28/12/2012: DAP Sabah is extremely disappointed that Sabah health care welfare continues to be overlooked. Junz Wong, DAP Sabah State Assistant Secretary expressed disappointment at State Health department that they have not resolved the "one radiotherapy machine" issue since DAP Sabah has brought it up one year ago.
Junz disclosed that Ex-Director Dr Mohd Yusof Ibrahim has openly announced, in a newspaper replying to DAP Sabah, that Sabah would have three CT Scan machines by the end of 2012. Two machines would be sent to Likas Hospital while one would be sent to Lahad Datu Hospital.
"Today is 27 Dec and yet Sabah still face the same issue which we have raised a year ago via why there is only one cancer treatment machine in Sabah? Situation has worsened now that Sabahan patients are asked to look for private specialist for treatments!" Junz slammed.
Now that Dr Mohd Yusof has been replaced by a new health department director, I hope she can explain and rectify the situation. Junz said
Junz, who is also National DAPSY Central Committee, also asked QEH Director Dr Herric Corray why he has failed to deliver his promise. Dr Herric promised that Queen Elizebeth Hospital I would be getting its second CT Scan machine to be installed in the New Emergency Department expected to be completed by December.
"Where are all the promised CT Scan machines now? Why are Sabahans lives risked everyday with no sense of urgency? After 49 years, Sabah couldn't even enjoy standard basic healthcare system? Janji Ditepati ?" Junz asked.
To make this easier to understand, KL has 5 sets of cancer treatment machines, Kuching has 3 sets, UM has 2 sets, UKM has 2 sets whereby Sabah only has 1 overworked worn down set. Junz explained.
Junz demanded both Health Minister Dato Liow Tiong Lai and his Deputy Dato Rosnah to explain on this persistent issue suffered by Sabahans!
It's people lives we are talking here and action must be taken immediately with urgency to resolve cancer treatment problems in Sabah. Our (Sabahans) lives are just as sacred and precious as those who are sitting up there with the authority! Junz concluded.
Sabah should have more than one cancer treatment machine.
BalasPadamApa pun baguslah kalau ada di Sabah sudah mesin kanser ini.
PadamKurang juga kos untuk mendapatkan rawatan keluar Sabah.
PadamMesin untuk rawatan kanser ni sekurang2nya ada dua supaya sekiranya yang 1 rosak, ada lagi mesin 1 lagi untuk back up.
PadamKena naiktaraf kemudahan2 hospital di Sabah untuk pastikan pesakit mendapat perkhidmatan yan g terbaik.
PadamYang penting ada jangan langsung tiada, pasti akan di tmabah lagi selepas ini.
PadamHealth Minister Dato Liow Tiong Lai have the responsibility to ensure that all equipments are sufficient to cater to the demands of local patients.
BalasPadamJika boleh teruskan lagi menambah baik kemudahan perubatan di Negeri Sabah dari masa ke semasa.
PadamMungkin perlu jugalah menambah lagi mesin kanser ini untuk di Hospital tertentu di Negeri Sabah ini.
PadamYa..hospital2 yang besar seperti di KK dan Sandakan memang wajar dilengkapi dengan mesin ini.
PadamSelepas ini, rakyat Sabah tidak perlu pergi jauh untuk mendapatkan rawatan cancer lagi.
Padam1 cancer treatment machine is certainly not enough for the Sabahan cancer patients.
BalasPadamTapi tidak semua pun yang akan mengunakan mesin ini. Pasti akan digunakan mengikut temu janji. Kerana jika kerap akan menjejaskan pesakit itu juga nanti.,
PadamImmediate action to increase the amount of medical equipment should be taken.
BalasPadamSabahans deserves to enjoy standard basic healthcare system.
BalasPadamMore allocation for hospital in Sabah.
PadamHarap lebih banyak kemuadahan perubatan akan di sediakan di Sabah untuk kepentingan rakyat.
BalasPadamHarap isu ini tidak akan di politikkan oleh pihak tertentu.
BalasPadamSabah Health Department director Dr Christina Rundi in disclosing this, hoped that through the setting up of the centre, they would be able to create greater awareness on the importance of organ donation among the people.
BalasPadamapart from promoting the programme to the public, they must first educate their staff on the matter.
BalasPadamAnother 1Malaysia Clinic in Sabah, the 19th, has opened at Kampung Likas, and it is among the remaining five the Government has planned to open before the end of the year, which will bring the total of such clinics in the state to 23.
BalasPadamthe 1Malaysia Clinics located in Tanjung Aru, Kepayan, Telipok and Sipitang were expected to be operational soon.
BalasPadamA few more will be built next year, including in Beaufort, Beaufort, Kinabatangan, Kota Belud, Lahad Datu, Pitas, Sandakan and Tenom
BalasPadamthe 1Malaysia Clinic programme was part of the government’s effort to improve the quality of life of the people across the State.
BalasPadamThere are still a lot of people in the urban areas that are in the low income category and the financial pressure they are facing is higher compared to those in the rural areas due to the higher cost of living here. As such, those needing help, especially single mothers, the disabled, labourers and general workers with minimal salaries and everyone else who could use some help, the government will help them, at least to lessen their burden
BalasPadambringing health services closer to where the people lives in the city outskirts and suburban areas was the right approach.
BalasPadamnot only make access to medical treatment easier but also a lot cheaper as residents would not need to travel longer distances to the hospital in the City.
BalasPadamThey could enjoy quality health services with only a minimal fee of RM1.00, which also covers the medication they needed