PKR believes using indelible ink is more effective
KOTA KINABALU 5th September, 2011: PKR believes the use of indelible ink in the coming election will be more effective than the biometric system in preventing electoral fraud.
The party’s treasurer general, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, who is also the Selangor Menteri Besar further noted that the indelible ink is cheaper, easier and faster to use than biometrics which requires an interactive database.
He added that in comparison, only RM3 to 4 million is required to use the indelible ink which is an unsophisticated and yet very effective instrument.
Speaking to reporters at a hotel here yesterday, Khalid said that in the context of Sabah, it would be irrational to use biometrics because of the absence of internet connectivity in the rural areas.
“If you cannot even access the internet, how are you going to check the database on a voter’s information? This checking could also take hours and our system has not reached the level of very immediate interaction.
“This will take many years, so for the time being I think we should accept the indelible ink as used by other countries. At this time it is better to use a simpler and more effective form because I don’t know how many millions of ringgit will be spent to download biometrics,” he said.
Khalid thus said PKR supported the Bersih movement and its aspiration of having “a good referee on a level playing field”.
The Election Commission must make sure that it is not guided or influenced by anybody and focus on only the task it has to do, he stressed.
Meanwhile PKR advisor cum Pakatan Rakyat leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who was also present at the press conference concurred with Khalid.
“With biometrics who is going to do the checking? What if there are doubts on the nationality of a voter in Lahad Datu; who is going to check with the National Registration Department? The verification process will surely take a long time… who is the officer that will do the immediate verification?” he asked.
Anwar pointed out that while using indelible ink may not be 100 per cent fool-proof in ensuring a clean electoral roll, it is an improvement from the current voter verification system applied on polling day.
Both the indelible ink and the biometric system can be used together to make the electoral process more easier to monitor.
BalasPadamHope that the Electoral commission will make the right decisions before the next GE.
BalasPadamsaya setuju bahawa dakwat kekal digunakan dalam PRU nanti memandangkan sistem biometrik tidak begitu efektif digunakan terutama di kawasan2 yang tidak mempunyai liputan internet yang baik seperti di Sabah.
BalasPadamapapun, perbincangan perlu dilakukan terlebih dahulu untuk mencapai kata sepakat. rakyat mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk PRU-13 nanti. semoga pilihanraya dapat dijalankan dengan adil dan bersih.
BalasPadamJika diberi pilihan, saya akan memilih untuk menggunakan dakwat kekal.
BalasPadamDiharap PRU 13 akan dijalankan dengan telus tanpa sebarang manipulasi dan pertikaian lagi.
BalasPadamguna dua2 lagi bgs.. pasti ia bertambah lancar dan semua pihak brpuas hati.
BalasPadampekara ini sedang ditelitidan dipertimbangkan..tunggu saja keputusannya nanti.
BalasPadamIndia yang merupakan pengguna setia dakwat kekal kini akan beralih kepada biometrik.. ini menunjukkan dakwat kekal juga masih tidak cukup sempurna.
BalasPadammemandangkan dakwat kekal dan biometrik masih baru di negara ini, mungkin lebih baik jika kedua2nya digunakan pada pilihanraya umum kali ini.. saya cadangkan dakwat kekal digunakan di kawasan pedalaman, manakala biometrik digunakan di bandar2 atau pekan.. jika ada keraguan terhadap mana2 kaedah tersebut, hanya satu sahaja yang akan digunakan dalam pilihanraya seterusnya.
BalasPadamSPR perlu memikirkan cara yang lebih berkesan untuk PRU akan datang ini.