Sabtu, April 14, 2012



image April 13, 2012: RANAU, a district surrounded by the rural-most parts of several poverty stricken districts, could be the poorest in Sabah, claimed State Reform Party (STAR) divisional head for Ranau, Jalibin Paidi.

Jalibin said, while it was never mentioned that Ranau is the poorest, the fact that it is at the centre of Sabah and that it is adjacent to the notoriously rural parts of Kota Marudu, Beluran, Tongod, Tambunan, Keningau, Kota Belud and Tuaran districts, might have concealed real facts on poverty in the district.

"STAR is concerned because many areas in Ranau in fact still do not enjoy basic amenities such as good roads, electricity and water. It is also a very hilly district, and that it is a common scene that natives live in poverty, living in old dilapidated wooden houses here and there,"

said Jalibin in a statement issued today.

Jalibin, who is also STAR state committee member, and is said to be among the top contenders as STAR's candidate in Ranau, called on the UMNO-led state government to carry out a fresh study on poverty in the state especially in rural areas like Ranau.

He said while it is taken for granted that the northern part of Sabah is the poorest with the most number of hardcore poor households, Ranau is just adjacent to most of the poverty stricken areas and this warrants a re-look as trips to the ground do find poverty as rampant in many parts of Ranau.

"Signs of poverty can also be seen from the low purchasing power of the people. In Ranau, we have three state constituencies (Kundasang, Karanaan and Paginatan) but only two visible towns - Ranau itself and Kundasang, both thriving partly because they are right on the east-west road that connects Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan and Tawau.

"The tourism sector too has in fact benefitted little to the ordinary kampung folks. There haven't any outstanding programmes that have really helped leap-frog meaningful participation of local entrepreneurs in tourism. It is all ordinary and naturally developed, not so much of government intervention," alleged Jalibin, adding that it is the same in agriculture there.

Towards this end, he said, Karanaan assemblyman, Masidi Manjun, who is Tourism and Environment Minister, and Ranau MP, Siringan Gubat, should perhaps enlighten the public on the real situation of poverty and rural developments in Ranau vis-a-vis increase of income, infrastructures, school drop-outs, mortality rate and migration of youths to other towns and cities.

50 ulasan:

  1. Jalibin Paidi perlulah memberikan bukti bahawa Ranau adalah daerah paling miskin seperti apa yang digesa oleh Masidi Manjun.

    1. memang pun perlu Jalibin berikan bukti dan fakta untuk menyokong kenyataan beliau...kalau tidak ianya akan dolihat sebagai satu kenyataan tidak bertanggungjawab dari Jalibin yang mana sengaja memburukkan dan mencalarkan imej ranau..

    2. Tiada bukti yang mengatakan Ranau merupakan daerah termiskin, kehidupan penduduk di sana jauh lebih baik, daripada hasil pertanian dan banyak lagi.

  2. Semoga kerajaan akan teruskan usaha untuk mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah supaya rakyat boleh menikmati kehidupan yang lebih senang.

    1. kerajaan tidak pernah berhenti daripada usaha untuk membanteras kemiskinan bahkan pelbagai usaha dilakukan dan dirancang dengan strategik untuk dilaksanakan..

    2. Pembangunan ekonomi turut memperbaiki status kemiskinan.

    3. Kerajaan sentiasa prihatin untuk membantu rakyat, usaha berterusan di buat agar rakyat sentiasa maju ke hadapan.

  3. Masidi challenged Jalibin to back his claim that Ranau is the poorest district with facts and figures.

  4. the government is doing all it can to eradicate hardcore poverty with programmes that are well publicised

    1. usaha berterusan dilakukan oleh kerajaan...w/pun begitu, isu kemiskinan bukanlah satu isu yang mudah diatasi..di mana2 di dunia, isu ini menjadi isu keutamaan sesebuah kerajaan...jadi mempolitikkan isu ini tidak akan membawa ke mana seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh jalibin.

    2. Isu kemiskinan bukan boleh di selesaikan dalam sekelip mata, usaha berterusan perlu di buat, dan kerajaan sentiasa membatu rakyat untuk menaiktaraf hidup rakyat.

  5. ada baiknya jika Jalibin menyertakan dengan bukti dan fakta untuk menyokong kenyataan beliau..

  6. tanpa bukti dan fakta ianya hanya sekadar pandangan peribadi yang berbau politik...

    1. Ini hanya padangan peribadi beliau sahaja, semata-mata untuk kepentingan politik sahaja.

  7. diharap Jalibin akan bertindak dengan lebih profesional daripada ini..

  8. Jalibin should provide prove to his statement. facts and figures are important when it comes to giving out such statement.

  9. Dakwaan ni saja mahu jatuhkan imej BN di Ranau.

    1. Dakwaan yang tidak berasas, padahal Ranau antara daerah yang mempuyai potensi untuk maju dalam bidang pelancongan dan pertanian.

  10. Bukan sahaja Ranau, 1Sabah ini miskin...

  11. Masalah kemiskinan harus diuruskan dengan baik agar tidak menjejas perkembangan ekonomi.

  12. Tidak mungkin Sabah masih termiskin dengan sumber semulajadi yang begitu banyak yang boleh mendatangkan pendapatan yang berterusan.

  13. Program membasmi kemiskinan akan mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan sedikit demi sedikit. Usaha ini harus diteruskan.

  14. "STAR is concerned because many areas in Ranau in fact still do not enjoy basic amenities such as good roads, electricity and water. It is also a very hilly district, and that it is a common scene that natives live in poverty, living in old dilapidated wooden houses here and there,"

    Kemudahan dan keperluan asas harus diperbaiki agar taraf hidup masing-masing boleh diperbaiki lagi.

  15. saya tidak setuju dgn kenyataan sdra jalibin bhwa ranau adalah termiskin disabah.cuba kita bandingkan dengan daerah berhampiran dan nyata sekali ranau cepat membangun dpd daerah lain.Ranau memerlukan pembangunan tetapi tidaklah di labelkan sebagai termiskin di sabah.

  16. Saya hormat sdra Jalibin dn saya anggap kamu adalah pemimpin generasi akan datang cuma sdra Jalibin kamu salah saluran kerana kamu pilih STAR yg mana penyokong minoriti.Kenapa tidak pilih yg penyokong majoriti iaitu BARISAN NASIONAL.Why sdra Jalibin??

  17. Sdra Jalibin you got the idea and we hope that you can motivate ranau people in good future.I agree that now you become or the winner of "Glamour" title.But... sdra tidak sampai kemana kerana sdra memihak kepada pembangkang. Pembangkang hanya tahu mengkritik parti pemerintah BARISAN NASIONAL tetapi tidak pernah beterima kasih dan mengucap syabas walaupun BN banyak membantu rakyat.Saya boleh masuk mana-mana parti sebab saya tiada keahlian tetapi hati dan sokongan saya tetap Parti pemerintah BN.

  18. Ranau adalah daerah yang maju dan menjadi pusat pelancongan. ia bukan daerah miskin.

  19. Tunjukkan bukti yang boleh mengukuhkan dakwaan STAR itu yang mengatakan Ranau daerah yang termiskin. Kalau kata-kata rasanya tidak ada yang percaya dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh STAR itu.

  20. setahu saya Ranau tidak ada masalah air dan elektrik..

  21. berkenaan dengan rumah papan di Ranau, adakah menjadi kesalahan bagi rakyat atau penduduk Ranau yang masih menggunakan rumah papan?? adakah mana2 penduduk yang menggunakan rumah papan wajar dikategorikan sebagai penduduk miskin?? dan adakan jika STAR mentadbir negeri ini, maka semua rumah papan ini akan dirobohkan dan digantikan dengan rumah konkrit??

  22. Masidi challenged Jalibin to back his claim that Ranau is the poorest district with facts and figures: Otherwise, he is just another politician who likes to court publicity with sweeping statements.

  23. He also said that the government has never denied the fact that poor people could be found all over Sabah, including Ranau.

  24. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

  25. He added that there is no easy solution to poverty and he doubts that there could be a thing as total poverty eradication.Citing an example, he said that even a rich nation like the United States of America (USA) has a large number of poor people.

  26. Nevertheless, the poor can strive to improve their life and their standard of living. It is not impossible. Many have succeeded. But attitude change is necessary. The people themselves must make an effort to help themselves while waiting or getting assistance from the government.

  27. The government’s poverty eradication aid must be complimented by the people’s strong desire to be removed from the grasp of poverty. Only then, can the government’s objective toward poverty eradication be met.

  28. He added that the same life principle applies to economic opportunities. We can only benefit from economic opportunities if we take part in the industry. Nearly all locals in Ranau own land and these include those who are farming temperate vegetables in Kundasang,” said Masidi.

  29. And if Jalibin is claiming that locals there are not benefitting from the economic opportunities that are present in the district, whether in the form of tourism and agriculture, Masidi urged the STAR divisional head to ask why locals are losing out to outsiders.

  30. The locals used to own all the agricultural land in Kundasang and its surrounding areas. The Agriculture Department has introduced various assistance to assist local farmers and once upon a time, even KPD focussed on the agricultural development of Kundasang.

  31. The problem started when many of the locals began selling their land to outsiders. Today, half of the titled land in Kundasang has been sold to outsiders.

  32. The new owners developed their land and hired foreigners due to unavailability of local labour. As more land were developed, more workers were needed. They have to hire more foreign workers because only a small number of locals there was keen to work.

  33. If outsiders had benefited from the agricultural industry, it was due to their willingness to work hard to till their land to generate income. And many had become rich.

  34. So are we blaming the government because non locals have succeeded while most of the locals remain the same? By the way, there are also locals who have succeeded. I hope STAR is not suggesting that we should penalise non-Ranaurians who have worked hard and succeeded.

  35. As for the tourism industry, Masidi stressed that the same principle applies. Opportunities are to be grabbed for the same of the common benefit. Don’t wait to be spoon-fed. To say that it did not benefit the locals is an insult to the intelligence of the locals.

  36. According to Masidi, Kg Sinisian is one of the most successful homestays in the country and it generated half a million ringgit revenue last year. And his own constituency, Karanaan, has achieved tremendous infrastructure improvement in the last eight years. Suffice to say that it takes a politically blind person not to acknowledge tremendous infrastructure improvement that has been achieved in the Karanaan Constituency over the last eight years.

  37. Over 90 per cent of villages now enjoy electricity supply and I am confident we can achieve 100 per cent soon. Upgrading of major trunk roads is also in progress. There are still more to do, but it cannot be achieved by mere sloganeering or making empty promises. Leadership is about doing what is right not playing to the political gallery with popular rhetorics.

  38. Saya pun orang miskin juga.Rumah saya rumah papan dan sedikit2 simen tapi saya tidak mengaku yang saya ini yang termiskin di ranau dan begitu juga pendapat saya bahawa saya sama sekali tidak setuju bahawa RANAU adalah daerah yg terrrrrrrrrmiskin di sabah.

  39. iya la Ranau ni kaya,Sabah ni kaya.contohnya jalan raya bagus.tiada lubang2.mcm jalan pg kk memang selamat.kalau driver taxi kk-ranau ikut F1 mesti menang sebab hari2 ada latihan lalu selekoh 120 darjah.kalau hujan lagi cantik kabus tebal.jalan tinggal nampak 1 meter ja.kalau malam lagi la, x tau kiri kanan ada gaung dalam.silap sikit masuk gaung.jalan kundasang-ranau pun siok.kalah tu litar sepang cuma tiada signbod selekoh la sama lampu tepi jalan. kalau air free bah,free setengah hari lepas tu satu titik pun tiada keluar.memang gov bagus la bagi tangki ja.paling siok tangki air pandai meletup mungkin nipis kali tu getah dia.bagi lagi bah tangki.kami tidak mau paip.kesian gov nanti habis duit mau bikin jalan raya di sjung.belum lagi cukup jalan disana tu.jalan disana mana siok sebab 2way.bikin mengantuk ja.kita tunggu ja bah.alang2 suda tunggu 55 tahun tunggu lagi bah 55 tahun.sambil2 tu dapat juga org2 muda sabah pg sjung.keja sambil melancong kan.

  40. Saya pernah ke Pahang, Johor, Kelantan Terangganu Perak Melacca masih ada yang macam di Ranau bah.

  41. saya pergi ke manapun tiada yang sama di ranau.
