Selasa, Februari 14, 2012


Claimant for NCR today must show occupation of land before 1931 — Sabah A-G

KOTA KINABALU Feb 10, 2012: State Attorney-General Datuk Roderic Fernandez said the Sabah Land Ordinance (SL) that came into force since 1930 does not allow the creation of fresh Native Customary Right (NCR) land.

“There is no native or indigenous community in this world which claims a customary right to create fresh customary lands. There is no government in the world which recognises such a right.

“The recognition of a right to create fresh customary lands any where in Sabah at any time is the antithesis of the concept that all State land belongs to the State Government as provided in the SLO,” he said yesterday.

However, Fernandez pointed out that although there can be no creation of fresh NCR land the SLO has instead provided four additional ways natives can own land in Sabah over and above others.

“Firstly, genuine claimants of NCR lands which fall within the definition of Section 15 of the SLO and which pre-existed 1931 can either be given a title or paid compensation under Section 16. Secondly, natives can apply for direct alienation of Native Title lands under Section 9. Thirdly, Communal Native Titles are issued for natives under Section 76 and fourthly, to protect the present and future interests of natives State lands are declared as Native Reserves under Section 78,” said Fernandez yesterday.

The issue of Native Customary Rights (NCR) in respect of land has been a major cause of conflict in Sabah as seen from reports in the local newspapers on the “Symposium on Sabah Native Land Rights: Issues, Challenges and the Way Forward held in Kota Kinabalu last week and the comments by various quarters.

Fernandez noted that the erstwhile understanding of NCR in respect of land in Sabah held by the common people, legal practitioners and the judiciary is that NCR means a right to occupy State land any where in Sabah at any time and claim NCR on it.

“It is argued that there is no cut-off date. In effect it means the right to create fresh NCR land on State land any where in Sabah at any time,” he said.

“Is this the correct legal meaning of NCR in Sabah?

He pointed out that when the SLO came into force on Dec 13, 1930 the Ordinance brought with it the concept that all land belongs to the State Government.

Whereas in the past land belonged to the native community which had settled on it, now it belonged to a central authority. Henceforth, no unlawful occupation of land shall establish any right against the State Government. And no title or claim to land shall be valid unless there is a document of title issued by the State Government. However, Fernandez said that the framers of the SLO made one exception.

“Land ‘still’ held by the natives under NCR was exempted. Only land ‘still’ occupied by natives under NCR on the date of the coming into force of the SLO that is prior to 1931, are validly recognised as NCR land.

“There is no provision in the SLO for natives to go into occupation after 1930 and claim NCR on it. A claimant for NCR today must show occupation of the land prior to 1931.

According to him further, a harmonious reading of the relevant provisions of the SLO will show that Section 5 states the basic concept that all State land belonged to the State Government; Section 6, a fortification of the above basic concept by providing that no unlawful occupation of State land shall give any rights against the State Government; and Section 88 states the logical conclusion to Sections 5 and 6 providing that no title or claim to land is valid unless there is registered a document of title issued by the State Government.

“However, Section 88 makes an all important exception that land ‘still’ held by natives under NCR on the date of the SLO is valid without any document of title. It follows from the above that there can be no fresh creation of NCR after 1930.

“Any claimant claiming NCR today must prove occupation of the land prior to 1931. A claimant cannot go into occupation of State land today and create a fresh NCR on it. There can be no fresh NCR land.

“The decided Malaysian and Commonwealth judicial precedents bear out the above,” said Fernandez citing the landmark Malaysian case of Madeli our apex court accepted the principle that the common law respects ‘pre-existing’ native rights. The Australian case of Mabo (No. 2) and the Canadian case of Calder vs AG of British Columbia reflect the common law position throughout the Commonwealth that the crown’s title to the land is subject to any ‘pre-existing’ native rights over it. A similar principle was accepted in Amodu vs The Secretary of Southern Nigeria and Oyekan vs Adele.

He contended that in all the cases the emphasis was on “pre-existing” native rights and not the right to create fresh native rights.

He said this principle is consistent with international norms on this issue and cited The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Article 26.

Article 26 states that indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.

Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired. States shall give legal recognition and protection to those lands, territories and resources.

“Such recognition shall be conducted with due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned.

“The emphasis is on the word ‘traditional’.

In some countries the term ‘ancestral’ or ‘tribal’ is used. In Sabah the term ‘native customary’ is used. But they all mean one and the same thing – a historical occupation of land,” Fernandez added.

45 ulasan:

  1. We should wait until this issue has been brought up to court, I'm sure we will be able to get more accurate explanation after that.

    1. Bringing up the case to court is one of the solutions, or we can just wait for the discussion between the state cabinet as well as the component parties.

    2. Tindakan wajar harus dijalankan untuk mengelakkan masalah berterusan sebegini.

    3. the court will decide on the best way to settle this matter.

  2. Hope that the Sabah State Government will come up with the best ways to help the natives retain or get back their lands.

    1. with the election just around the corner, the government will definitely buck up their performance and thus help the natives to get back their lands as well as to protect their rights.

  3. Isu tanah sudah menjadi isu yang sering dibangkitkan. Namun begitu masih belum ada penyelesaian. Kepada mereka yang bertanggungjawab untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah ini, pastikan semua kesan positif yang akan dihadapi oleh semua pihak.

    1. how long must the natives wait till this nightmare finally over for them???

    2. harap isu tanah aka dapat diselesaikan dengan adanya komitmen daripada semua pihak..

  4. masalah tidak akan timbul jika tidak ada sebabnya. Pastikan sebab penyebab berlaku masalah ini dikenalpasti terlebih dahulu.

    1. Its good to find out the roots of the problems so that we knew what is the best way to address it.

    2. harap isu ini dpt diselesaikan.

    3. ya..masalah harus dikenalpasti dan langkah penyelesaian harus dicari..

  5. I'm sure the government is currently discussing this NCR matter within the cabinet, just be patient and explanation will be given soon.

  6. We need concrete solutions for this NCR issue. People are confused with the recent statement made by the AG.

    1. kenyataan AG pasti membimbangkan penduduk Sabah.

    2. I think the state cabinet should come in front to resolve the issue.

    3. semoga penyelesaian akan dapat dicari dengan segera.

  7. harap kabinet dapat mencari penyelesaian yang akan menguntungkan semua pihak.

    1. ya..itulah yang diharapkan oleh semua iaitu penyelesaian yang memberikan kebaikan kepada semua.

  8. Native Land Tribunal would be the best avenue for the people to address such issues

    1. State government should fight for these.

  9. KM Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata, Kerajaan Negeri megalu-alukan sebarang inisiatif yang boleh membantu usaha meningkatkan kebajikan rakyat dan memperkukuhkan program tanahnya.

    1. Yes, the state government is open to every single ideas.

    2. Jadi jangan pula mengkritik kerajaan yang hanya pandai mengampu.

    3. jadi mana2 pihak yang mempunyai sebarang inisiatif bolehlah dikemukankan dan pasti akan dipertimbangkan.

    4. Baik juga untuk mendengar lebih banyak pendapat supaya masalah lebih senang ditanggani.

    5. our CM will fight hard for the natives. All the best to MA.

  10. I think it's merely his views on NCR land.

    1. his views has caused confusion among the natives people.

  11. What about the Tribunal matter?

  12. Kerajaan memandang serius mengenai perkara ini.

  13. Kenyataan peguam itu cuma pendapat dan padangan peribadi semata-mata. Maka kita tidak boleh percaya akan perkara ini sepenuhnya.

  14. Datuk Musa Aman telah memberikan semangat kepada penduduk Sabah akan melaksanakan pelbagai usaha bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi mengenai Tanah Adat ini. Tribunal adalah antara cadangan yang akan dilaksanakan untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah ini.

    1. I hope the tribunal will be set up in order to protect the interest of the natives.

  15. Semoga setiap masalah yang dihdapat penduduk Sabah akan dapat pembelaan dari kerajaan Negeri Sabah.

  16. Pandangan peribadi yang dibuat oleh AG Negeri itu tidak ada kaitan dengan kerajaan. Itu cuma secara peribadi beliau. Maka kita tidak juga boleh salahkan sesiapa. Namun kenyataan sebegini memberikan impak yang besar kepada penduduk untuk terus bersuara. Maka kerajaa sekarang perlu memainkan peranan bagi memberikan penjelasan mengenai perkara ini.

  17. apa yang penting ialah penyelesaian..harap isu berkaitan tanah yang berlaku akan berjaya diselesaikan.

  18. Hal ini mungkin agak memeningkan kepala segelintir pihak. Tapi tak mengapa, saya yakin masih ada cara utk pertahankan hak rakyat.

  19. Masih lagi ada harapan utk jaga hak kita. Kalau tribunal ditubuhkan pasti semuanya akan lebih mudah diuruskan.

  20. Harap semuanya OK kerana hak rakyat harus dipertahankan.

  21. Saya kurang arif pasal tanah, tapi saya tetap berharap agar dilema penduduk mengenai NCR ditanggani dengan baik.

  22. Selebihnya kita nantikan saja s/ada kerajaan akan tubuhkan tribunal atau tal. Tapi harap ditubuhkanlah, kerana kalau tak silap mcm ok saja tribunal tu.

  23. jika benar tidak ada tanah NCR di Sabah, apa pula undang2 yang digunakan oleh mahkamah negeri ini untuk memihak kepada penduduk kampung yang menuntut hak tanah NCR mereka??

  24. sedikit kelegaan mungkin boleh dirasai penduduk Sabah ekoran kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Roderic ini apabila kerajaan dan juga peguam2 yang lain tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan Roderic..
