Selasa, Februari 14, 2012


190,000 places at IPTAs this year

KOTA KINABALU Feb 12, 2012: The number of places available at public higher learning institutes (IPTAs) in the country is expected to reach 190,000 for the new session this year, offering more opportunities for Malaysians to pursuit tertiary education.

Director (Students Intake Management Division) of the Higher Education Department Ibrahim Ali said over 180,000 places were made available at various IPTAs last year.

“The availability of education opportunities at all levels will continue to be increased as we put more and more emphasis on education as a tool to propel the country forward,”

he said when speaking at the closing of a Seminar With Community Leaders here yesterday.

The one-day seminar, involving some 160 participants, was held in conjunction with the eight national Higher Learning Carnival to disseminate important information on higher education opportunities to key community groups.

Ibrahim said currently only about 30 per cent of the workforce in the country has tertiary education while the remaining has only STPM qualification and below.

“That is why the government decided to multiply the number of places available at universities and other higher learning institutions in stages.

“Apart from IPTA, we also create more places through community colleges so that people from all ages can have more opportunities to get their certificates, diplomas and degrees,” he said.

He added that entries to tertiary education institutions are now open not only to A students but to all who wish to continue their studies, and made available to everyone based on their different qualifications and capabilities.

With better opportunities made available by the government, Ibrahim said, it was crucial to instill awareness specially among the younger generation that education is important for their future and the country.

“All the places created at the universities would not mean anything if they are not utilized by the students to continue their studies. That is why we have the seminar today, to tell people that there are opportunities available for them.

“We hope that through the participating community leaders, the information discussed today would be passed to other people in their respective areas and villages,” he said.

Sabah was the forth state to host the carnival, which was previously held in Pahang, Terengganu and Kedah. The 11-week carnival will move to seven other locations across the country.

Apart from seminars, the carnival also featured exhibitions on programmes that parents and students can choose from at IPTAs across the country.

15 ulasan:

  1. This will provide more opportunities for the people to pursue higher education so that they would be able to continue to improve themselves.

  2. Once these carnivals extended to more places, then it will allow more students from more places to learn more about what was offered so that they can weight their choices before making a decision.

  3. This is indeed a very good news. Many will have the opportunity to persue their education at tertiary level

  4. But at the same time one begs to ask another critical question:

    Will there be job availability in the future for these potential 19,000 graduates within the next three to five years? or are we simply churning out more potential unemployed graduates?

  5. Students in higher learning must be prepared and don't be too laid back. Once they graduated, there will be tough competition for job opportunities.

    1. para pelajar perlu bijak dala memilih jurusan, pastikan jurusan yagn diambil sesuai dgn keperluan semasa.

    2. pelajar2 harus memilih jurusan mengikut minat bukan mengikut arahan orang lain.

    3. hope students can prepare their self to face for the tough competition once they graduated.

  6. harap lebih banyak pelajar Sabah yang layak ke Universiti. Sabahans harus lebih ramai berpendidikan tinggi.

    1. sekarang ni memang terbuka luas peluang untuk memasuki universiti dan tiap tahun ramai kemasukan. harap semua pelajar bila keluar akan mempunyai kualiti yang tinggi.

  7. Peluang pembelajaran banyak namun perlu seimbang dengan permintaan dalam pekerjaan.

  8. Baguslah ini yang akan membawa generasi kita untuk terus maju kehadapan.

  9. Pendidikan sememangnya antara yang penting dalam berjaya dalam hidup.

  10. Kepada generasi muda janganlah bazirkan masa melakukan perkara yang tidak berfaedah, Bila ada peluang untuk melanjutkan pelajaran janganlah sia2kan peluang itu.

  11. kerajaan juga perlu memastikan semua IPTS di negara ini dapat meningkatkan standard pembelajaran mereka agar graduan yang mereka lahirkan kelak berkualiti dan mudah mendapat pekerjaan..
