Jumaat, Ogos 26, 2011


Yahya's explanation off the mark: Rubber smallholders

Kota Kinabalu August 26, 2011: The United Sabah Smallholders Association (Usaha) said the explanation by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin regarding the price of rubber by Sabah Rubber Industry Board (LIGS) is incorrect.

Its President, Chua Men Nam, said dry rubber sheet production by smallholders in Sabah is more than 80 per cent and that the Malaysian Rubber Board (LGM) has studied this matter.

"If the percentage of dry rubber sheets produced by our smallholders is only between 68 per cent and 70 per cent while Sarawak is between 85 and 90 per cent, why is it that our rubber is being smuggled into Sarawak?" he asked in a statement.

He urged the Government to abolish the 10 per cent export tax for raw rubber materials. "If the matter is not addressed, pretty soon the smallholders would be selling rubber to Sarawak," he said.

He said the processing costs that Yahya had mentioned in his statement have been taken into consideration by the LIGS.

In Sabah, he said the processing cost is RM1.60 per kilo while in the peninsula, private factories only deduct production cost at 0.80 sen per kilo.

The calculation for rubber sheets price with 80 per cent dry rubber sheets is as follows (SMR 20: RM13.40 per kilo) x 80 per cent dry rubber sheets minus RM1.60.

Chua said the rubber sheets should be RM9.12 and not RM7.85 as stated by Yahya. He expressed regret that despite the matter having already been brought to the Government's attention, the latter has no solution to it.

"This really shows the Government has no resolve to settle the problem," he said. On the other hand, he said, being a government agency LIGS should not be making too much profit as it is against the LIGS Act.

Chua claimed that LIGS staff are also paid by the smallholders through the calculation of the raw rubber materials price.

He urged Yahya to ascertain the actual position of LIGS and that a body should be formed to conduct a study on rubber purchase, including marketing of rubber by LIGS to overseas.

He said there are several steps the State Government must do:

- Form a panel to determine the price of rubber by involving LGM, LIGS and Usaha;

- Abolish the 10 per cent tax so that smallholders could export rubber to Sarawak and the peninsula, and

- Urge the Federal Government to abolish the Cabotage Policy that is not bringing any benefit to the people in Sabah

45 ulasan:

  1. diharap kerajaan dapat mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya bagi membantu para pekebun kecil getah.

  2. apapunm yang diharap para penorah getah dpt dibantu untuk memperbaiki lagi pendapatan mereka.

  3. Isu ini harus diselesaikan dan cari method yang sesuai.

  4. Itulah sebabnya kita kena memahami segala peraturan yang diterbitkan dan jika tidak sesuai di guna pakai d Sabah Minta untuk ditukarkan.

  5. Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

  6. kerajaan perlu pertimbangkan saranan yang telah diberikan seperti membentuk satu panel untuk menentukan harga getah, memansuhkan 10% cukai dan memansuhkan Cabotage Policy. diharap langkah ini berkesan.

  7. now they know the problem, time to solve it.

  8. I guess the government plays an important role in this matter.

  9. Harap kerajaan akan memansuhkan cukai 10% ini. Jika tidak, terpaksalah rakyat Sabah mengimport kepada Sarawak.

  10. Kalau boleh, diharapkan polisi cabotag juga dimansuhkan, itu menyusahkan kita orang Sabah saja.

  11. harap penyelesaian terbaik terhadap pekara ini akan dapat dicari dan dilakukan.

  12. Hmm...so who is giving the correct information? Chua or Yahya?

  13. He urged Yahya to ascertain the actual position of LIGS and that a body should be formed to conduct a study on rubber purchase, including marketing of rubber by LIGS to overseas.

    If this brings benefits to all, therefore government should take this matter into consideration.

  14. Jadi untuk menangani masalah ini cubalah memberikan keputusan yang boleh membantu penoreh getah untuk Sabah. Harga perlulah mengikut keadaan semasa.

  15. yang paling penting bagi saya, hapuskan dulu Cabotage Policy.. terlalu banyak ketidak-seimbangan antara Sabah dan Semenanjung kesan dari pelaksanaan dasar ini.

  16. semoga kerajaan dapat mencari penyelesaian yang berkesan untuk membantu mengatasi masalah dilemma para penoreh getah di Sabah.

  17. He urged the Government to abolish the 10 per cent export tax for raw rubber materials. "If the matter is not addressed, pretty soon the smallholders would be selling rubber to Sarawak," he said.

    dan juga masalah getah diseludup keluar

  18. semoga Kerajaan berazam untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang disebut di atas

  19. semoga pembentukan satu panel untuk menentukan harga getah, pemansuhan 10% cukai dan Cabotage Policy dapat pertimbangan dan persetujuan dari semua pihak yang terlibat

  20. Urge the Federal Government to abolish the Cabotage Policy that is not bringing any benefit to the people in Sabah

    kerajaan patut mempertimbangkan cadangan ini demi kepentingan rakyat Sabah

  21. the government have to solve this as soon as possible. they can't let the people do any smuggling anymore.

  22. these states are doing crime between themselves. great job...

  23. Jadi siapa yang betul ni?

  24. Study and understand the matter then make improvement.

  25. May be is a right time that the government should STANDARDIZED the rubber market price benefit to all local farmer. Also, exception of 10% tax may also need to take into high consideration..

  26. - Urge the Federal Government to abolish the Cabotage Policy that is not bringing any benefit to the people in Sabah

    Im sure the Federal Government will do the best to the people.. They heard our voice and they will soon do the ebst for us. Hope for the best!

  27. Jika pemansuhan 10% tax dan Cabotage polisi untuk kebaikan semua pekebun kecil, maka, perlu dikaji dengan teliti dan melaksanakan secepat mungkin. Kelewatan akan mengakibatkan lebih banyak pekebun kecil terdesak dengan condisi yan gtidak memanfaatkan mereka.

  28. ketidakseimbangan harga getah di Semenanjung berbanding dengan Sabah & Sarawak juga menjadi satu isu dan kebimbangan bagi pekebun kecil di Sabah. Kos pemprosesan dan pengakutan tinggi juga menjadi beban kepada para pekebun dan kilang.

  29. We have to give a bit of confidence to the federal where Im sure there will soon come back to the matter with better adjustment and policy.

  30. Memang juga harga getah patut diselaraskan.

  31. Would be great if federal government can execute the 10% tax exemption.

  32. We urge that the government accept our request by 1) Standardise rubber price
    2) Abolish 10% tax
    3) Abolish cabotage policy
    4) Better electricity supply
    5) Upgrade infrastructure system

  33. Masalah dah kena highlight jadi pihak yang berkenaan patut tahu apa yang perlu dibuat:)

  34. Ramai yang tak suka dengan cabotage policy ni. Jadi kerajaan kenalah dengar suara rakyat dan cari jalan utk tanggani masalah ini.

  35. Kalau boleh selaraskalah harga getah; dapat juga bantu pekebun kecil. hihi

  36. Semoga perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya. Saya yakin kerjasama dari semua pihak pasti dapat mencari jalan keluar dari belengu ini.

  37. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  38. Saya yakin kerajaan akan membuat yang terbaik untuk pekebun-pekebun di Sabah. Proposal memang dah dihantar ke tangan, kami sedia menunggu keputusan dari kerajaan.

  39. Government should do something to protect those smallholder too.. Im sure with the exemption of 10% tax would help a lot..

  40. Well, words are meant to be kept.

  41. Apa pun, harap semuanya akan selesai dengan segera.

  42. I believe Yahya is having good intention for all.

  43. Balasan
    1. Yahya tidak pernah potong gatah,apa dia tau tentang gatah.
