Solve land issue – Bung Mokhtar
Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin
KINABATANGAN Dec10, 2011: The state government should immediately solve the issue of land titles in this area which has caused difficulties for small planters to receive government assistance or making loans.
Kinabatangan member of parliament Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin said land title issues should be noted by the state government to solve people’s problems, particularly in ensuring problems faced by smallholders be resolved.
“I hope the Chief Minister will immediately approve the land title grants to help residents,”
he told reporters after a special dialogue session between local small planters in Kinabatangan district and the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin at Dewan Sri Lamag, yesterday.
He added that among the problems faced by residents are they were unable to develop the land as they have not received grants.
“Smallholders also failed to make loans from the banks due to lack of land titles,” he said adding that this was a loss to the land owners.
Bung Mokhtar hoped that the land title issues could be resolved before the next election by at least 50 per cent.
He said the issue of land titles has lasted a long time and an immediate action should be taken to help people and overcome this land issue.
“I have received many complaints from people in this area on the issue of land grants which had made futile their efforts to develop their own land,” he said.
Bung Mokhtar said they also suffered losses of assistance provided by the government where the application process requires that the applicant has a grant of land.
Meanwhile, he assured the people of Kinabatangan that the government will intensify their effort so overcome the issue as the government had also solved 200 lots of land which overlapped in this area, recently.
Harap masalah pemilikan tanah ini akan ditangani sebelum PRU-13 diadakan.
BalasPadamJanganlah biar rakyat menunggu lama untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.
BalasPadamShould. That the milestone for people while coming GE.
BalasPadammasalah tanah dah lama timbul, isu ini harus diselesaikan segere.
BalasPadamrakyat berhak untuk memiliki tanah, seharusnya isu ini dah lama selesai.
BalasPadamApa sebab pemohon terpaksa menunggu lama untuk memiliki tanah secara sah? Sepatutnya isu ini ditangani dari dulu lagi.
BalasPadamNasib rakyat seharusnya dibela.
BalasPadamkalau boleh, semuanya kena selesai sebelum PRU. kalau tidak pun mungkin separuh daripadanya.
BalasPadamramai rakyat tertindas oleh syarikat2 besar yang mengambil tanah mereka dengan bantuan pihak2 tertentu di dalam Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur. kakitangan perlu disiasat satu persatu untuk kenalpasti siapa yang menjadi dalang. saya pasti bukan semua tapi ada segelintir.
BalasPadamkali ini kenyataan beliau sangat releven berdasarkan situasa semasa.. jangan lagi buat kenyataan pelik..
BalasPadamselain membantu penduduk kampung mendapatkan geran tanah, bantu juga penduduk yang telah menjadi mangsa rampasan tanah di kinabatangan oleh syarikat2 besar..
BalasPadamMasalah tanah harus diselesai agar tiada mangsa kemalangan lagi.
BalasPadamSetup RCI to do further investigation able the land issue.
BalasPadamWalaupun tidaknya menjelang PRU, masalah tanah, PATi dll harus juga ditanggani secepat mungkin.
BalasPadam"Smallholders also failed to make loans from the banks due to lack of land titles,” he said adding that this was a loss to the land owners."
BalasPadamMasalah tanah harus diselesai supaya tiada lagi mangsa akibat kes rampas tanah.
Hak milik penduduk harus dipertahankan. Semoga tindakan wajar diambil oleh kerajaan.
BalasPadamItu sudah semestinya..Kerajaan akan menangani isu ini secepat mungkin. Pelbagai rancangan pasti akan dilaksanakan mengenai perkara ini.
BalasPadamYes, the issue keeps on going without being solve.
BalasPadamBetter solve this before the election, otherwise it will get solve, maybe govt will also be changed.
BalasPadamsebarang isu yang berlaku harus diselesaikan agar tidak terus berpanjangan.
BalasPadamharap ianya akan dapat diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.
BalasPadamLand issues is one of the hottest issue ever debated.
BalasPadam“I hope the Chief Minister will immediately approve the land title grants to help residents,"
BalasPadambukan kuasa meluluskan sudah dipindah kepada kabinet kah?
karenah birokrasi untuk meluluskan permohonan rakyat tempatan harus dikurangkan..tempoh pemprosesan juga harus dipendekkan.
BalasPadampermohonan2 yang sudah lama harus disegerakan...permohonan bertindihan harus dielakkan.
BalasPadamSesungguhnya masalah tanah tidak perlu tunggu sebelum PRU13.
BalasPadamThe government should resolve the matter asap.
BalasPadamIt should be solved now.
BalasPadamJangan biarkan kudis bernanah.
BalasPadamelection is jsut around the corner. Do something to solve this issue before its too late.
BalasPadamThe people are watching both the gov and opposition closely to decide on who to vote when election comes.
BalasPadambut please help the people because you are sincere and not for the sake of winning the election.
BalasPadamHak penduduk haruslah di pertahankan...
BalasPadamHarap isu ini dapat diselesaikan dengan segera..dan semua akan berpua hati...kerajaan pasti tidak akan meminggirkan rakyat..
BalasPadamPRU akan berlangsung tidak lama lagi...lebih baik selesaikan masalah ini dengan segera..utamakan rakyat..
BalasPadamKerajaan perlu ambil perhatian dalam hal tanah ini..takut nnti PRU..rakyat akan berubah fikiran..
BalasPadamHarap hak penduduk akan terus di perjuangkan agar tidak ada sebarang masalah pada PRU nnti..
BalasPadamare there any development regarding this matter?
BalasPadamThis problem should be solved for the sake of the people.
BalasPadamThe problem of land must be resolved to avoid other accident victims.
BalasPadamThe problem of land must be resolved to avoid other accident victims.
BalasPadamSuch problem should be tackled immediately to elude land confiscation.
BalasPadamLet’s hope this problem will be solved before the election.
BalasPadamHopefully this matter will be solved this year.