Federal leaders making empty promises in Sabah
RANAU July 10, 2011: Former Kinabalu (now Ranau) MP Datuk Dr Osman @ Othman Minudin said Deputy Education Minister Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi:s challenge to be beheaded if a school project did not materialise should be a lesson to all Federal Ministers about promising projects to the people.
He said Puad should pot have joked about it concerning the proposed SMK Nabalu. And having said that he should not have allowed it to be delayed by two years because the people were actually waiting for the school longer than that. "He should not have taken a long time to respond to the grouseS from various quarters on the delay because he sits in the Ministry and knows all the procedures related to the project's implementation," said Dr Osman.
He said this only suggests that Puad probably thought the people of Sabah could be taken lightly or for granted. He said education development in Sabah would not progress accordingly so long as Putrajaya decides even small things like repairs of any damage to school buildings. 'Even this requires a Deputy Minister to come down and check before any allocation can be provided," he said, and asked what then was the responsibility of the Sabah Education Department, "Why can't this department decide even those small matters?" he asked.
He said his observation as an MP (1990-1994) showed the State Education Department at that time did not have to refer to
Kuala Lunpur but this was probably because the Director post then was held by a West Malaysian. "Is it no more the same just because the post is now held by a Sabahan?"
Dr Osman also noted that Puad was also not successful in getting sufficient teachers to fill the thousands of vacancies in the State while there was talk of flooding the State with peninsula teachers, whose return after a couple of years only affected the academic performance of Sabahans.
TIe is aware that there are thousands of Sabahan graduates who have applied to become teachers but were never considered," he said.
He hoped the issue of graduate quality would not be made an excuse by Puad because Sabahans are surely no less academically
qualified than their peninsula counterparts.
"Sabahan graduates who apply to become teachers should be given top priority in filling up the thousands of vacancies in the State. Either they should go for teaching training or teach first while waiting to be called for training," he said.
Semoga kerajaan pusat akan menunaikan janji-janji mereka kepada rakyat Sabah. Janganlah cakap tak serupa bikin.
BalasPadamjust let your head beheaded Puad...you already promise..
BalasPadampemimpin persekutuan memang bersikap begini..mereka memperbodohkan orang sabah tetapi mahu undi rakyat sabah..oleh itu, adalah wajar rakyat sabah menolak parti malaya dan menyokong parti sabah untuk mengurus tadbir negeri..
BalasPadamapa2 janji dari pemimpin persekutuan rakyat sabah tidak akan percaya lagi..kerana sudah terbukti pemimpin persekutuan seperti Puad hanya tahu berjanji kosong dan manis..
BalasPadamteguran datuk masidi harus diterima dengan baik oleh Puad kerana apa yang telah dikatakan oleh masidi adalah betul..
BalasPadamhope the ministry from Putrajaya can work along in peace with the Sabah Ministry.
BalasPadamsetiap janji yang diberikan perlu dipenuhi agar rakyat tidak tertunggu-tunggu.
BalasPadamapa pun, yang penting keperluan rakyat perlu dipenuhi demi kebaikan rakyat.
BalasPadamjika nak berjanji, pastikan mampu tunaikannya, jgn buat janji kosong, ia hnya menaikkan kemarahan rakyat.
BalasPadamlebih baik Sabah diberi kuasa autonomi dalam soal pembangunannya. jika asyik merujuk kepada Putrajaya, Sabah akan sukar untuk berkembang maju.
BalasPadamJangan hanya tahu menabur janji, tunaikan la janji.
BalasPadamjangan sahaja ada orang memang nak penggal kepala dia sudahlah!
BalasPadamTunaikanlah apa yang telah dijanjikan. Ingat kebajikan rakyat harus sentiasa diutamakan.
BalasPadamSemoga perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.
BalasPadamPuad should take lesson from this.
BalasPadamFederal don't look down on the Sabahans. Co-operate well with us, and we will do the same.
BalasPadamJanji haruslah dikotakan. Kerana itulah rakyat memberikan sokongan dan kerana itulah juga rakyat bosan.
BalasPadamJanji..janji..janji..tapi tidak ada juga. Kerana orang beginilah satu parti akan terus buruk namanya. Orang tidak akan sebut nama orang yang berjanji itu saja tapi satu parti itu akan mendapat nama yang buruk oleh rakyat.
BalasPadamdi malaysia ni bukan hanya ada satu parti politik. Puad kena ingat kalau bukan kerana rakyat, beliau tidak selama2nya berada diatas. tidak selama2nya juga Puad boleh meremehkan masalah serta tuntutan rakyat..