Jumaat, Julai 30, 2010


Q: One of the biggest problems Malaysia has is attracting FDIs. What are the things we need to do?

A: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s recent announcement on liberalisation have been tremendously helpful in building investor confidence for Malaysia. However, there are some investors who are taking a wait-and-see attitude to be convinced of actual implementation.

Previously, there had also been complaints about bureaucracy but this has improved tremendously. I have been getting good feedback from a lot of Arabs who are investing in Malaysia and thus I am bullish in the long-term on our ability to attract FDIs.

Attracting FDIs is not just about going abroad and doing roadshows to sell publicly-listed shares. The FDIs that Malaysia should be pushing hard to attract are those which clearly indicate a commitment for the long-term which result in real multiplier effects and benefits the country.

Malaysia can also be more effective in locking in FDIs by having a more streamlined, coordinated and systematic approach in which heads of states, government officials and private businesses target key investors and offer attractive investment propositions in strategic areas for Malaysia which maximises the short-term economic impact for Malaysia, but also fits the bill of sustainable development in the long-term.

It is also important that all Malaysians make the extra effort of explaining to investors about the potential of Malaysia and clarify some of the negative perceptions of our country.




Affirmative action uncertainty affecting FDI, says Nazir

11 ulasan:

  1. So, technically, in order to attract more FDI's, all the investors needs to do is "Just do it".

  2. Whatever you say, do not make any trouble...

  3. Whoa Jho Low on FDIs! Good to see him sober once in a while.

  4. Jho Low- Morning as an investor, night as a party animal. Not bad at all. Neway, Najib should take note on Jho Low opinion.

  5. Hopefully we can raise the FDI rates in the country the next round.

  6. just take into consideration all opinions made by public's..

  7. May be we can ask for any tips how to be just like him, i only want to meet my idol.. can halp me on this?? I really want to meet with Avril Lavigne.. so bad i couldn't make it real, maybe he's the chosen one to bring my dream come true..

  8. Reminds me of NIKE slogan, "Just Do It". Well, let's just do it then. :D

  9. Jho Low has a very good opinion on FDIs. Najib need to consider his opinion.

  10. hehee, ya kan Angelus NIKE punya slogan :) So let's try it la mana tau dapat 'NAIK' kan. hehe

  11. Apapun, buatlah apa yg patut. Asalkan dapat tanggani hal ni dengan baik, saya sokong saja :)
