Quarter of the nation's crude oil from Sabah
January 09, 2011 Kota Kinabalu: Sabah contributed more than quarter of the nation's crude oil last year.
Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the State chipped in about 26.9 per cent of the country's overall crude oil output, which totaled more than 637,000 drums daily.
The oil and gas industry was one of the main contributors to Sabah's economic sustainability, he said, adding many large-scale projects in the sector have been developed.
"These includes the Kikeh Oil Field, which is the first offshore deepwater oil field in Malaysia and the
Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) in Kimanis as the industry's hub in the State's West Coast," he said during the Petronas Petroleum Technology Institute (Instep) 2010 Convocation, Saturday.
"I am confident the sector has the potential to grow even further in future."
In the same breath, Musa said such development could only be achieved with skilled and experienced labour such as those produced by national oil company Petronas.
"The training programme by Petronas through Instep is a good platform to guide the younger generation to fulfill the human capital demand in this industry," he said.
The Chief Minister presented certificates to 211 Sabahan trainees who completed a two-year Petroleum Technology Programme (PTP) that started in 2007 at the Instep campus in Kuala Terengganu.
Many of the students took the one-year PTP1 course while the rest went through the two-year PTP2 that consisted of six fields namely electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, laboratory/analytical, process and distribution.
These Sabahans are part of over 1,000 trainees who completed the PTP, with the convocation here being the third held for this batch, the first being in Kuala Terengganu and the second in Miri last year.
Musa called on the graduates, a majority of them already employed with Petronas subsidiary company, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, not only to respond to the industry's demands but also to propel oil and gas to be one of the core thrusts of Sabah's economic development, towards a higher income economy as envisioned in the Economic Transformation Programme.
"The State Government appreciates the commitment by Petronas to make highly skilled and competitive human capital out of Sabahans for the industry and other sectors as well," he said.
Meanwhile, Petronas Vice-President for Downstream Operations, Kamarudin Zakaria said having been introduced in 1988, the PTP1 and PTP2 have produced more than 7, 000 graduates, with almost 700 coming from Sabah.
He also said the company's technical education in the State was not only limited to Instep alone but that Petronas also ran other training programmes like installation of gas pipes at the Industrial Training Institute here and structure welding at the Commercial and Technical Training Institute in Papar, among others.
Earlier, Musa also presented the Best Student Award to Canicius Kundayis, a student in the laboratory/analytical course from Tamparuli, who earned a CGPA score of 3.87. The 23-year-old chose oil and gas as his career because of the industry's potential.
He advised those looking to make it in the industry to have a strong will, pointing out it was a challenging sector to work in.
Also present at the convocation were Petronas Sabah and Labuan General Manager, Joseph Podtung, Petronas Human Resource Management, Distribution and Development General Manager, Raiha Azni Ahd Rahman and Instep General Manager, Hj Mohd Zazali Salim.
since Sabah has contributed so much to the oil and gas industry in this country, Sabahan should be given the opportunity or grab the opportunities to be involved in this industry.
BalasPadamI hope Sabahans would be given more chances to work in the oil and gas sector so that we can eventually process our own crude oil.
BalasPadamagree with villager, Sabahan should be given the opportunity to be involved in this industry.
BalasPadamhope it make Sabah economy will keep growing for the better.
BalasPadamSabah byk memberikan sumbangan dalam industri minyak negara, penduduk Sabah seharusnya mendapat manfaat daripada hasil minyak tersebut.
BalasPadamI'm proud to know Sabah has contributed more than quarter of the nation's crude oil last year. This is a good sign for sabah.
BalasPadamBaguslah kalau begitu.
BalasPadamharap sabah akan semakin membangun lagi.
BalasPadamSabah should process our own oil.
BalasPadamthen, oil royalty for sabah should be raise..federal should do it..
BalasPadammore jobs opportunity should be given to sabahan in oil and gas industry...
BalasPadamand more allocation should be given to sabah for development..
BalasPadamoil and gas industry should be develop in sabah..it will give more benefits to sabahan and also for the state..
BalasPadamAs I said, CM has done a great job.
BalasPadamIni membuktikan bahawa Sabah memang berpotensi dalam menghasilkan minyak.
BalasPadamWe should pass this credit to CM.
BalasPadamSabah mampu melangkah lebih jauh.
BalasPadamNever underestimate Sabah's strength.
BalasPadamSabah juga banyak menyumbang kepada negara.
BalasPadamHope Sabah will produce more oil to the country.
BalasPadamWe can look Sabah one of the state produce more oil and gas to Malaysia. Hope PM can give the something for Sabah with what contribution given to country.
BalasPadamWell done Sabahan, more to come in the future!!
BalasPadamSabah is going to make a great history....let us joint our hands together....
BalasPadamSabah menyumbang usaha juga terhadap pembagunan negara, tapi sering dianggap fixed deposit. Kita patut dapat layanan yang sama.
BalasPadamSabah has been contributing more than just crude oil, don't forget palm oil, logs and others.
BalasPadamSabah produce a lot, yet still among the poorest, where's the mistakes?
BalasPadamSabah juga sama-sama menyumbang kepada negara, kita juga sepatutnya mendapat balik pulangan yang setaraf.
BalasPadamSabah patut dapatkan lebih royalti minyak kerana menyumbang sebanyak ini kepada pengeluaran minyak.
BalasPadamNegara Malaysia sepatutnya lebih menghargai Sabah, tapi mengapa kita masih terpinggir?
BalasPadamHarap kerajaan pusat tidak akan meminggirkan rakyat Sabah.