Ahad, Februari 05, 2012


Cabinet to discuss RCI on Sabah’s secret voters

KOTA KINABALU Feb 5, 2012: The government will deliberate the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah gaining Malaysian citizenship and taking part in elections during its meeting on Wednesday.

Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Bernard Dompok said Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had promised him this during a recent meeting in Putrajaya.

Dompok, who is also Upko president, said he had explained to Najib that there must be a satisfactory solution “to bring to closure this big issue and debate about the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah.”

“He (Najib) concurred with my view and promised that this will be discussed in the coming Cabinet meeting.

“I’m hopeful that there’ll be a positive response from the government for the establishment of a RCI, since such a call was fully supported by all quarters in Sabah,” he said.

He was speaking at a Chinese New Year luncheon-cum-gathering organised by residents of the Kepayan low-cost housing scheme here yesterday.

In his speech, Dompok, who is Penampang MP, also urged Sabahans to continue to preserve the unique Malaysian culture and tradition of celebrating the various ethnic and religious festivities and use it to cement unity among the various races.

The Barisan Nasional (BN) government in Sabah has been forced to keep the call for an RCI on illegal immigrants on its agenda after taking a beating from the opposition for being unable to provide a solution to the problem despite being in power for almost two decades.

The sudden explosive growth in the population of the state in the last 20 years has frightened locals and politicians who see a reverse takeover of Sabah by illegal immigrants.

Some say this has already taken place with the help and connivance of figures in federal and state governments which, in turn, have largely benefited from the population change and a new subservient electorate drawn mainly from among the Muslim community.

Umno’s local BN partners like Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and Upko have been under pressure for some time now to prove to their supporters that they are actively pursuing a solution to the problem.

Also present at the function were Sabah MCA chief and Kepayan assemblyman Edward Khoo, Assistant Local Government and Housing Minister Edward Yong, Penampang MCA chief Senator Paul Kong, Penampang district councillor Victor Kou and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) information chief, Chong Pit Fah, who is an adviser to the residents’ committee.

15 ulasan:

  1. Hopefully the speedy establishment of the RCI will be carried out at earnest

    1. RCI need to establish as soon as possible to solve the illegal immigrants issue and citizenship issue.

    2. hope RCI will approve as soon as possible.

    3. The demand for RCI is high, there should be no more delays!

    4. hopefully!we need it before the GE-13.

  2. This is crucial so that the illegal immigrant question can be address with the proper solution following the findings of the investigations

    1. Indeed, hopefully the illegal immigrants issue can be put to an end.

  3. Sabah Umno final decision to go along with the other BN coalition partners and opposition parties for the call for the Federal Government to set up the RCI to look into the controversial issuance of identity cards to illegal immigrants to safeguard the interests and welfare of all Sabahans as the main reason for the support for the RCI call.

  4. Sabahan need RCI to solve illegal immigrant problem that long time exist in Sabah.

  5. We should wait for the decision from the PM after the meeting with Dompok.

  6. Pelaksanaannya haruslah menyeluruh dan bebas daripada manipulasi.

    1. diharap ia akan berkesan dalam menyelesaikan masalah PATI.

  7. We confident to about approval from Federal will get soon about RCI established.

  8. Jika Najib benar-benar ingin serius menangani isu di Sabah maka pasti Najib akan memberikan yang terbaik kepada penduduk Sabah.

  9. hanya di era Najib, kita berpeluang menyaksikan perubahan drastik seperti pemansuhan ISA, penambahbaikkan pilihanraya dan sebagainya. ini adalah petanda baik bahawa tidak mustahil RCI untuk Sabah juga akan dilaksanakan dibawah pentadbiran Najib..
