Ahad, Disember 05, 2010


Upko pushes for One Malaysian Civil Service

December 4, 2010, PENAMPANG: There are certain issues concerning the civil service of the country which requires more effort to ensure the colours of Malaysia are reflected in the appointment of officers at all levels of administration.

Stating this yesterday, United Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organization (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said he will be delivering a speech on the subject at the Barisan Nasional Convention this Sunday as Upko has been assigned to speak on the subject.

“It has to be a civil service that should see the Orang Asli and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak working hand in hand with the Malays, the Indians and Chinese to man the delivery system of this country,” he said.

“There may of course be difference in the manpower provided by each community since population sizes vary. But the service must be a One Malaysian Civil Service,” he said at the Upko national convention at Sabah Cultural Center here yesterday.

According to Dompok, under Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, there is reference to the special privileges of the Malays, the natives of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate rights of other races, but there is no mention of the Orang Asli.

He said the BN Government, when it obtains a two-third majority in the Parliament, should table an amendment to the Federal Constitution to put the Orang Asli alongside the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak.

“It is a gross oversight by those who drafted the Constitution, he said of the omission of Orang Asli.

“Lately there have been many things said about ‘Ketuanan Melayu’. It is a word to my mind that should not exist anymore. In Sabah, the last Tuan left in 1963 and in fact in Semenanjung, they should have left in 1957,” he said.

Some have attempted to explain that the word does not have any connotation of racial superiority or claiming to be superior. Yet others have attempted to explain it away by saying that it refers to the position of the sultans and the rulers,” said Dompok.

Speaking before more than 3,000 delegates, the Upko president stressed that the explanation on the issue is still unsatisfactory because the rulers’ position as constitutional monarchs must certainly mean that they are rulers for all Malaysians and must therefore safeguard the rights of all the races in this country.

He said that is why the party must support all the more the One Malaysia policy which the Prime Minister has initiated.

“During our past conventions and congresses, I have spoken on the Rukunegara, the guiding principles of the nation and the Constitutional provisions which protect the legitimate rights of all Malaysians, including the choice and practice of their religious belief. In fact, ‘Belief in God” is the first tenet of the Rukunegara.

“Allow me to refer to the Kuala Lumpur High Court case where the Judge ruled in favour of the The Herald in the usage of the word ‘ Allah ‘. An appeal to the Court of Appeal has been lodged but the matter has not been addressed by the Court. It is high time that this matter be attended to by the Judiciary,” he said.

Dompok noted that over the last few years the Government had dwelt upon the predicament faced by family members of failed marriages where the husbands converted to Islam and took another wife.

The rights of the children and non-converting spouses must be protected and it is because of this that the proposed amendments to the Law Reform (Marriages & Divorce) Act 1976 were to be submitted to Parliament, he said.

“I would not go into the details of the proposed legislation. Enough for me to say that this Government has initiated something which could bring some relief to the victims of the existing laws.

The Government, in a gesture of courtesy, brought the proposed amendments to the attention of the rulers before presenting them to Parliament. I think all of us here today have the greatest of respect for the rulers and the Yang di Pertuan Agong as the Fountain of Justice and the King for all Malaysians.

“However, it is not wrong for us to implore upon their Majesties to as soon as possible allow the law to be amended to bring redress to their aggrieved subjects,” he said.


Ex-CMs agree 'ketuanan Melayu' not for Sabah

"Ketuanan Melayu does not arise in Sabah. Sabahan politicians do not subscribe to politics of domination by race,"

"We have more than 30 ethnic groups. We have political differences but we all reject any attempt to propagate politics of racial superiority," said the president of Usbo, the Bajau-Sama society.

"This kind of politics will disunite the people,"

Former Sabah chief ministers Salleh Said Keruak

25 ulasan:

  1. It is up to the people how they look at this issue.

  2. what is the true meaning of Ketuanan melayu anyway???

  3. Come on la, malay is not even exist in Sabah.

  4. Terpulanglah pada individu yang membuat penilaian. Saya pun no komen.

  5. Konsep ketuanan Melayu tak perlulah dipersoalkan... Asalkan semua kaum boleh hidup aman dan terus maju, itu dah cukup memadai.

  6. Semoga perkara ini dapat ditanggani dengan bijak dan jangalah perbesarkan/politikkan konsep ni lagi.

  7. Jika hal ni tak ditanggani dengan sempurna, pasti hal ni akan mengeruhkan keharmonian negara. huhuhu

  8. S/ada konsep ni digunapakai di Sabah ataupun tak, saya harap rakyat Sabah tidak akan berbalah disebabkan perkara ini.

  9. The people of Sabah has long practices concept of 1 Malaysia. Although the state may not be as rich as other states in SM, at least, muslim and non muslim can eat together in chinese restaurant..like satay and coffee restaurants at Gaya Street. the shops owned by chinese but they serve only drinks and the delicious satay served by muslim...never any isu on 'ketuanan melayu' being brought up!

  10. kenapa nak gaduh-gaduh tentang isu ketuanan melayu? hormati sejarah dan suka atau tidak rakyat pelbagai bangsa telah berkongsi satu tanah dan sudah hidup selama lebih 50 tahun...so isu ketuanan melayu dan hak keistimewaan orang melayu tidak boleh dipertikaikan dan harus dihormati oleh semua orang. cuma saya tidak setuju kalau orang melayu sendiri pula yang menggunakan konsep ketuanan melayu untuk mengingkatkan kepada bangsa-bangsa bukan melayu supaya sedar taraf dan kedudukan mereka di M'sia..kerana ia boleh menimbulkan kemarahan ramai dan boleh dipolitikkan oleh orang-orang yang ada agenda peribadi...

  11. setuju ia tiada kaitan dengan bumiputera Sabah..cuma ayng peliknya..walau bumiputeranya ada yang muslim dan bukan muslim, tiada pula orang-orangnya benci pada 3 bangsa terbesar lain di M'sia?

  12. orang-orang SM harus datang ke Sabah untuk belajar apa itu konsep 1 Malaysia???? walau di Sabah ramai PATI dan penduduk benci mereka....orang-orang di Sabah hidup harmoni!

  13. lebih baik kita fikir bagaimana nak membuat rakyat menerima konsep 1 Malaysia daripada isu ketuanan melayu yang tidak habis-habis dipolitikkan...

  14. Saya harap isu ini tidak akan terus dipolitikkan.

  15. setuju dengan zak.. isu ini tidak perlu dipolitikkan.

  16. hal berkaitan ketuanan melayu tak wujud di Sabah.

  17. yang penting kita semua boleh hidup dalam keadaan harmoni dan saling menghormati.

  18. kalau mahu teruskan juga ketuanan Melayu, laksanakan konsep itu di semenanjung sahaja. Sabah tidak perlukan ketuanan Melayu kerana hubungan antara rakyat di Sabah sudah cukup harmoni, erat, tanpa ada monopoli mana2 kaum.

  19. pemimpin2 Sabah perlu memastikan unsur2 ketuanan Melayu tidak dibawa ke Sabah. dan pastikan juga tidak ada mana2 ahli politik samada BN mahupun pembangkang memainkan isu bangsa/kaum dan agama untuk kepentingan politik masing2 diSabah.

  20. what is going on ?
    Tell me who are the true /orginal "ketunan Malayu" ? Who are their forefathers?
    Too many mix marriages in this country esp in sabah and Sarawak.

  21. Istilah ini wujud prasangka di kalangan penduduk.

  22. Kerana mulut, badan binasa. Jadi berhati2 la sebelum berkata kata.

  23. I hope there will be no more talking like this.

  24. Pasti ramai yang telah salah tafsir akan hal ini.

  25. The thing is, if the attitude of malays themselves not to be change how does the Ketuanan Melayu terms erased?
