Illegal immigrants have to leave voluntarily or face action
KOTA KINABALU August 26, 2011: Illegal immigrants who have registered themselves and their families during the amnesty programme are required to leave the country voluntarily.
Sabah Immigration Department director Mohammad Mentek said in the second stage of the 5P programme, which is Pengampunan (Forgiveness), illegal immigrants are required to leave the country before October 11 or face legal action.
“After the registration period, which ended on August 10, illegal immigrants who have registered themselves and their families must return to their respective countries to get the proper travel documents before they are allowed to enter Malaysia.
“We are giving them two months, from August 11 till October 10, to leave the country voluntarily.
“Failure to do so, action will be taken against them,” he told a press conference at the Immigration Department office at the State Federal Administration Complex here yesterday.
The 5P programme consists of Pendaftaran (Registration), Pengampunan (Forgiveness), Pemantauan (Monitoring), Penguatkuasaan (Enforcement) and Pengusiran (Expulsion).
The first stage of the 5P programme, Pendaftaran (Registration) from July 18 to August 10, saw 161,370 illegal immigrants being registered at nine locations throughout the state.
They comprised 115,046 Indonesians, Filipinos (45,894), and others (430).
Mohammad said the second stage, ‘Pengampunan’, is only for those illegal immigrants who have been registered.
“Operation to flush out illegal immigrants will be carried out during this period by enforcement agencies and we will only detain those who have not been registered,” he said.
Asked how many illegal immigrants, who had registered, had returned to their respective countries, Mohammad said only 10 percent of the total had gone home.
“Many have still not left the country. So we hope employers could arrange for their foreign employees to go home before October 10,” he said, adding that legal action could also be taken against employers for harbouring illegal immigrants under Section 56 (1) (d) of the Immigration Act 1959.
Meanwhile, Mohammad said the Immigration Department would start registering legal workers, at farm lands and estates, by end of October this year.
This, he said, is for the department to have the actual figures of legal workers in the country.
At the moment, there are about 237,000 legal workers being registered by the Immigration Department, he said.
Bosses who failed to register face action
"They would be charged under Section 56(1)(d) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 which carries a fine of between RM10,000 and RM50,000 for each illegal.
"And if there are more than five illegals involved, then the employer is liable to a jail term of between six months and five years, and whipping, upon conviction,"
"Based on the 2010 Census Population, there were about 800,000 non-Malaysians living in the State. About 600,000 of them included legal workers, expatriates and foreigners who married locals here while the remaining 200,000 are illegal workers.
"But our registration exercise has listed 161,370 illegals in 24 days while the remaining ones might have returned home and could not be involved in the exercise.
"Nonetheless, we are happy with such figure (161,370) that signed up for the exercise,"
"Maybe my Ministry has received information on the matter because I have just returned from Turkey. Nonetheless, I will pursue it as soon as possible," said Anifah
Daily Express quoted recently a Philippine Embassy official as saying that it had yet to receive an official request to go over to Sabah to issue travel documents to its citizens.
mana2 PATI harus meninggalkan negara ini dgn sukarela, kerajaan dah beri peluang, jgn tunggu sehingga operasi besar-besaran untuk mengusir mereka dilakukan.
BalasPadamkerajaan sudah cukup bertolak ansur. warga asing perlu akur dengan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan.
BalasPadamharap program 5P ini dapat menyelesaikan masalah kebanjiran PATI di Sabah. walaupun mungkin bukan 100% tapi sekurang2nya bilangan mereka telah dapat dikurangkan.
BalasPadamKalau saya PTI baik lagi pulang secara sukarela daripada berhadapan dengan undang2.
BalasPadamJika usaha ini berjaya, harap pemeriksaan berterusan akan dilakukan kerana kedatangan mereka kesini pasti akan berlaku.
BalasPadamKepada majikan yang belum menunaikan tanggungjawab mereka pastikan ada berbuat demikian.
BalasPadamPATI harus diusir keluar dari sabah...
BalasPadamtindakan tegas dan berat harus dikenakan kepada mana2 majikan yang gagal menghantar balik pekerja haram mereka..
BalasPadamthey really have to keep these people out of here, time to go.
BalasPadamHope the process will go smoothly and these people can get out of here quickly.
BalasPadammajikan haruslah bertanggungjawab terhadap pekerja mereka walaupun pekerja ni labor murah dan berguna, tiba masa untuk pulang sudah...
BalasPadamHarap mereka yang sudah didaftarkan akan mengikuti prosidur yang ada supaya tidak akan menghadapi tindakan undang-undang.
BalasPadamSemoga program ini akan mencapai objektif mereka.
BalasPadamTentang habis-habisan PATI yang tidak pergi mendaftar. Selain banyak jenayah yang membabitkan PATI, banyak masalah2 lain yang timbul oleh mereka. Keselamatan rakyat tempatan sudah terganggu.
BalasPadampati perlulah menggunakan peluang ini dengan pulang secara sukarela sebelum tindakan undang-undang mula diambil.
BalasPadamPihak Imigresen dan mereka yang bertugas di sempadan juga harus menjaga pintu masuk ke Sabah ini dengan lebih ketat. Entah kenapa senang2 saja PATI masuk sebelum ini.
BalasPadamKepada PATI yang telah selesai membuat pendaftaran 6P bolehlah menguruskan untuk pulang ke Negara masing-masing.
BalasPadamjika program ini dapat dijalankan dengan teliti, jujur dan bersungguh2, saya yakin masalah PATI di negeri ini dapat diselesaikan tanpa memerlukan masa dan kos yang banyak.. saya harap negara asal PATI ini dapat berkerjasama sepenuhnya dengan kerajaan negara kita bagi menjayakan program ini.. Good luck to all involved in this programme..
BalasPadamSemoga operasi mengusir pendatang asing yang dijalankan oleh agensi-agensi penguatkuasaan akan berjalan lancar
BalasPadam“We are giving them two months, from August 11 till October 10, to leave the country voluntarily."
BalasPadamsemoga PATI mematuhi arahan ini jika tidak, tindakan undang2 akan dikenakan terhadap mereka..
harap program 5P ini dapat mengatasi masalah PATI dengan berkesan
BalasPadamsemoga PTI ini akan mematuhi arahan penguatkuasa untuk meninggalkan negara ini secara sukarela tanpa menimbulkan sebarang masalah.
BalasPadamharap para majikan turut mematuhi arahan penguatkuasa
BalasPadamNa ngam la tu. Sebelum di halau baliklah di tempat sendiri.
BalasPadamHarap semua pihak akan bagi kerjasama dalam hal ini.
BalasPadamKalau PATI tak juga bagi kerjasama, harap yang tak dengar cakap itu akan dikenakan tindakan yang setimpal.
BalasPadamPunyalah bagus.. Ada amaran lagi. No komen lah aku kalau dah kena bagi peluang pun tapi masih tak dengar cakap.
BalasPadamSemoga kaedah ini berkesan.
BalasPadamit's time to leave, we want our country clean now.
BalasPadamthey should start to love and develop their own country now.
BalasPadamIt's so funny when illegals can sing Negaraku very well.
BalasPadam“We are giving them two months, from August 11 till October 10, to leave the country voluntarily.
BalasPadam“Failure to do so, action will be taken against them,”
Im sure such restriction and empowerment is very good. Encourage them to go back within the period of time, failing to do so, action must be taken.
Good effort from the government to resolve PATI issues in Sabah.. Look forward they will volunteer them self to go back before its too late.. Keep going.. Good luck!
BalasPadamSelepas masalah PATI diselesaikan walaupun tidak 100% tetapi syabas usaha mereka. Yang penting, pihak immigrant menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk memastikan illegal immigrant tidak masuk lagi tanpa dokumen yang sah.
BalasPadamJust wonder what kind of action will be taken to those who fail to register and go back to their country? Penalties? Jail? Send them back by government money?
BalasPadamHoping no more delay or extension given to those who fail to go back.. We will expect to see no PATI in Sabah soon..
BalasPadamHarap semua PATI mematuhi syarat yang diberikan oleh immigrasi department tanpa tindakan diambil terhadap mereka.
BalasPadamDeadline was given.. Hope all PATI make themself off from Sabah without any further action being taken. Thank you!
BalasPadamSelagi masalah PATI belum selesai, kerja dan usaha masih diperlukan untuk memastikan semua PATI keluar dari Sabah dalam tempoh yang dihadkan..
BalasPadamMemang kerajaan dah bertolak-ansur dengan semua PATI tersebut. Tempoh memang dah diberi, nasihati semua PATI balik ke negara masing-masing sebelum tindakan diambil.
BalasPadamSemoga semua masalah PATI diselesaikan dalam tempoh yang diberi. Tempoh tidah seharusnya dipanjangkan lagi.. PAstikan tindakan diambil serta-merta..
BalasPadamOh come on, are you kidding me? They won't leave.
BalasPadamKaedah usir lagi praktikal.
BalasPadamI must say, they aren't leaving voluntarily.
BalasPadamBagus lagi gertak kan?Haha.