Malaysian voters have mixed views on government KPIs - survey
BANGI, 8 June 2010 – Peninsular Malaysia voters showed wide-ranging views on the government’s key result areas but at the same time the Prime Minister’s approval rating remained steady in positive territory as found in the opinion poll released by Merdeka Center for Opinion Research today.
With respect to the National Key Result Areas (NKRA), the survey showed that a majority still find the efforts to fight corruption and crime to be lower than expected:
- 61% of respondents were dissatisfied with the performance in fighting corruption
- 57% of respondents were dissatisfied with efforts in reducing crime;
On the other hand, the survey found:
- 52% were satisfied with efforts to improve living standards of those in rural areas;
- 54% were satisfied with efforts to render assistance to those that need it;
- 56% were satisfied with efforts to improve public transportation; and
- 63% were satisfied with efforts to improve the quality of education in primary and secondary schools.
Public remains split over national direction
When provided with a list of issues, 53% of the voters chose ‘fighting corruption’ as the most important issue that the government should pay attention to.
The survey found that Malaysians for the most part remained split over the direction of the country with 52% saying it was on the “right direction” while 34% said “wrong direction” while 14% were uncertain or could not tell.
Poll Report
61% tidak berpuas hati dengan usaha kerajaan memerangi rasuah...53% mengatakan bahawa kerajaan harus menumpukan lebih perhatian kepada usaha memerangi rasuah berbanding dengan perkara2 lain dlm NKRA..statistik ini juga menunjukkan bahawa belum ada usaha yang efektif dan efisien utk memerangi gejala rasuah terutama di kalangan penjawat awam baik rendah atau tinggi...
BalasPadamkpi ditetapkan untuk mencapai sasaran tetapi samada ia berjaya dilaksanakan bergantung kepada pelaksana. walaupun bukan 50% atau 100% salah satu kpi itu berjaya dicapai, sekurang-kurangnya 10% pun sudah cukup menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan sedang berusaha gigih kearah menghapuskan rasuah dan memerangi jenayah.
BalasPadamkpi 100% dapat dicapai sebenarnya amat sukar sekali dilaksanakan. namun daripada jumlah responden yang memberi feedback tersebut, rata-rata kurang berpuas hati terhadap isu-isu utama yang cuba diselesaikan kerajaan. namun...susah untuk memuaskan hati semua orang. namun sebenarnya kerajaan sudah menunjukkan yang ia cuba tackle isu-isu seperti rasuah, jenayah, kemiskinan, pengangkutan, naik taraf sekolah dll.
BalasPadamConcentrate on eradicate the highest and biggest problem then step by step solving other NKRA problems. But at least the Govt shows some efforts here..
BalasPadamMixed reaction indeed. 61% not satisfied with the Govt in fighting off corruption? Too eradicate it completely is not easy as it take little by little.
BalasPadamOf course we hope that the government can reach their own goals and standards.
BalasPadamReaching the KPI's means that the government are doing their job.
BalasPadamDiharapkan kerajaan akan terus berusaha meningkatkan pencapaian mereka dalam pelbagai bidang.
BalasPadamMungkin rakyat masih belum berpuas hati dengan pencapaian kerajaan kali ini, kerajaan sepatutnya berkerja keras untuk keputusan yang lebih baik selepas ini.