Khamis, Januari 26, 2012


Three in family brutally murdered

image A013116930 Hamza showing a photo fit of the suspect during a press conference yesterday.

KOTA KINABALU Jan 26, 2012: Three family members were brutally murdered by a group of men armed with machetes at an oil plantation at Kampung Kalumpang, Semporna here on Sunday.

It is said that 11 men armed with machetes attacked Ismail Jaafar, 50, his wife Salmiah Iran, 46, and their father Jaafar, 70, while they were resting with five others in the workers’ quarters in Kalumpang, about 20km from Semporna town.

The attack was believed to have been motivated by revenge.

One of the assailants, identified as Jul Mohd Nan, 37, was also killed following a struggle with one of the victims in the 5.30pm incident.

State Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib, in a press conference yesterday, said the bodies of Ismail and his father were found at the workers’ quarters while Salmiah’s remains were found in a nearby plantation at 3.40am the following day.

“Initial police investigation believes that she had ran to the plantation after escaping the attack but collapsed to serious injuries and died there,” he said, adding the victims were slashed multiple times on the neck and body.

Hamza said the couple’s three children aged between 13 and 18, and two other relatives escaped unhurt.

Police believed the group had rented a lorry to come to the plantation, said Hamza, adding police had brought in the lorry owner to help in the probe.

The group had also returned Jul’s remains to his village, at Kampung Tagasan Jaya, where he resided before fleeing.

Following the murder, Hamza said police detained three men, including one of the main suspects.

“We are looking for nine more men, including another key suspect – a 37-year-old man by the name of Amin Hatai, involved in the murder,” he said, noting that police recovered five machetes at the crime scene.

“The killing could have been fueled by revenge, probably over unsettled debt but we are still investigating,” he said, adding that police considered the case solved within 48 hours

“The incident happened in a plantation and we also have the particulars of those involved, with efforts underway to locate them,” he said.

16 ulasan:

  1. bahayanya. mudah2an pembunuh tu dapat ditangkap dan dikenakan hukuman yang setimpal.

  2. Kejam sungguh. penjenayah tu harus segera diberkas.

  3. kes pembunuhan sekarang makin menjadi-jadi.

  4. Semua benda boleh diselesaikan, tidak perlu mengikut emosi. Tapi kalaupun mahu ikutkan emosi, pandai2 la kawal janganlah sampai mencederakan orang lain.

  5. Apa yang sudah berlaku tidak boleh diubah. Kepada orang ramai jadikan ini sebagai pengajaran dan janganlah melakukan sebarang tindakan diluar kawalan. Semoga perlakuan seperti ini tidak berulang lagi.

  6. This is what happen when rage and anger overcomes rationality. All civilized thought and mannerism thrown out of the window.

  7. Hopefully they hunt down this "Neanderthal" and bring him to justice.

    1. Semoga pihak polis akan berusaha mencari semua suspek yang terbabit dalam kes ini.

  8. The murderer is local or foreigner??

    1. macam penduduk tempatan juga ni. sekarang tidak kira tempatan atau rakyat asing, memang sama2 banyak kes jenayah.

  9. Harap pembunuh kejam ini akan berjaya diberkas secepat mungkin.

  10. ramai juga yang terlibat dalam kejadian pembunuhan ni. harap2 yang ada maklumat tentang suspek yang dinyatakan, laporkan segera kepada pihak polis.

  11. Jangan biarkan suspek ini terus bebas. Pastikan masyarakat membantu memberikan maklumat jika terjumpa suspek ini.

  12. Hukuman yang berat pasti menunggu jika didapati bersalah.

  13. memang ganas.. macam negara ini tidak ada undang2.. saya harap semua yang terlibat diberkas secepat mungkin..
