‘Give us back 50 sen on every oil-derived ringgit’
KOTA KINABALU Feb 16, 2012: The Sabah Oil and Gas Contractors Association (Sogca) wants Sabahans to look beyond the 5% oil royalty which the state is currently receiving from Petronas and instead seek at least half of every ringgit that is made from its oil and gas exports.
“We should not be asking for the royalty or the (oil) blocks… that’s secondary. We should be asking that for every ringgit taken from our oil revenue, at least 50 sen or 30 sen be given back to us, either directly or indirectly. That would be much fairer,” said Iskandar Malik, its president.
He also mocked local leaders for believing they had accomplished something important and triumphantly proclaiming to the media as though it was a coup whenever Petronas announced that it was giving some huge projects to Sabah.
Iskandar explained that this is because in one way or other, Petronas would still make its money out of Sabah people.
He said the fact remained that on average, the people of Sabah are spending about RM180 million per month on oil and gas based on a conservative estimate that some two million consumers in the state are spending an average of RM3 per day either on electricity consumption or on gas for transport and other use.
“In other words, we in Sabah are actually buying back our own oil and gas at RM2 billion a year. Hence it is only fair that Petronas should award the contracts to us directly, and not through other channels like the middle men or so-called foreign experts,” he said.
Noting that that the truth of the oil and gas business lies in the number of barrels of oil the state produces daily, Iskandar questioned how many barrels were Sabahans allowed to sell directly as traders.
“Not even one drop of it. That’s the sad truth,” he said, adding that Sabah currently produces 200,000 barrels of oil daily.
He also reminded that Sabah’s existing 2.3 billion barrels of oil reserve is expected to last “a very short period” of 43 years.
O&G institution needed
But with such valuable resources, Sabah should not be poorer than the other Malaysian states which do not possess much natural resources, he added.
Iskandar proposed that an institution be set up to act as the “official spokesman” for the state government on the oil and gas industry.
This would save the state government from continuous embarrassment stemming from the unprofessional statements made by some state leaders and politicians, he said.
He added that with such an institution, state leaders in future would not end up a laughing stock whenever they made statements or comments on the industry.
He was commenting on the penchant of Sabah politicians, from both sides of the divide, to comment on the thorny oil royalty issue which had been troubling the state ever since former chief minister Harris Salleh signed over Sabah’s oil and gas wealth to Petronas in 1976.
This is a good suggestion by the Sogca, an institution will be representing the state government on the oil and gas industry as they understand the industry better.
BalasPadamcadangan ini baik dan perlu dipertimbangkan.
PadamPerlu dikaji kebaikan dan keburukannya. Yang pentign memanfaatkan lebih banyak golongan.
Padamcadangan ini perlu diteliti pro dan kontranya..
PadamHope its bring positive outcome.
PadamSounds like a good idea to have an institution in the state to explain the oil and gas sector in Sabah to the public.
PadamNot even the opposition understand clearly what the people wanted, and yet they acted like they are expert in this field. Better set up an institution and let the 'real' experts handle it.
BalasPadamThey are only good in talking, not in implementing.
Padamthe opposition are only good at talking and convincing the people, but when it comes to actually make action to do it, they couldn't.
PadamPetronas’ commitment was proven via the national oil corporation’s huge investments in several mega upstream and downstream projects worth more than RM45 billion.
BalasPadamHope that Petronas will continue with this commitment to help boost the local oil and gas sector.
PadamSeptember 2011, the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) project in Kimanis, had hired 470 locals to work in the companies involved in the RM4.6 billion massive project.
BalasPadamini sesuatu yang baik apabila kontraktor tempatan terlibat dalam projek yang sedang dibuat.
PadamGood to hear that these 470 locals managed to find jobs in the SOGT projects, hope that they will hire more Sabahans.
PadamIt is a good suggestion as long as it favors the people of Sabah.
BalasPadammungkin cadangan ini akan disokong oleh banyak pihak.
PadamI suppose the people of Sabah would agree that action speaks louder than mere words….let it be done!
BalasPadamYa sokong:) Pastikan ia dapat dilakukan sebab itu saja yang mampu mengembirakan hati rakyat.
PadamI hope this will give rise to job opportunities to the locals as well.
BalasPadamBelia juga harus menghargai peluang tersebut.
Padamlet they grab this opportuinity.
PadamIf the institution is to protect the industry in the state, then let it be set up as proposed.
BalasPadamThe oil and gas industry is a vital asset in Sabah and must be protected.
BalasPadamI must say, this is good a suggestion from sogca. It will bring more benefit to Sabah.
BalasPadamBetul yana. So far inilah idea yang terbaik saya dengar bagi menggantikan tuntutan royalti tu. hehe
Padamsetakat ini, cadangan ini dilihat sebagai cadangan yang baik.
Padamlet us support this proposal.
Padamia perlu bagi memastikan Sabah terus mendapat benefit dari Petronas.
BalasPadamApapun semua yang dilakukan haruslah memberi kebaikkan kepda semua pihak terutama kepda rakyat.
BalasPadamSabahans jangan lepaskan peluang untuk memohon mana2 jawatan kerja dengan petronas.
BalasPadamcouldn't agree more with Sogca suggestion. I hope it be considered.
BalasPadamIt's a good idea tho.
PadamPriorotised the people here in Sabah.
BalasPadamCadangan yang dibuat harus dikaji dan tidak diabaikan. Mungkin memanfaatkan lebih banyak golongan.
BalasPadamHe also reminded that Sabah’s existing 2.3 billion barrels of oil reserve is expected to last “a very short period” of 43 years.
BalasPadamMemandangkan Sabah akan berkembang sekurang-kurangnya 43 lagi.
Bagus juga cadangan si Iskandar ni. Harap dapat dipertimbangkan.
BalasPadamSemoga cadangan ini dapat pertimbangan.
BalasPadamSebagai orang Sabah, saya cuma mampu mengharapkan yang terbaik buat negeri ini.
BalasPadamsemoga setiap yang dilakukan akan memberikan keuntungan kepada rakyat Sabah.
BalasPadamMesti bagi orang Sabah dahulu.
PadamEverybody eying for the bigger asset in Sabah.
BalasPadamSogca suggestion has no doubt good but all these needed agreement from all party especially Petronas.
BalasPadamBelia di Sabah harus menghargai peluang pekerjaan yang diberi.
BalasPadamTahun 2012 akan menjadi satu titik bersejarah untuk Sabah yang akan berkembang pesat.
BalasPadamMengenai cadangan 50sen setiap rm1 jualan minyak itu satu cadangan yang baik.
BalasPadamia memang suatu cadangan yang baik dan jika ia dapat diluluskan pastinya membawa perubahan yang besar terhadap pembangunan di Sabah.
PadamKerajaan dan pihak petronas perlulah selalu membincangkan mengenai perkara ini.
BalasPadambagaimana dengan Akta Petoleum? rasanya sudah tiba masanya ia disemak semula.
PadamLama dah menjadi masalah kita, tapi tiada penyelesaiannya.
Padamdan semua negeri2 pengeluar minyak di Malaysia juga akan menuntut hak yang sama jika apa2 cadangan di sabah boleh dipertimbangkan oleh petronas..
BalasPadamWe must get every cent that we deserve back.
BalasPadamHis opinion can be consider...
BalasPadamCadangan ini sebenarnya baik, harap ia akan dipertimbangkan kerana boleh membawa kebaikan kepada Industri tersebut.
PadamDiharapkan Institusi ini akan ditubuhkan untuk mewakli Industri Gas dan Minyak di Sabah.