan bubarkan parlimen dan umumkan tarikh pengundian..

  17. before making any conclusion, study is needed..

  18. penambahan kerusi di sabah adalah perlu berikutan keluasan kawasan yang diwakili adalah besar dan ini menyukarkan proses pembangunan di sesetengah kawasan..

  19. cadangan ini wajar diberikan pertimbangan..

  20. kita tunggu dan lihat keputusan dari parlimen nanti.

  21. PRU semakin hampir..yang penting kerajaan BN harus berusaha memikat hati rakyat Sabah terutamanya memberi bantuan kepada mereka yang perlu

  22. biar Parlimen menentukannya..

  23. harap parti2 lain terutamanya dari parti komponen BN dapat membulatkan suara keputusan mereka samada penambahan kerusi ini releven atau tidak

  24. kalau pun benar, yang penting usaha ini telahpun gagal sama sekali.

  25. betul, sebarang penambahan kerusi memerlukan persetujuan atau kelulusan dua pertiga di peringkat Parlimen untuk dilaksanakan. semoga kabinet sebulat suara.

  26. kena ikut procedur agar semua pihak berpuas hati & tidak menimbulkan sebarang masalah di kemudian hari.

  27. Jika ini membawa kebaikan dan memberi kesan positif memang patut dilaksanakan.

  28. we'll have to follow the rules then..

  29. Really hope to get more seats now.

  30. now we have musa on our side, there shouldn't be a problem.

  31. let's wait and see what's the results. Hope everything will turn out what we hope for.

  32. Follow the procedures? of course it's a must.

  33. CM dah bagi respon, nampak gaya macam ada harapan ja ni. hehe

  34. Kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah perkembangan isu ni nanti. Harap semuanya OK:)

  35. Tak sabar nak tahu apa keputusannya. Apapun, saya yakin keputusan yang dibuat pasti adalah keputusan yang baik.

  36. I think there is no problem about procedures since to increase the state and Parliament seats is a need..

  37. pembangkang patut bersetuju dengan cadangan ini memandangkan mereka sering bercakaran untuk meletakkan calon masing2 untuk satu kerusi.

  38. rasanya memang patut tambahan kerusi dilakukan bagi kawasan yang luas dan ini dapat memudahkan proses pembangunan.

  39. “We agree but we must follow the set procedures”

    It is right.. Proposal getting positive feedback, but must follow rigth procedure to get approval.

  40. Ini memang satu "keperluan" berdasarkan geografi negeri Sabah yang agak luas. Semoga permohonan diluluskan secepat mungkin.

  41. Hoping that the increasing number of seats that could help our wakil rakyat to service the people be more focus and concentrate.

  42. Harap pembangunan ekonomi negeri Sabah lebih keseluruhan and pesat. Kawasan pedalaman juga dapat dijaga and ditadbir dengan lebih berkesan.

  43. Teruskan usaha memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk Sabah dan rakyat.

  44. It truth, need follow the PROCEDURES to add new seats for state and parliament. So this still under discussion.

  45. Tidak salah jika perbincangan ada.

  46. I think there is a need to add some seats at some places.

  47. Apa yang penting ialah adil dan saksama.

  48. There always a problem with it.
