Khamis, Januari 26, 2012


Indonesian’s appeal against sentence for raping step-daughter dismissed

KOTA KINABALU Jan 26, 2012: An Indonesian man has to spend 30 years behind bars and will be given 20 strokes of the cane for two charges of raping his step-daughter after the High Court here dismissed his appeal against the sentence.

Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum yesterday dismissed the 31-year-old appellant’s application to have his 15 years’ jail sentence imposed by the Sessions Court on each of the two rape charges to run concurrently.

Malanjum made the decision after hearing submissions from the appellant who was unrepresented and the reply from deputy public prosecutor Jamil Aripin. On August 18, 2011, High Court deputy registrar Zaini Fishir @ Fisal, who sat as a Sessions Court judge, sentenced the appellant to 15 years’ jail plus 10 strokes of the cane for each of the charges after the latter pleaded guilty to the charges.

The judge ordered the jail terms to run concurrently and also ordered him to be referred to the Immigration Department after serving the sentence. On the first count, the appellant admitted to raping his step-daughter, who was 14 years and three months old at that time in a room of an unnumbered house in a village in Keningau about 12pm on May 22, 2011. Meanwhile on the second charge, he admitted to raping the girl at the same time and place around June, last year. Each of the charges under Section 376 (3) of the Penal Code provides for a jail term of up to 30 years and whipping of not less than 10 strokes on conviction.

Earlier in applying for sentences to run concurrently, the appellant informed the court that the victim and her family had already forgiven him. In his rebuttal, Arifin submitted that the appellant, who was supposed to protect the victim, had ruined her future.

As to the number of whippings, Arifin contended that it did not exceed the maximum whipping provided under the law. “Public interest demands sexual offender to be punished severely,” he stressed.

He also submitted that the lower court did not err in ordering the jail terms to run consecutively as the offences were committed on different days.

16 ulasan:

  1. Hukuman sekeras-kerasnya harus dikenakan kepada perogol tu.

  2. orang tu memang tiada guna. harap hukuman setimpal.

  3. hukuman yang wajar bagi perogol.

  4. Indonesian! Never ever marry an indonesian guy!

    1. tapi bukan semua warga Indonesia berkelakuan seperti itu. sama juga dengan rakyat di negara ini. mana2 negara pun tidak akan lari dari rakyat yang melakukan jenayah.

  5. 30 years? i wish it more that 30 years. Let this kind of man die in jail!

    1. Malaysia should emulate the States by creating their own pedophile and sex offenders online data base and keep tabs on them.

  6. This man deserve a far more worse punishment. He has defiled the innocence of this poor child.

  7. You have ruined a teenager's life and future, now face the punishment.

  8. Terimalah akibat perbuatan sendiri, gunakanlah 30 tahun dalam penjara untuk memikirkan kesilapan diri.

  9. The girl is his step daughter, is the mother a local or foreigner?

  10. mentang2 bukan anak kandungnya, sanggup lelaki ni rogol anak tirinya. lelaki ni memanglah..wajarlah kenakan hukuman yang lebih berat.

  11. Biar mereka yang merogol itu diberikan hukuman yang berat dan setimpal dengan kelakuannya.

  12. Kelakuan ini tidak boleh diambil ringan. Pendedahan hukuman seharusnya diberikan supaya mereka takut untuk melakukan kesalahan tersebut.

  13. yang penting beliau tidak terlepas dari hukuman.. selepas selesai menjalani hukuman, hantar terus orang ini ke negara asal.. itupun kalau beliau masih hidup la..
