Jumaat, September 30, 2011


'No proof of Project IC'

Kota Kinabalu September 30, 2011: Deputy Home Minister Dato' Lee Chee Leong has denied allegations by opposition parties about the existence of the so-called Project IC which was supposedly started by an Umno task force in the 1990s.

He said the Government had asked the opposition to provide proof regarding the allegations for many years, but had yet to receive any until today.

"I don't see any way how they (immigrants) could get their identification card just like that, because every applicant needs to go through all sorts of procedure to get them," he said.

"So this is not true,"

he said, stressing that the Ministry denies such claims.

He was speaking after presenting citizenship certificates to 23 applicants at the Federal Administration Complex on Thursday.

It was claimed that the Project IC had benefited at least 600,000 foreigners in 2005 who were given Malaysian ICs through falsified SD (statutory declarations) in 1991.

The purpose of the task force, as claimed by some, was to seek out foreigners and issue them with Malaysian ICs and register them as Umno members and voters to be placed in 30 out of the 48 state constituencies during that time.

Meanwhile, foreigners who have applied for Malaysian citizenship have been urged to follow-up with the National Registration Department.

Lee said there are still a number of people whose applications have been approved by the Government but who are not traceable.

"The 23 recipients today are those the Department are able to trace and locate, and there are still quite a number of people who are not able to be found.

Those who have applied for the Malaysian citizenship should check with the NRD to see whether their applications have been approved," he said, adding that those who have changed their addresses should inform the department once they do so.

He also stated that the outcome of applications would be announced within a year from the date of submission.

Also present was Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department, Datuk Edward Khoo and City Police Chief, ACP Ahmad Sofi Zakaria among others.

Lee, Khoo and Sofi among other guests posing for the camera with the citizenship recipients.



“Saya membuat memorandum ini agar Kerajaan Malaysia membatalkan semua kad pengenalan projek yang telah diberi secara curang kepada Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (PATI) dan generasi pertama, kedua dan seterusnya sejak 1972 sehingga kini kerana ia mencabul Kedaulatan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M Bumburing


48 ulasan:

  1. bagaimana dengan memorandum yang telah diserahkan oleh datuk wilfred kepada KDN? semua bukti ada dinyatakan dalam memorandum tersebut.

  2. sama ada benar atau tidak, siasatan perlu dilakukan..rakyat sabah tahu siapa yang bukan rakyat tulin di sabah..maka KDN tidak harus membutakan mata dan mentulikan telinga mereka berhubung isu ini.

  3. RCI harus ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat perkara ini..pertumbuhan penduduk sabah yang amat luar biasa seharusnya membuka mata KDN untuk melihat dengan lebih serius isu ini yang mana berkait rapat dengan kedaulatan dan keselamatan negara..

  4. siasatan harus diteruskan..tiada sebab mengapa isu ini tidak perlu diberi perhatian sewajarnya oleh KDN..

  5. If this is not true then, why it happened? I bet must be something wrong with officers in JPN.

  6. Tidak boleh dinafikan lagi Projek IC ini. Harap tindakan diambil untuk menanganinya.

  7. Saya setuju untuk pihak bertanggungjawab menjalankan siasatan secara terperinci terlebih dahulu.

  8. masakan pula Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M Bumburing suka2 membuat memorandum tanpa sebab..

  9. bukankah beliau juga di pihak kerajaan? jadi tidak ada sebab mengapa kerajaan Sabah tidak mahu mempertimbangkan permintaan beliau ini

  10. jelas sekali ada sesetengah pihak yang cuba menyembunyian sesuatu dari diketahui umum

  11. The purpose of the task force, as claimed by some, was to seek out foreigners and issue them with Malaysian ICs and register them as Umno members and voters to be placed in 30 out of the 48 state constituencies during that time.

    senang saja, periksa IC ahli2 UMNO seperti yang dinyatakan di atas, jika ada yang tidak tulen, sahlah mereka PATI yang diberi keistimewaan

  12. sudah semestinya rakyat Sabah mahu masalah PATI ini ditangani dengan jayanya oleh kerajaan Sabah

  13. Kalau tiada angin tidak la daun pokok bergoyang. apa salah siasat untuk menunjukkan keberanan kepada rakyat Sabah.

  14. ertambahan penduduk yang begitu mendadak mmg menimbulkan persoalan. oleh itu ia perlu disiasat. RCI perlu ditubuhkan untuk selesaikan hal ini.

  15. pemimpin2 Sabah sendiri ada bukti untuk projek IC tu. kenapa perlu menafikannya? mungkin mereka takut tembelang mereka terbongkar jika benar2 perkara ini didedah.

  16. diharap suatu hari nanti pihak2 yang terlibat dalam projek IC ni mendapat pembalasan. memang tidak adil buat rakyat Sabah.

  17. Can't believe it, it's been 20 years....why now?

  18. no proof? seriously, this project has been discussed for a time now, now then they realized.

  19. jika perlu tubihkan RCI, tak guna juga jika hal ni tak dapat dikawal.

  20. hope immediate actions and investigation will be taken.

  21. Memang tak patut teka-teka di sana.

  22. memang tak ada bukti...tapi banyak laporan telah dibuat...mungkin ada asas dalam tuduhan ini...siasatan perlu dibuat oleh pihak yg berkaitan...

  23. Bikin binggung ni.. Kejap ada bukti kejap takda. huhuhu

  24. Betul jugalah kan jemica. Takkanlah pokok bergoyang tanpa sebab kan. So better siasat hal ini dan dedahkan hal sebenar.

  25. Walaupun saya takda bukti, saya sendiri tak percaya kalau ic palsu tak wujud di Sabah.. Before ni pun kan media ada dedahkan tentang hal ni.. Masuk TV3 lagi.. Takkan takda bukti???

  26. Semoga hal ini akan terus diberi perhatian sewajarnya hinggalah selesai sepenuhnya.

  27. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa yang akan berlaku seterusnya.

  28. isu yang berlaku ini perlulah dipandang dengan lebih serius..

  29. harap penyelesaian terbaik akan dicari bagi mengelakkan masalah ini menjadi semakin teruk.

  30. You're not Sabahan of course you don't know.

  31. Lets RCI do his job to find the answer.

  32. Penjelasan telah dibuat oleh Dato' Lee Chee Leong berkenaan projek IC, sama ada menerima atau tidak, terpulang kepada rakyat untuk menilaikannya.

  33. Kalau penjelasan Dato' Lee benar, biar lah RCI ditubuhkan dan menjalankan tugas untuk menyiasat. RCI akan memberi jawapan kepada semua golongan. Cuma cara ini lar yang baik untuk membuktikan kebenaran bhw tiada kewujudan projek IC. Kata-kata Dato susah untuk semua orang diterimanya.

  34. We need RCI, we believe only RCI can give proven facts and data. Explanation like these has limitation to convince the people.

  35. "I don't see any way how they (immigrants) could get their identification card just like that, because every applicant needs to go through all sorts of procedure to get them,"

    Are they (immigrants) gone through the right procedure to get their IC? Who can ensure these? Lets go ahead with RCI, I'm sure RCI could give all sort of answer that everyone needed. RCi would be able to explain on behalf of Dato' Lee also.

  36. RCI will find out the prove and evidence.

  37. There must be some reason about the existance of Project IC. Very hard to believe that the opposition creates story and try to take things for granted. Just simple question and simple answer, why the population gone up so high? Invest then everybody know the answer.

  38. "I don't see any way how they (immigrants) could get their identification card just like that, because every applicant needs to go through all sorts of procedure to get them,"

    They must be someway that the immigrants to get their IC. Lets RCI do their job to find out the answer. Such explanation seems lacking of convince.

  39. Rasa-rasa ada pintu belakang untuk warga asing mendapat ICnya. Kesemua ini seharus RCI untuk membuktikannya. Kerajaan tiada sebab untuk menolak proposal yang lebih berkesan untuk selesai masalah PATI dan Projek IC ini.

  40. Problem cannot be solved by only "denying" it. many incidents proven that project IC really happened in Malaysian politics, lets RCI invest and tellthe answer.

  41. bukankah bukti telahpun diberikan kepada menteri yang berkenaan?? isu ini tidak akan timbul jika benar ianya tidak wujud.. kenapa tidak tubuhkan saja RCI bagi membuktikan bahawa Projek IC tidak berlaku di Sabah??

  42. No proof?Because you are blind!

  43. What proof? Come down to Pulau Gaya and you'll know.

  44. Its the problem now, do not have evidence for Project IC..

  45. Kalau benar cuba dulu tubuhkan RCI dan lihat sendiri nanti bukti yang dimahukan pasti akan ada.

  46. Kenapa kita perlu menafikan perkara yang benar-benar memburukkan keadaan. Seharusnya kita lebih berjuang kepada kebenaran dan bukannya kepentigan diri semata-mata.
