Increase in Kinabatangan voters raising eyebrows
KOTA KINABALU October 2, 2011: The unexpected high voter-to-population ratio in the Kinabatangan region on the east of Sabah has raised concerns that non-citizens have made it into the new electoral rolls.
Sabah DAP which sounded the alarm said the ratio had risen to as high as 68% and was abnormal.
MP for Kota Kinabalu Hiew King Cheu noted that a check on the electoral roll revealed that registered voters in Kinabatangan is around 22,000 from a total local population of 32,638, which which makes the population-to-voter ratio at 68%.
“This is very high when compared with many other areas in Sabah. The normal voters-to-population ratio is between 20% to 35% only.
“For example in Beaufort, it is 28,000 voters to 70,000 people (36%), for Penampang, it is 36,000 voters to 130,000 people (28%), and for Beluran it is 20,000 voters to 110,000 people (18%) only.
“It is not possible for a constituency to have 68% of the population registered as voters. Normally, many kampung folks and their young ones are not registered as voters and also many of them are working away from the area. This is even more obvious in Kinabatangan area.
“We cannot understand the situation in Kinabatangan. Maybe someone can explain the high voters- to-population ratio to us.”
Hiew said this while commenting on the revelation by Women, Family and Community Ministry secretary-general Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur that the immigrant population in the Kinabatangan district in 2010 had surpassed the local population.
Noorul had said that out of the total of 150,327 people in Kinabatangan, 117,689 were foreigners and 32,638 were locals.
Hiew said he was shocked to learn about this, adding that the figures revealed that something was not right somewhere, especially when compared with the registered number of voters on the electoral roll for the Kinabatangan parliament constituency.
“The secretary-general to the ministry and many other people may not have noticed this extraordinary situation. The only logical explanation is that foreigners have been registered as voters too,” he said.
He said the Election Commission (EC) must explain the oddity.
Mengundi adalah hak rakyat, orang luar tidak berhak mengundi.
BalasPadam"Sabah DAP which sounded the alarm said the ratio had risen to as high as 68% and was abnormal."
BalasPadamPertambahan pengundi secara mendadak merupakan satu sinario yang amat luar biasa. Perlu disiasat sama ada golongan yang tidak berkelayakan telah diberi identiti untuk mengundi?
Beaufort, it is 28,000 voters to 70,000 people (36%), for Penampang, it is 36,000 voters to 130,000 people (28%), and for Beluran it is 20,000 voters to 110,000 people (18%) only.
BalasPadamThe increasing amoutn of voters seems abnormal. The respective department should take serious action to investigate the factor of these abnormal increasing trend? We seeks no bad intention or tactics incoming PRU.
Pihak SPR seharus tampil ke depan dan menjelaskan keadaan pertambahan pengundi yang luar biasa ini untuk mengelakkan masyarakat memikirkan yang negatif terhadap pihap SPR dan kerajaan.
BalasPadamBagus lah, rakyat dah peka dan sensitif terhadap "angka". Semoga pihak SPR memberi penjelasan yang boleh diterima oleh semua golongan.
BalasPadamPertambahan tidak normal ini perlu disiasat demi PRU13 dapat dijalankan dengan terbuka, bersih, adil dan amanah. Harap tiada pihak yang terbabit seperti yang dikatakan "projek IC" ini.
BalasPadammgkin ramai sudah orang muda yang mendaftar untuk mengundi.
BalasPadamini mungkin menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada semua..
BalasPadambilangan warga asing di Kinabatangan lebih banyak dari penduduk tempatan. ada kemungkinan juga warga asing ni dipergunakan untuk menjadi pengundi.
BalasPadamJPN dan SPR perlu bekerjasama untuk membersihkan daftar pemilih. jangan sampai warga asing diberi hak kelayakan mengundi.
BalasPadamPihak SPR seharus lebih sensitif terhadap pertambahan pengundi yang teramat luar biasa ini. Walau ada pertambahan pengundi muda, tetapi jumlah ini mengejutkan.
BalasPadamJumlah warga asing di Kinabatangan memang menakutkan semua penduduk tempatan, seolah penduduk tempatan ini yang berhijrah dan tumpang ke tempat orang lain. Keadaan ini akan menybabkan akibat teruk jika tidak diurus dengan baik.
BalasPadam"Beaufort, it is 28,000 voters to 70,000 people (36%), for Penampang, it is 36,000 voters to 130,000 people (28%), and for Beluran it is 20,000 voters to 110,000 people (18%) only."
BalasPadamTambahan pengundi baru memang luar biasa. Banyak pemuda-pemudi dah mencari makan di negeri atau negara lain, seharus pertambahan pengundi muda tidak tercapai berganda jumlahnya.
EC should explain the abnormal amount of new voters. many bad judgement about SPR and government. For the sake of the people, SPR needed to voice out and be able to explain the situation.
BalasPadamJust wonder who is the real tiger behind the mirror. We seek for fair and open election. All dirty tactics and method should be eliminated.
BalasPadamThe secretary-general to the ministry and many other people may not have noticed this extraordinary situation. The only logical explanation is that foreigners have been registered as voters too,” - yes, this makes sense..
BalasPadamsome leaders want to use the illegals to stay in power in Sabah..
BalasPadamselesaikan isu PATI di Sabah yang semakin membimbangkan ini
BalasPadamjelas sekali ada sesetengah pihak yang cuba menyembunyian sesuatu dari diketahui umum
BalasPadamtrue...locals are outnumbered by the immigrant population nowadays
BalasPadambanyaknya orang asing di kinabatangan??mungkin sebab Kinabatangan banyak estet & ladang yg memerlukan buruh...
BalasPadamisu PATI yg semakin berlarutan... cari jalan penyelesaian..bukan menunding jari kepada satu pihak sahaja...semua mesti berkerjasama..
BalasPadamHiew patut berjumpa terus dengan Datuk Bung bagi mendapatkan penjelasan dan penyelesaian..
BalasPadamsokong jemica..sbb banyak estet & ladang..itu lh psl ramai org asing...
BalasPadamPastikan mereka yang benar-benar layak saja yang mengundi. Inilah tugas SPR sekarang.
BalasPadamKerana inilah kita mahukan PATI diselesaikan. Jika tidak pasti perkara ini akan terus berlaku peningkatan mendadak.
BalasPadamIt's definitely shocking to me.
BalasPadamSaya berharap agar ada cara untuk mengenal pasti punca permasalahan itu.
BalasPadamSeriously this is killing us.
BalasPadamSiasatan harus dijalankan.
BalasPadamIt is so abnormal.