Ahad, Mei 15, 2011


Patients, doctors unhappy with poor medical and health services — DAP

May 15, 2011, KOTA KINABALU: DAP Sabah has received many complaints about the services rendered by the Health Ministry to Sabahans in terms of medicinal quality, supplies and equipment.

DAP Sabah assistant secretary Junz Wong said that both the patients and doctors are unhappy and frustrated with the state of affairs in the medical and health services.

He added that Sabahans are the most unlucky citizens in Malaysia because the good drugs are not available to treat the sick.

According to Junz, for many years Sabah has only one radiotherapy machine for the whole state.

Last time before SMC Hospital was bought over by government, the hospital rented the machine.

Now after taking over the SMC hospital, the government is still renting it.

Junz, who is also DAP Sabah Kota Kinabalu Youth chief, said Sabah is short changed as far as the health services are concerned.

“The Health Ministry never even looks into allocating some fund to buy a new up-to-date radiotherapy machine for the cancer patients. Now that the machine is old and overworked, it breaks down almost every three months.

There is no back up machine. The nearest radiotherapy machine available for Sabahan cancer patients is located in Kuching,” he said.

Junz said the lack of equipment has led to many specialists looking for better working conditions elsewhere.

“Our foreign-trained local specialists are keen to serve the country but the poor medical infrastructure especially the equipment make it impossible for them to provide optimum service.

“They are just pissed off by the remarks of inadequate funds or of the government’s emphasis on new buildings,” he said.

Junz said he knew of a cancer specialist who returned to Sabah after 18 years in the United Kingdom but was disappointed that after 48 years Sabah Medical and Health service does not have the environment, system and infrastructure to retain people like him for long.

Junz added that Sabah deserves better treatment from the federal government.

The State has contributed so much revenue to the National coffer but in return only received less than 10 per cent of the overall National budget.

“To illustrate the poor treatment and disparity further, Putrajaya Hospital in Kuala Lumpur has three radiotherapy machines and it is not even a state,” Junz said.

30 ulasan:

  1. Hope that the ministry of health will give more allocation to improve the hospitals and equipments in Sabah.

  2. The quality of medical and health should be improved.

  3. harap kualiti perkhidmatan kesihatan akan dapat dipertingkatkan dari masa ke masa.

  4. semoga tahap perkhidmatan akan menjadi lebih memuaskan pada masa akan datang.

  5. The government should take attention on the issue.

  6. Masalah ini harus diberi perhatian. Dimanakah Rosnah, sila beli penjelasan...

  7. Tindakan segera harus diambil bagi mengelak sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku. Keadaan ini dapat memberi kesan negative kepada perasaan penduduk sabah.

  8. kelengkapan dan kualiti hosptital seharusnya lengkap dan memuaskan.

  9. kesihatan sememangnya menjadi keutamaan. jadi, kerajaan perlu mempertingkatkan lagi mutu perkhidmatan kesihatan dengan membekalkan peralatan yang lengkap kepada semua hospital.

  10. 'According to Junz, for many years Sabah has only one radiotherapy machine for the whole state.'

    sungguh naifnya Sabah jika hanya mempunyai hanya 1 mesin radioterapi. sekurang-kurangnya, harus ada juga 'back up machine'.lagipun, dikatakan mesin ini juga selalu rosak hampir setiap tiga bulan.

  11. perkhidmatan kesihatan di sabah harus dipertingkatkan.

  12. masalah ini adalah serius..kementerian berkenaan sila bertindak..

  13. Sabah deserves better treatment from the federal government.

  14. diharap kerajaan akan mengambil serius hal ini dan mengambil tindakan yang sepatutnya.

  15. Banyak benda dah naik tapi kualiti perkhidmatan kesihatan tak pula pandai naik. huhu

  16. Saya sependapat dengan adam bahawa Sabah memang patut dapat 'special treatment' drpd kerajaan persekutuan:P

  17. Kerajaan harus serius dalam memeprtimbangak keluhan ini demi kepentingan bersama.

  18. Hal ini harus diberi perhatian sewajarnya.

  19. Moga kualiti perkhidamatan di hospital dalam semua aspek dapat ditingkatkan.

  20. Itu sudah pasti memang kekurangan berlaku dalam perubatan kita. Harap masalah ini akan ditangani sebaiknnya.

  21. Memang perubatan kita semakin ketinggalan. Tapi perlu ingat, jika perubatan yang moden dan canggih terlalu mahal maka mungkin akan membebankan kepada rakyat itu sendiri bagi membayar kos perubatan yang akan dikenakan..

  22. Apa pun cadangan dan idea dari pihak lain akan dikaji sebaiknya. Perkara ini bukan senang pasti memerlulah kata putus dari pihak tertentu.

  23. harap tahap perubahan kita akan semakin baik.

  24. kenapa tidak komplen terus kepada kementerian kesihatan? apa yang DAP boleh buat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini selain dari menggunkannya untuk kepentingan politk. patutlah banyak masalah tidak selesai disebabkan aduan tidak sampai kepada pihak yang bertanggungjawab.

  25. baik lengkapkan satu persatu, terutamanya bangunan dan peralatan2 yang sentiasa digunakan.

  26. Health services shouldn't be compromised.

  27. Lebih baik selesaikan masalah tentang isu kesihatan di Sabah ini.

  28. Ini tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu saja.

  29. Health issues have been said for years. This is time to pack it up!

  30. Jangan abaikan permintaan kita semua.
