Rabu, Februari 15, 2012


Sabah AG’s views on NCR regretted

KOTA KINABALU Feb 14, 2012: Chairman of Sub-Committee for Natives Laws, Customs & Cultures of the Sabah Law Association (SLA) Datuk John Sikayun strongly disagreed with the Sabah State-Attorney General’s views that there is a cut-off date for Native Customary Rights (NCR) under the Sabah Land Ordinance.

“We note with deep regret the Sabah State-Attorney General (AG)’s views that Native Customary Rights [NCR] is valid only if occupied before 1930,” Sikayun said.

He was commenting on the statement made by Datuk Roderic Fernandez on Thursday that there is no provision in the Sabah Land Ordinance (SLO) for natives to go into occupation of land after 1930 and claim NCR on it, and a claimant for NCR today must show occupation of the land prior to 1931.

“With respect, we say that the State Attorney-General should not have publicly issued such controversial views. More so, in the present climate of increasing awareness by Natives of their NCR, arising out of their grievances and complaints against companies and others of obtaining titles to lands upon which the Natives have acquired NCR,” he said. Further, Sikayun stressed, the views by the State AG as the top legal adviser to the State Government and were published in the newspapers gave the impression to the public that the State Government had approved his views.

He said, in other words his views represent the State Government’s stand on NCR in Sabah.

“We strongly disagree with the State Attorney-General’s views that there is a cut-off date for NCR under the Sabah Land Ordinance. This is not the position under the Sabah Land Ordinance. The Federal Court has succinctly decided that NCR cannot be extinguished unless the law expressly says so,” he said. Unlike the position in Sabah, Sikayun said, under the Sarawak Land Ordinance there is a cut-off date for NCR which is expressly stated under that Ordinance.

“We welcome the Chief Minister’s statement that the State Government will have a discussion with the legal fraternity and experts on land matters about NCR in Sabah.

“We hope the date of the discussion will be announced as soon as possible. The Sabah Law Association is at any time ever willing and ready to offer our learned members to participate and contribute in the said discussion,” he said. “In the meantime, we take a strong stand that in Sabah there is no cut-off date for NCR. We hope our views will give some comfort to all Natives of Sabah who have NCR on lands and due to the State Attorney General’s views they fear they have no rights on such land,” he added.


AG got it wrong on NRC – Max

“My simple study of the state land ordinance makes me conclude that the said cut-off date of 1930 only applies to Sarawak. If the AG was correct in his interpretation then all previous decisions by the High Court pertaining to settlement of claims on customary land rights would be out of context,”

“If you look at the SLO very clearly, it does not say that. I am not a lawyer by training but I have some basic law training and I think it is a wrong interpretation because the judgements of the High Court of Borneo over the years have recognised the basis of NCR land established in Sabah.

“Of course it is for the courts to decide when the matter comes up to the court but previous decisions that I have got from the Court of Borneo have been consistent that the customary rights can be established within the land ordinance … otherwise all decisions of the court would have been wrong,”

Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili

12 ulasan:

  1. The State Attorney General's statement only represented his own opinion and doesn't reflect the State Government's view on the Native Communal Land issues.

  2. Hopefully after this statement has been brought to court, the issue can be clarified so that the people will understand more about the native land status.

  3. What was the AG's motive when he made the statement? Does he has any hidden agenda?

  4. kenyataan AG pasti membimbangkan penduduk Sabah.

  5. natives have the right to protect their rights when they are being oppressed or their rights encroached.

  6. Menurut kenyataan Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, pada perasmian Program Pengembangan Ekonomi Belia Pasokmomogun Berasaskan Penanaman Getah dan Kelapa Sawit di Kg Taginambur di Kota Belud (27 Jan 2012), beliau meminta penduduk kampung yang tidak bertanah dan bersungguh-sungguh memajukan tanah NCR akan diberi pertimbangan untuk memiliki tanah itu.Penduduk harus terlebih dahulu menunjukkan komitmen dengan mengusahakan tanah-tanah NCR dengan tanaman komersial bagi membolehkan kerajaan menilai minat dan kesungguhan mereka sebelum geran tanah diberikan. Menurut beliau juga, isu tu sudah pun dibincang dengan KM Datuk Seri Musa Aman dan perkara itu diteliti untuk kebaikan rakyat.

  7. Sabah Government takes the issue of NCR seriously and will look for the best solution which results in a win-win situation for all.

  8. memang tidak hairan komuniti yang terlibat menggesa Roderic untuk meletak jawatan.

  9. Yang penting sekarang kerajaan serius untuk menangani isu mengenai NCR yang terdapat di Sabah.

  10. Roderic yang bukan orang tempatan Sabah tidak patut berlagak seolah2 beliau tahu segala2nya berkenaan dengan hak orang Sabah.. memandangkan ramai pihak yang tidak bersetuju dengan beliau, beliau patut memohon maaf secara terbuka..

  11. rasanya isu kenyataan Roderic ini tidak perlulah diperbesarkan atau dihangat2kan memandangkan badan kehakiman negeri dan kerajaan juga tidak sependapat dengan Roderic..

  12. Ditakuti penduduk asal sabah iaitu son of the soil yang berkait rapat dengan NCR tidak akan mengundi kerajaan yang tidak mempertahankan NCR.Lagipin Roderic itu apa dia peduli dia tu bukan Dusun ,Bajau,Murut,Sungei bukan orang asli Sabah.Tambahan pula banyak sudah tanah orang kampong kena rampas, rumah dan tanaman dibakar atau disungal begitu kejam.
