Dept: High unemployment due partly to unattractive salary
SERIAN May 13, 2012: The Labour Department is urging employers to reconsider the salary offered to school leavers and the unemployed in the state.
Its assistant director Jessie Bidut said there were about 27,000 vacancies available in the private sector in the state at present.
However, factors such as mobility, salary amount and unattractive job position were among the key factors why some unemployed individuals had no interest in applying for these vacancies.
“We have around 30,000 active job seekers at the moment but they were unable to fill the vacancies due to reasons such as salary and location.
“We are hoping that the minimum wage policy announced by the government recently will help to reduce the unemployment rate in the state,” she said when met at the Job Placement Programme here yesterday.
Pointing out that salary of RM500 offered by some employers was not enough to even cover daily expenses, Jessie said the high cost of living was not helping the situation either.
Meanwhile, around 20 employers offering jobs in various fields, such as in the management, technical, clerical fields, and as machine operators and general workers, participated in the Job Placement Programme.
JobsMalaysia had also set up booths to help jobseekers view the kind of vacancies available.
Wouldn't it be better for the job seeker to apply any job regardless the salary and accept the job offer while finding another better job with higher salary??? Its better than doing nothing at home. At least you are earning money.
BalasPadamNevertheless, i hope the government could reconsider the salary offered to school leavers and the unemployed in the state.
PadamBetul tu pip, ambil pengalaman dulu, banyaka pengalaman pun bagus juga.
PadamWell as saying goes, aiming for the high. But I think it won't applied in this thing.
Padambegitu la bah tu..tapi harus ambil kira tempat bekerja...kalau tempat bekerja itu jauh seperti dari tuaran ke KK, maka tentu kos pengangkutan juga mahal..jadi kalau gaji rm500, cukupkah untuk makan, minum, pakaian, tambang, sewa rumah, bil2 dan kos2 lain yang mungkin terpaksa ditanggung seperti kos perubatan???
PadamHarus mengkaji sebab utama pengangguran? Gaji rendah? Tidak cukup kelayakan? Teramat pilih kerja? dll
PadamThe salary offered to the school leavers and unemployed in the state should be reconsidered if need be so as to reduce the rate of unemployment.
BalasPadamhope there will be a decrease in the unemployment rate.
PadamThe employees should make a benchmark on this.
PadamNevertheless I hope the unemployed need to consider what is offered to them by the government.
BalasPadamThe unemployment rate in Sabah has been reduced as said by Jainab. Thus, I think this shouldn't be an issue anymore.
PadamI really hope there will be unemployment reduction in the future.
BalasPadamMasalah pengganguran di Sabah adalah disebabkan remaja sekarang terlalu ingin mengejar kekayaan dalam masa singkat namun pancit di tengah jalan.
Padamrasanya bukan sebab ingin mengejar kekayaan dalam masa singkat...tetapi disebabkan oleh kesedaran di mana mereka sedar kos hidup makin tinggi..jadi adakah salah jika mereka inginkan gaji yang lebih tinggi daripada rm500 yang ditawarkan oleh majikan?
PadamIncrease in salary will be considered for those with higher qualification.
BalasPadamPerlu seiring dengan kelulusan.
Padamhowever in sabah it doesnt work like that
Padamkalau majikan mahu lakukannya...diharap polisi gaji minimum akan dikuatkuasakan segera untuk membela nasib pekerja..
PadamBest of luck to both the unemployed and the school leavers.
BalasPadami bet a lot of people are moving to other countries to look for better paid jobs.
PadamHarap peluang pekerjaan di Sabah akan lebih banyak lagi.
BalasPadampeluang pekerjaa di Sabah sebenarnya byk, tapi yang menjadi masalah adalah kadar gaji yang ditawarkan agak rendah, moga dgn adanya upah minimum, ia dpt menarik ramai belia untuk bekerja.
BalasPadamThe Minimum Wage Policy will be effective 6 months later, hope that this will help more people get jobs.
Padamkerja memang banyak, namun gaji yang ditawarkan mungkin tidak setimpal...maka ianya menjadi faktor kadar pengangguran di sabah..perkara ini harus diatasi dan diharapkan kadar pengangguran akan berkurangan.
PadamI believe Sabah has such a high unemployment rate is because of the salary, people just dnt find it meaningless to work for that little salary.
BalasPadama lot of people find no point for working for such a small salary, but nothing can be solved since the salary wont increase tho
BalasPadamJust because of low salary, most people rather don't work, so they sit at home and wasting time while they could get experience. Even when they finally found the job they wanted, they are likely to be rejected because they have no working experience.
BalasPadamInilah masalah mengapa banyak yang masih menganggur, sekurang-kurangnya ada pekerjaan walaupun bukan yang tersesuai, boleh dapat pengalaman pun elok juga baitu.
Padamrm500 memang tidak cukup...gaji yang lebih tinggi harus diberikan berikutan masa bekerja kebanyakkan sektor swasta adalah sehingga hari sabtu..
BalasPadamkadar gaji minima juga perlu ditetapkan mengikut kelulusan seseorang.
PadamBelum pasti lagi impak gaji minimum ini jika dilaksanakan.
PadamPernah juga rasa gaji RM500 sebulan. memang payah..
BalasPadamKini kerajaan kita mengenakan gaji minimum sebanyak RM800, tapi saya rasa masalah pengangguran tetap berterusan.
PadamBelia juga harus berusaha untuk mendapat kelayakan.
BalasPadamKenapa belia sanggup pergi jauh dari rumah untuk mencari makan? harus dikaji.
BalasPadamSikap terlalu memilih kerja harus juga diambil kira.
BalasPadamMaka kita harap majikan akan cuba memberikan gaji yang baik untuk memastikan masalah pengangguran dapat ditangani.
BalasPadamHigh unemployment rates is because many graduates are picky about the jobs offered and are not willing to work hard.
BalasPadammajikan pun kadang2 tidak mahu juga ambil mana2 pekerja yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman dan kurang pengetahuan tapi minta gaji lebih..