PBRS backs call for more Sabah seats
KOTA KINABALU September 1, 2011: Parti Berstau Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) supports the call to increase the number of state and parliamentary seats in Sabah, said its president Tan Sri Joseph Kurup.
The Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment said however an in-depth study must be conducted first so that a new agreeable formula can be worked out to ensure all areas in Sabah are better represented.
“It is something to be considered, but how many (seats). This needs to be studied thoroughly before any decision is made,” he said.
“The point is to ensure the needs of the people are perfectly met,” he told reporters when asked to comment on Parti Bersatu Sabah’s (PBS) call for re-delineation of the state’s constituencies.
Kurup, who is Pensiangan Member of Parliament, said that as to where and how many additional seats are to be created should be based on the size and not the racial composition of the constituencies involved.
On the proposed use of indelible ink to prevent electoral fraud, Kurup said he did not wish to make a stand on the matter.
He said however he would have no complaints if the method could really help increase public confidence in the country’s electoral process.
United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard last week said the use of indelible ink on the ballot papers would be easier to implement compared to the biometric system in ensuring a transparent and fair election.
Dompok, who is also the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, said this is because the biometric system could not operate if there is a power failure.
State Govt to study seats proposal
"We will talk about it after Hari Raya,"
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman
The question is addtional by "how many seats" ? More to study..
BalasPadamWe agree to what is good for the people of Sabah.
BalasPadamSaya setuju memberi lebih banyak kerusi kepada pemimpin Sabah.
BalasPadamSPR juga perlulah mempertimbangkan penggunaan dakwat tetap.
BalasPadamEC still studying biometric system
BalasPadamKOTA KINABALU: Election Commission deputy chairman Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad yesterday expressed confidence that the use of the biometric system could help ‘clean’ the electoral roll.
He said the EC is currently conducting a study on the system to determine its suitability for implementation during general elections, and it will only be used if the Commission is satisfied with the outcome.
On the feedback about the proposal to use the biometric system, Wira said, “That is why we are emphasising on the word ‘study’. We might conduct a mock election just to study the new system. If the result does not satisfy us, we will do the study again until we are satisfied to ensure that all loopholes are covered,” he told reporters.
Agree with ChuaM. Most important, candidates for GE 13th must be those who are really want to serve the people.
BalasPadamada beberapa kawasan di negeri ini yang perlu dibahagikan bagi memudahkan wakil rakyat melakukan tugasnya. sebelum ini ada wakil rakyat yang mengadu tidak mampu melayan masalah semua kampung di kawasan beliau kerana kawasan yang diwakili beliau terlalu luas.
BalasPadamsaya harap selepas pembahagian kawasan atau pertambahan kerusi dilakukan, tidak ada lagi rungutan atau alasan wakil rakyat untuk tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah rakyat dikawasan masing2.
BalasPadamPenambahan kerusi supaya wakil rakyat menumpu perhatian sepenuhnya kepada rakyat memang satu proposal yang baik.
BalasPadamKami sokong apa yang baik untuk rakyat..
BalasPadam"The point is to ensure the needs of the people are perfectly met,"
BalasPadamWe really hope these will come in reality.. Most of the time their slogan seems very attractive and supportive but didn't really come true.. We urge that they mean to what they promised to the people.
“It is something to be considered, but how many (seats). This needs to be studied thoroughly before any decision is made,”
BalasPadamApa-apa pun, kaji dengan teliti berapa kerusi yang diperlukan sebelum ambil tindakan. Kami memang perlukan wakil rakyat yang sanggup berusaha, berkorban, bersuara untuk rakyat.
Please survey and study about the biometic system before any implementation. Any backup system if happen power failure? All need to plan accordingly.
BalasPadamwe need more people to support this plan, this might work.
BalasPadamyes agreed with the use of indelible ink on the ballot papers as it would be easier to implement compared to the biometric system in ensuring a transparent and fair election.
BalasPadambiar keputusan Parlimen menentukan samada permintaan penambahan kerusi ini releven atau tidak
BalasPadamsemoga kerajaan dapat mempertimbangkan untuk menambah kerusi DUN dan Parlimen di Sabah berdasarkan keperluan semasa.
BalasPadamya, jika persempadan semula ini dapat dikaji dan dilaksanakan, nescaya wakil rakyat dapat menyalurkan bantuan dengan lebih berkesan kepada rakyat Sabah.
BalasPadamsemoga menerima keputusan positive dari semua pihak.
BalasPadamBagus juga kalau ditambah jika ia membawa kebaikan:)
BalasPadamNamun semuanya haruslah dipersetujui bersama dulu sebelum dilaksanakan bagi mengelakkan salah faham berlaku.
BalasPadamApapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.
BalasPadamjika cadangan ini dapat memberikan lebih manfaat kepada semua ianya wajar dipertimbangkan.
BalasPadammgkin kerusi perlu ditambah untuk memudahkan urusan. kerana bukan mudah bagi seorang wakil rakyat untuk menguruskan sesebuah kawasan yang terlalu luas.
BalasPadamPerlukah penambahan kerusi? tapi mungkin juga PERLU. Kerana tengok sendiri Kinbatangan mempunya kawasan yang luas tapi jumlah penduduk juga perlu diambil kira. Susah jugakan. Biarlah keputusan dari pihak yang tertentu untuk penambahan kerusi ini.