Khamis, Januari 12, 2012


Smallholders take Sabah Rubber Board to court

image Kota Kinabalu Jan 12, 2012: The United Sabah Smallholders Association (Usaha) dragged the Sabah Rubber Industries Board (LIGS) to court on Monday with regard to, among others, the issue of members claiming they have been unfairly paid for rubber over the years.

The lawsuit was filed in court by the association through Messrs S. Vanugopal & Partners on Tuesday.

According to Usaha President, Chua Men Nam, the issue had been prompting members to press the association during its annual general meetings (AGMs) to seek legal means to claim for their rights to receive a fair price for their labour.

He explained that even the difference of the price of raw materials between Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah is huge, between RM1.50 and RM2.50 per kilogramme.

"The issue had been raised during our AGMs and each time the members urged us to take legal action against the LIGS. It's high time now because this matter has already dragged on for many years," Chua said.

Chua, himself a former LIGS officer, also said members had also resorted to taking legal action against the agency for allegedly failing in its duty to serve their interest.

They alleged that the agency had been profiteering from them, hence, the unfair price.

"Speaking from personal experience, I remember the former general manager of LIGS, the late Datuk S. P. Durai, once said that the agency is a non-profit body," he added.

Usaha was formerly registered as Pertubuhan Pekebun-Pekebun Kecil Getah Sabah (PPKGS) in 2006 before it changed its name.

It has a membership of more than 5,000 smallholders from various commodity and agriculture activities in the State.

14 ulasan:

  1. Rubber price is higher in West Malaysia but Sabahan rubber smallholders gets paid less, hope that explanations will be made.

    1. this is not fair for Sabahan actually.

  2. There shouldn't be double standard within the same country. Sabahan rubber smallholders deserves to be paid fairly.

  3. Agree with Jake. Sabah is part of M'sia too. Why only Sabahan rubber smallholders are paid with low payment?

  4. Usaha has made a brave move. Keep it up.

  5. "He explained that even the difference of the price of raw materials between Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah is huge, between RM1.50 and RM2.50 per kilogramme."

    Whats the rationale behind this price difference?

  6. Hopefully Sabah Rubber Industries Board (LIGS) can give a clear explanation for this

  7. pekebun Sabah juga harus mendapat bayaran yang sama seperti di semenanjung.

  8. memang banyak sangat yang membezakan antara Sabah dan SM. harap jurang perbezaan ini dapat dirapatkan.

  9. Lebih baik selaraskan harga getah, ni lebih adil.

  10. perbezaan yang ketara hanya akan menimbul rasa tidak puas hati dikalangan pekebun

  11. biarlah mahkamah yang mengadili pekara ini dengan seadilnya.

  12. Kita tunggu saja kes ini diputuskan oleh pihak mahkamah. Benar biarlah keadilan terbela.

  13. hopefully the Usaha will win in this case and managed to get compensation from LIGS..
