Khamis, Ogos 05, 2010


Three from Sabah seek help to get artificial limbs

Prosthesis_b KOTA KINABALU: Three youngsters from the district of Tambunan, about 85km from here, are in need of prosthetic limbs.

Sylvester Maikun, a 22-year-old aspiring artiste from Kampung Kiawayaan, used to daydream about being a soldier while he watched his parents toil on the padi fields.

But a freak accident while riding pillion on his cousin's bicycle when he was 4 years old dashed his dreams.

His leg got caught in the bicycle wheel, causing him to fall and break his leg. It later got infected and had to be amputated.

Sylvester needs RM7,800 to buy a new above-knee prosthesis which will enable him to walk without limping.

"I've outgrown the current one which I got when I was still a teenager."

Another 22-year-old, Sixtus Lourence from Kampung Toboh, needs RM6,800 for a below knee prosthesis. He became an amputee when he was accidentally shot by a home-made gun 10 years ago.

Yan Faraini Jubilee, 16, from Kampung Tampasak Liwan is also in need of a prosthetic leg. The fourth former from SMK Garas, is the third of seven siblings to a farmer father and a housewife mother.

A new prosthesis would give her a confidence boost that she had been lacking since her leg was amputated in 2003.

Those wishing to donate should make cheques payable to the New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd with the recipient's name on the back and address it to: The cashier, Finance Department/Charity Unit NSTP, The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd, Balai Berita, 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.

11 ulasan:

  1. Diharapkan mereka mendapat bantuan yang diperlukan.

  2. To donate, is a wonderful thing when it is come from d heart. Who ever donate, may God bless you and prosperity luck be with you always.

  3. semoga mereka mendapat bantuan. golongan seperti ini patut dibantu agar mereka dapat menjalani hidup yang lebih baik.

  4. tabung derma diperlukan untuk membantu mereka yang memerlukan pertolongan ini. Bukalah hati anda untuk memberi membantu.

  5. I have written down the Address and if my financial means allows it, I will try my best to help out.

  6. Bless those who donate. Help these people to have the life they always wanted.

  7. will make a donation. Thanks for the info.

  8. bantulah mereka yang memerlukan pertolongan

  9. Kesian, sesiapa yang ada kelebihan tu dermalah ya.. Tolong la orang yang memerlukan :P

  10. Jom ramai2 p derma... Biarpun sikit, kalau dikumpul jadi bukit juga tu :)

  11. Hope the good Samaritans out there could help by donating to help this three. It take a miracle to happen. :)
