Isnin, Mei 24, 2010


Resolve illegal immigrant issue by 2012, agencies told

KOTA KINABALU: Enforcement agencies should resolve the long standing issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah by 2012, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

The Parti Bersatu Sabah president said solving the problem of illegal immigrants' should be part of the National Key Results Area (NKRA) and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the enforcement agencies.

“Just like targets are set to eradicate poverty, there must also be a reasonable target date to resolve the problem of illegal immigrants,” he said, during a meeting with a group of civil servants participating in a special laboratory on the management of foreigners in the state.

He said the Home Ministry, which had issued a self-imposed deadline for the issuance of birth certificates to local born rural folks who did not have them in Sabah and Sarawak, could consider a similar commitment for resolving the illegal immigrants issue.

The proposal would also enable enforcement agencies and officials to clearly define their jurisdiction and scope of responsibilities, he said.

“If all enforcement agencies are able to work closely with each other, the problem of illegal immigrants can be tackled effectively,” he said.

29 ulasan:

  1. Yup thats right...enforcement agency should work together to atleast minimize this problem...any conflict of interest should be swept aside...

  2. i agree with pairin...this is the best methods to make sure there's an efforts and actions to be done by the enforcement agencies to solve this longstanding other words this proposal also can improve the service by the respective agencies under the Home Ministry...

  3. hopefully the enforcement agencies will strive to resolve this long standing issue of illegal immigrants by 2012.. continuous action is needed to achieve this goal.

  4. selain menjadi beban kepada rakyat sabah, masalah ini juga sering menjadi bahan politik parti lain.. oleh itu kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah2 tegas bagi menyelesaikan isu ini. jika kerajaan bersungguh2, masalah ini pasti boleh diselesaikan.

  5. i agree too...but we the people need to support our Government and please plays ur own role...

  6. Having support from the people is very important in order to make this work. Otherwise, all hard planning will go down the drain..

  7. sebenarnya isu pti ini melibatkan banyak pihak samada dalam dan luar negara. kalau di SM pti yang biasa dlihat ialah indonesia, bangla, pakistan, vietnam, thailand dan filipino. walaubagaimanapun di sabah, senario biasa yang berlaku ialah kebanjiran pti filipino dan indonesia.

  8. penyelesaian isu pti dari warga indonesia bagi saya lebih mudah ditangani oleh kerajaan negeri kerana mereka ada konsulat disini. tetapi isu pti filipina sukar diselesaikan kerana mereka menganggap sabah milik mereka. saya pernah terbaca artikel bahawa sabah ini adalah milik sultan sulu dan kerajaan malaysia melalui perjanjian british masih membayar sewa negeri sabah ini kepada filipina yang tiada had waktu. dan slogan pilihanraya salah satu ahli politiknya baru-baru ini ialah menuntut sabah dari malaysia, so itu yang saya rasa agak sukar menyelesaikan isu pti ini.

  9. saya amat setuju jika pti di saah dapat ditangani kerajaan sewajarnya kerana populasi mereka kini sudah tidak dapat dikawal

  10. kebanjiran warga filipina dan indonesia di sabah ni sebenarnya dipengaruhi oleh peluang-peluang kerja yang bagi mereka menawarkan gaji lebih tinggi berbanding matawang negara mereka. rakyat tempatan terlalu memilih pekerjaan dan kebergantungan negara terhadap sektor kritikal untuk pembangunan ekonomi negeri sabah seperti sektor ladang k. sawit, pembuatan, perkilangan ect. menyebabkan amat sukar menangani masalah pti di sabah. dimana ada permintaan disitu ada penawaran!

  11. kebanjiran pti di sabah ni sebenarnya amat sukar ditangani. kalau hari ni kita hantar mereka pulang sebab ada penyakit, esok mereka akan masuk semula guna passport baru.

  12. kebanjiran pti filipina ni ada kaitan dengan isu sensitif negara malaysia dengan kerajaan filipina. saya pernah terbaca satu artikel mengatakan bahawa kerajaan filipina tetap akan menuntut sabah walau macammana sekalipun. ia ada kaitan dengan kerajaan malaysia sentiasa akan membayar sewa 'sabah' kepada filipina tanpa had masa berdasarkan dengan perjanjian yang dibuat dengan British. that's why pada pendapat saya mereka langsung tidak mahu menubuhkan konsulat seperti indonesia di sabah sebab mereka anggap sabah adalah milik mereka.

  13. saya amat harap isu pti di sabah ini dapat diselesaikan

  14. kebanjiran warga filipina dan indonesia di sabah ni sebenarnya dipengaruhi oleh peluang-peluang kerja yang bagi mereka menawarkan gaji lebih tinggi berbanding matawang negara mereka. rakyat tempatan terlalu memilih pekerjaan dan kebergantungan negara terhadap sektor kritikal untuk pembangunan ekonomi negeri sabah seperti sektor ladang k. sawit, pembuatan, perkilangan ect. menyebabkan amat sukar menangani masalah pti di sabah. dimana ada permintaan disitu ada penawaran!

  15. para majikan perlu beri kerjasama dengan tidak bergantung sepenuhnya terhadap buruh asing.. beri keutamaan kepada pekerja tempatan dan selaraskan gaji sesuai dengan taraf hidup sekarang.

  16. Eradicating poverty and illegal immigrants would not be an easy goal to accomplish, hopefully we could come up with a way to deal with it once and for all.

  17. It should be that way. We need timeframe to curb this matter before it choked us to death.

  18. Yeah We can make so rock on!!! Sabah Boleh!! Main bola pun semakin menang...cayalah Sabah!!

  19. It would be lovely if this long overdue matter can be solved by that year before we are being over-run by these illegals..Solutions and time-frame to implement should be well-planned. I hope everything will work out.

  20. Oh I'm sure we can eradicate this "pest" by 2012 but with the support and team-work..

  21. This problem have been plaguing us for decades. Stricter actions must be taken to prevent these illegals getting out of hand.

  22. I just hope that they would find a permanent solution to put an end to illegal immigrant issues.

  23. Illegal immigrants again. When will this ever end?? Govenrments are trying to send them back but they are just to cunning to sneak back here. Please stop this. for Pete's sake....

  24. Ini adalah satu kemestian.Jangan biarkan PTI masih menghuni selama beberapa puluh taun akan datang.

  25. Eradication of illegal immigrants, will I live to see the day?

  26. I would love to see all this PTI send back to where they belong and the problem is solved. Huzzzaa~

  27. Harap isu ini boleh diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

  28. I anticipate the day where this issue is fully resolved.

  29. We are on that way to fight and free from Illegal Immigrant...
