Hundreds of nurses jobless in Sabah
MP asks if there is an over-supply of graduate nurses and wants the Health Ministry to review its intake programmes for trainees
TAWAU Feb 27, 2012: The Health Ministry must explain the high unemployment among the government-trained nurses in Sabah, Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui said.
She said she was shocked and upset to receive complaints from the parents of trained nurses who were finding it difficult to gain placement in government hospitals in the state.
“They were even told to seek jobs in private hospitals and clinics,” she told a news conference here yesterday.
“Many of these unemployed trained nurses are from the interior of Sabah, especially in the rural areas in Tawau,” she said, explaining why the parents of these nurses had come to her.
She said the recent statement by Abu Bakar Othman, senior deputy director of the State Management Training Unit (Federal Health Department), that the appointment or recruitment of nursing trainees depended on their personal excellence and achievement, was insulting to those nurses who have graduated from the government nurses training colleges, the Tawau Nursing Community College in particular.
Abu Bakar was reported to have said this while launching the occupational safety and health campaign at Tawau Nursing Community College, recently.
“Does this mean that our nursing college graduates are not up to the mark and thus are not employable, or is there an over-supply situation in Sabah?” she asked.
Graduates struggling to service loans
Chua, who is a vice-president of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), said if that is the rationale behind the current high unemployment rate among government-trained nurses, then the Health Ministry must review its intake programmes for trainee nurses.
She noted that many young Sabah girls who had failed to enrol into the government-run community nursing training colleges were forced to enrol in private nursing training colleges.
Chua said many of the nursing college graduates were from the poor families and are now struggling to service the loans they have taken to fund their training at these private nursing training colleges.
“Their parents are now in debt while they are unemployed. This is a serious matter in our community now,” she said.
She warned that if the ministry or department concerned failed to address the issue, the already high unemployment rate among the youths in the state would steadily rise.
Chua also said the current nursing programme appeared to be a gross waste of the taxpayers’ money.
Pengambilan students dalam bidang kejururawatan perlu ada limit dan mengikut permintaan pasaran. Kalau tidak pasti akan mengwujudkan perlambakan dan pengangguran.
BalasPadamkolej swasta lebih kepada mencari keuntungan. jadi, individu itu sendiri yang kena bijak memilih kursus yang tinggi nilai pasarannya.
PadamAgree to sacora, they shall choosen the course that have great markete value and opportunity.
PadamSetuju dengan sacora, kolej swasta jangan mementingkan keuntungan sahaja.
PadamSemakin ramai dan semakin banyak persaingan. Jadi, kena mempunyai skill dan gred yang mantap untuk dapatkan kerja.
BalasPadamIt is very disappointing to see that these graduates from this field are unable to find placement in the government sector as well as within the private sector.
PadamBukan sekadar sijil sahaja, malah keputusan dan pengalaman amat penting.
PadamAdakah mereka ini memilih kerja dan meminta gaji yang lebih tinggi berbanding harga pasaran?
PadamHopefully this matter will be look into by the Ministry of Health and the department of health.
BalasPadamSemoga golongan ini dapat diisi tempat kosong jika ada sama ada hospital swasta atau kerajaan.
PadamIndeed the availability of these graduates should be put to good use.
BalasPadamIs is just one of such instance that the over produced graduates but limited job availability.
BalasPadamHopefully the government will look into this matter at earnest.
BalasPadamgraduan kolej kejururawatan swasta berlambak di pasaran sekarang. persaingan semakin sengit menyebabkan ramai yang digelar penganggur.
BalasPadamthose who intend to take nursing course should think twice before registering in any nursing college due to the limited job availability.
BalasPadamI hope the government could come up of a way to solve this issue.
PadamThere are profession and only available to work in hospital or clinic, indeed the demand are limited.
Padamjika dahulu tenaga kerja dalam perubatan amat diperlukan tapi kini sejak begitu byk kolej2 perubatan ditubuhkan. bagitu ramai graduan dihasilkan hingga melebihi keperluan.
BalasPadamKerajaan harus campur tangan supaya masalah ini tidak berlanjutan agar lebih banyak golongan mengalami pengangguran.
BalasPadampelajar itu sendiri perlu memilih bidang yang benar2 dapat memberi peluang kerja yang banyak.
PadamSupply more than demand. Its a serious matter as they has been invested times, money and effort but jobless at the end.
BalasPadamperkara ini harus di pantau.
BalasPadamIndeed a disappointment issue especially they have been putting many efforts, money and time. Expecting to have better offer yet the actual environment are disappointing.
BalasPadamBerkemungkinan mencari kerja partime untuk mendapatkan sedikit wang untuk perbelanjaan harian dan menunggu peluang yang lebih baik.
BalasPadamPemilihan bidang amat penting untuk menjamin masa depan masing-masing.
BalasPadamKementerian pendidikan perlulah memastikan institusi meletakkan kuota pengambilan pelajar dalam kurus jururawat ini untuk mengelakkan lebih banyak graduan yang gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan kelak.
BalasPadamInstitusi pengajian tinggi tidak sepatutnya memberikan kenyataan yang tidak betul kepada para pelajar dan keluarga mereka demi mendapatkan keuntungan.
BalasPadamNampaknya peluang untuk jururawat semakin tipis disebabkan permintaan yang kurang buat masa sekarang.
BalasPadamThey are jobless but they have the profession. Its kind of wasted to not use their profession.
BalasPadamState government should do something before the situation dragging on other problem.
BalasPadamMaybe we can build more hospitals or clinics.