Khamis, Februari 16, 2012


Sabah illegals: Get to the root of the problem

imageSabahans believe that the proposed RCI on illegal immigrants in the state is a mere whitewash.

The consensus of opinion in Sabah is that nothing dramatic will result from the proposed federal government plans to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illlegal immigrants in the state.

In short, the RCI will be a whitewash job.

Already, Putrajaya has been dropping broad hints that the RCI must not be seen as an opportunity to find fault but rather, and this is putting it simplistically, how to improve procedures at the National Registration Department (NRD) in Sabah.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aasen232w Left unsaid was the fact that it is not the NRD Sabah that is at fault but the headquarters in Putrajaya which allegedly maintains the full list of illegal immigrants in Sabah who were issued MyKads and had their names entered in the electoral rolls.

Sabahans are generally not interested in getting bogged down by the NRD or MyKads. The NRD is not the be all and end all of the long-festering illegal immigrant menace in the state. They are keener to get to the root of the illegal immigrant phenomenon in the state.

This interest can be expressed in the form of a list of at least 11 key demands which Sabahans want included as part of the terms of reference for the RCI.

The 11 key demands, a preliminary list, were put together in recent days based on views expressed by people from all walks of life including political parties, NGOs and local lawyers.

  • The first key demand appears to be that the RCI should make it clear that it is a fault-finding, finger-pointing, blame game exercise with no holds barred.
  • The second key demand is that the RCI incorporate a whistle-blower programme and such a programme should also cover illegal immigrants/foreign workers/immigrants.
  • The third demand is that the RCI incorporate a witness protection programme and such a programme should also cover illegal immigrants/foreign workers/immigrants.
  • The fourth demand is that representatives of the Pakistan, Indian, Bangladesh, Indonesian and Philippine governments in Putrajaya be invited to appear before the RCI and in the event of their failure to do so, the RCI report be presented to them as well for their consideration.
  • The fifth demand is that the RCI be empowered to summon any other person, persons and/or body or bodies to appear before it, and in the event of their failure to do so, take appropriate and exemplary and punitive action including jail, fine and in default jail and whipping, whipping or all three.
  • The sixth demand is that the RCI should probe whether the state and federal governments have by administrative action and/or inaction been in defiance of various Acts, Enactments, Ordinances, adat, the state and Federal Constitutions and/or been in contempt of court, on the question of illegal immigrants/foreign workers/immigrants and related issues. If so, how (seventh demand) and why (eighth).
  • The ninth demand is for the RCI to recommend appropriate action to be taken against wrong-doers in the interest of justice for all.
  • The 10th key demand is for the RCI to recommend how Sabah can overcome the negative effects of the state and federal governments being in defiance of various Acts, Enactments, Ordinances, adat, the state and Federal Constitutions and/or in contempt of court by way of administrative action and/or inaction on the issue of illegal immigrants/foreign workers/immigrants.
  • The 11th key demand is for the RCI to recommend what mechanisms including safeguards and checks-and-balances can be put in place to ensure that no state or federal government in future will be in defiance of any Act, Enactment, Ordinance, Adat, the state and Federal Constitutions and/or be in contempt of court on any Issue.

Statutory declaration

The thrust of the key demands, already making the rounds along the political grapevine, is that illegal immigrants have been getting their hands on local birth certificates to circumvent the need to get an entry pass and subsequently run the gauntlet of applying for work permits, temporary residence permits, permanent residence permits, citizenships, and the coveted MyKad and Malaysian passports. They also made into the electoral rolls and were responsible for the addition of five parliamentary seats and 12 states seats in 1994. Sabah has 25 parliamentary seats, excluding Labuan, and 60 state seats.

Foreigners have long obtained local birth certificates under the “late registration of birth” programme by simply making a statutory declaration that they were born somewhere in Sabah. This appears to have been good enough for NRD Putrajaya, but not Sabah, to issue MyKads without batting an eye.

In fact, the National Registration Act and the Sabah Births and Deaths Ordinance make no provision for statutory declarations to be accepted as proof of birth.

These twice born “citizens” can be easily exposed as fakes if they are asked to run through a checklist to verify their village of birth, schools attended, certificates obtained and the like.

Among the “twice born foreigners” are Pakistan-born trader Salman Majid, 50, and Indian-born Mohd Kani Majid, 46, who both made it into the papers, not so long ago, for all the wrong reasons.

Salman was ordered released from a pending deportation order in late 2009 after former Sabah chief minister Harris Salleh testified on his behalf in a Kuala Lumpur court. Harris confirmed that Salman had always been a loyal BN supporter and voted for the coalition.

The court promptly declared Salman a “Malaysian”. It was even revealed in court that Salman, represented by lawyer Karpal Singh, was born in Pakistan, but held a local Sabah birth certificate, besides a MyKad and a Malaysian passport. Salman is now suing the authorities for “compensation”.

Tip of the iceberg

Indian Muslim restaurant keeper Mohd Kani, like Salman, escaped deportation after being held on April 10, 2009, in Kota Kinabalu at the Menggatal detention centre for illegal immigrants. He admitted in court that he was born in India, arrived in Sabah in 1983, and obtained a MyKad in 1993 along with 100 other Indians and Pakistanis in Papar, Sabah.

The Immigration Department allegedly seized his Malaysian passport and tried to force him to apply for an Indian passport while he was in detention but he refused.

Instead, his lawyers P J Perira and Ram Singh wrote to the prime minister on Aug 7, 2009, on his continued detention. On Aug 12, the Attorney-General’s Chambers responded that it had referred the matter to the Legal Affairs Department of the Home Ministry. He was subsequently released.

image These two cases are the tip of the proverbial iceberg in Sabah and illustrate the need for the proposed RCI’s terms of reference to incorporate the 11 key demands of Sabahans to move forward on the issue of some 1.85 million foreigners, including illegal immigrants, in the state.

Sabahans meanwhile number 1.65 million.

Joe Fernandez

63 ulasan:

  1. These 11 points should be considered by the federal government when implementing the RCI for illegal immigrants.

    1. Federal govt must be sincere in their actions.

    2. RCI harus ditubuhkan segera..

    3. RCI ini diharap mampu untuk menyelesaikan isu pati selama ini.

    4. harap jika RCI di tubuhkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan segera.

  2. Hope that those illegal immigrant problems, fake myKad issues, project IC and phantom voter problems will be able to be resolved with this RCI.

    1. Hopefully these points will be incorporated into the RCI. This is to ensure that the root of the problem can be determine and rectify.

    2. this problems must be solved before election comes so that election will be held fair and clean.

    3. isu ni sudah lama berlarutan..harap ianya akan dapat diselesaikan kali ini.

    4. RCI should be manipulation-free.

  3. In the case of Salman Majid, he won the case on technicality. However there is still no proof nor investigations as to how he manage to obtain these documentation that entitled him as a citizen of Malaysia.

  4. This clearly shows that the RCI on Illegal immigrants is crucial to safeguard the rights of the local Sabahan.

  5. The statistical figures alone is very alarmng. within a decade their numbers will exceed the local populous.

    1. itu sudah pasti...mereka akan beranak pinak di sabah...

    2. Siapakah yang boleh menjawab pertambahan yang mendadak ini?

    3. macamana perkara ini boleh berlaku, perkara ini sudah berlarutan begitu lama, setiap tahun semakin bertambah.

    4. jumlah penduduk bukan warganegara sangat ramai di Sabah. jika RCI dapat ditubuhkan pastinya punca kebanjiran warga asing ni dapat dikenalpasti.

  6. Federal Government should look into this matter and do something about it immediately.

  7. RCI must be implemented in order to help resolve issues like this in Sabah.

  8. It is a good idea if RCI is brought into the scene to resolve matters faced with illegal immigrants. But RCI let alone cannot be the absolute solution to this.

    1. sekurang-kurangnya RCI ditubuhkan...kita belum tahu sama ada ianya berkesan atau tidak sehingga ianya ditubuhkan dan dilaksanakan dengan penuh intergriti.

  9. Let’s hope the 11 points will be incorporated while RCI is established.

    1. those 11 points will definitely help to solve this ongoing issue. RCI must be set up before election comes.

  10. The rights of the people must be protected at all cost.

    1. Sekiranya hak2 tu tergugat memang patut dipertahankan dan dijaga sebaik mungkin.

    2. dengan kebanjiran warga asing di Sabah maka akan semakin sukar hak2 dan kepentingan rakyat tempatan dijaga. pemimpin dan kerajaan perlu berusaha untuk memastikan masalah PATI dapat diselesaikan.

  11. Semoga pelaksanaan RCI dapat menyelesaikan kemelut Sabah.

    1. RCI prlu bagi selesaikan masalah di Sabah, harap ia dilaksanakan segera.

  12. RCI harus dan perlu di tubuhkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini secara total.

    1. hingga kini belum ada reaksi positif daripada persekutuan..

  13. percepatkan penubuhan RCI kerana hal ini akan semakin hari semakin rumit untuk diselesaikan.

    1. ya.. ia perlu dipercepatkan, lagi lama makin menjadi masalah PATI di Sabah

    2. sekarang cuma menunggu kata putus dari PM. harap2 respon positif dapat diterima dalam masa terdekat ini.

  14. jangan hanya mengharap pada pemimpin sabah untuk memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan kita sebagai anak negeri sabah yang sejati..ianya adalah tanggungjawab kita semua sebagai rakyat sabah tulen...kita berhak untuk mempertahankan negeri sabah dari sebarang ancaman..dan PATI,PATAI, IMM13 kini adalah ancaman terbesar bagi kita...lebih merbahaya daripada dadah..ayuh, rakyat tulen sabah...marilah kita bangun dan bersedia untuk mempertahankan sabah tanah air kita..

    1. Do you mean you want the people to literally stand up and fight? Having war will not solve this problem. What we can do is to vote for our future when election comes.

    2. Our leaders do have the responsibilities to fight for Sabahan rights, our people should also be united.

  15. bila lah RCI ditubuhkan??

    1. its unsure yet whether RCI will even be set up.

    2. Hasil pertimbangan pun belum ada, inikan lagi tarikh penubuhan. Lambat betul kerajaan bertindak.

  16. Persekutuan akan mengumumkan berkenaan dengan RCI. Kami tunggu perkembangan.

    1. Saya tak sabar mahu tahu apa keputusan persekutuan terhadap RCI. Harap taklah mengecewakan rakyat.

    2. harap RCI akan dapat ditubuhkan dengan segera..

    3. We should just wait and see when the RCI will be officially launched in Sabah. The Federal has already given their approval.

    --ANAK SABAH---

    1. Hope that the voter list will be cleaned out before the next GE, we must ensure that only eligible voters are allowed to vote and no others.

  18. RCI harus diberi kepada golongan yang tiada berkait dengan politik.

    1. Sudah semestinya Elesha. Kalau tidak sampai bila-bilapun masalah pati takkan selesai.

  19. Imigresen harus memantau kemasukan PATI. Kini, lebih banyak kos dan masa diperlukan untuk meneyelesaikan masalah yang kritikal ini.

    1. Betul tu BeeHuan. Lepas tu utk selesaikan masalah pati ni, bukan duit rakyat ka kena guna???

  20. how to improve procedures at the National Registration Department (NRD) in Sabah.

    Betul, sistem pendaftaran harus diperbaiki supaya tiada pihak mengambil kesempatan.

  21. Telampau banyak pati di Sabah jadi RCI patut ditubuhkan. Manalah tahu dapat kawal pengembangan pati ni.

    1. ya..usaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati harus dilakukan berterusan.

  22. Just go for it, don't doubt anymore.

  23. pati menibulkan pelbagai masalah, disebabkan itulah semua mangharapkan masalah pati akan diselesaikan dengan segera.

  24. PATI banyak menyusahkan kita. Sudah hantar balik pun, masih juga banyak. Sungguh menakutkan memikirkan masa depan anak2 kita nanti.

  25. Program 6P kurang berkesan dalam mengurangkan PATI di sabah, perlu cari alternatif lain.

  26. Sepatutnya masalah PATI ini tidak dipolitikkan oleh mana2 pihak, seharusnya semua pihak bekerjasama untuk mencri jalan penyelesaian.

  27. RCI untuk Sabah semestinya satu cadangan yang terbaik untuk negeri tersebut. Maka kita harap kerajaan akan melaksanakan RCI secepat mungkin untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI di Sabah.

  28. Perbincangan telah dibuat oleh kerajaan persekutuan dan membawakan cadangan ini kepada kabinet untuk dilaksanakan.

  29. the setting up of RCI will involve a huge rakyat money. so I hope the huge funds is worth to solve our problem permanently.

  30. RCI bakal mendapat kelulusan daripada kerajaan Pusat, semoga pengumuman akan dilakukan.

  31. Baik kita tunggu dan lihat bila pengumuman ini akan dibuat, terma dan syarat masih ditetapkan lagi.
