Ahad, Februari 05, 2012



THE PEOPLE of Ranau told KK MP Hiew King Cheu during his visit to Ranau, that they have been complaining for many years that the broadband and mobile phone signals are very weak.

Their complaints have been going to deaf ears and the government has not done enough to improve the service. If broadband signal in general for Sabah is weak, the signal for the Ranau area would be almost snail pace and weaker.

While KK MP Hiew and Stephen travelling along the route from Ranau to Kota Kinabalu, they experienced their mobile phone conversations cut-off many times. That is a big waste of mobile phone credits as the calls keep dropping off.

The many residents of the Ranau told Hiew that this is a very common thing, and they have suffered enough. Sometimes having a computer or a hand phone is useless, because there is no service at all.

Although some people stay far away from the state capital at the foot of Mount Kinabalu, does it mean that they deserve being neglected and given the least care and service?

What is the Sabah Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology, YB Yee Moh Chai doing all these while for Sabah and especially for people who live near the famous Mount Kinabalu?

It is now time for us to get better broadband and mobile phone signals and services the same as what is available in Peninsular Malaysia. Stephen said he remember two years ago, traveling along the hilly areas of North Highway route from Kuala Lumpur to Penang (after the tunnel in Perak), he had no problem making or receiving calls to and from my friends all over Malaysia.

Can we, in Sabah, have the same standard of signal and service? Let the Sabahan “enjoy a bit better service”.

15 ulasan:

  1. Hopefully the broadband penetration issue in the rural area will be resolved at earnest

  2. This is to ensure that people from this part will enjoy the same communication as well as information benefits as of those in the city

  3. hoped that SKMM/MCMC would continue to implement ICT infrastructure development projects in the State to upgrade the coverage and access to broadband and telecommunication services

  4. DCM Yee said internet penetration rate in Sabah has inched up to 33% with more efforts needed to be carried out by the Federal Government. He said there has been some improvement from the 25%. Sabah hopes to see 50% of households having access to the net while households in peninsula have already crossed the 50% margin.

  5. tidak dinafikan masalah jalur lebar di Sabah masih lagi teruk, maslah ini harus diselesaikan segera.

    1. harap2lah tahun ni liputan jalur lebar akan dapat diperbaiki.

  6. rugi sahaja membayar broadband bulan2 jika talian teruk.

    1. Adalah tidak adil jika jumlah yang dibayar tidak berpatutan dengan kualiti yang diterima.

  7. The service providers must work harder to ensure a broader and more efficient coverage for all areas, especially the rural areas.

  8. We have stepped into the digital area where the internet is becoming an important factor in our lives, it is best that the coverage can be improved.

  9. bukan hanya di Ranau saja tapi rasanya seluruh Sabah. di KK sendiri pun kadang2 liputan tak bagus juga.

  10. Mengenai broadband ini rasanya kerajaan telah merancang untuk memasang pemancar dibeberapa kawasan pendalaman bagi menyelesaikan masalah signal yang kurang baik.

  11. Masih banyak tempat yang mengalami perkara yang sama. Namun kerajaan tidak pernah berdiam mengenai perkara ini. Kerajaan telah menrancang bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini.

  12. bagaimana jika seluruh rakyat Sabah boikot broadband?? barulah penyedia perkhidmatan terhegeh2 memperbaiki perkhidmatan mereka..
