‘Faulty’ MyKads leaves Sabahans wondering
March 10, 2011 The much touted technology used in the MyKad chip may not be so 'sophisticated' afterall.
SANDAKAN: The reliability of the MyKad as an identification document has come under increasing scrutiny and criticism by citizens.
The microchip implanted identity card, touted as a sophisticated technology, has been found to be faulty and unreadable by security devices.
While increasing incidences of scams and bank fraud around the country has made the ID card indispensable at all bank transactions, verification services have been unreliable.
Most complaints being received are those of ‘unreadability’ by some machines, resulting in troublesome delays for many seeking banking services.
Prominent Lahad Datu businessman Tham Shao Tong is among its critics. He was among those who claimed to be a ‘victim of sophisticated technology.’
Recalling an incident, Tham said he had gone to the bank to withdraw RM150 using his bankbook but was told that his MyKad was faulty.
As such he was denied the money and told to go to National Registration Department (NRD) to check or replace his ID card.
He was told that his MyKad could not be read by the bank machine.
The bank also denied that its card reader was faulty as it could verify the details and information implanted in the chip on other MyKads without a hitch.
In Kota Kinabalu, a journalist said he encountered the same problem and was denied service.
“I had to go to another branch and fortunately it worked.”
In Sandakan, bank officer Jaafar said the bank was helpless when such incidents happened.
“It happens quite often … customers blame us for not being able to get any banking services but we can’t do anything if their ID card cannot be read by our machine. This is not our fault, it’s the NRD’s fault,” he said.
Another MyKad holder who preferred to remain anonymous said her card could not be read at the Kota Kinabalu Airport and at the EPF machines but was told by NRD when she went to their office to verify the card, that it was fine.
However, on returning to the EPF office, the officers there said they could still not verify her details as the thumbprint on her card could not be read.
Many point out that ATM, debit and credit cards, which also use microchips, do not have such problems despite having been used by card holders for so many years.
They say the government should first ensure there are not faults in the MyKad before implementing the use of it nationwide.
The fine imposed to replace a ‘lost’ MyKad is RM300, double that for a second replacement and so on.
Sudah lama saya mendengar bahawa kadang-kala chip Mykad tidak dapat dibaca.
BalasPadamTahukah anda bahawa Malaysia adalah negara pertama yang menggunakan Mykad yang ada chip.
BalasPadam"The fine imposed to replace a ‘lost’ MyKad is RM300, double that for a second replacement and so on."
BalasPadamerr, isn't that too pricey??
The government will need to fix this "faulty" mykads issue.
BalasPadamPls fix and improve the mykad quality
BalasPadamJPN should improve mykad quality.
BalasPadamharap kualiti yang ada pada Mykad akan dapat ditingkatkan agar tidak timbul kesulitan kerana cip tidak dapat dibaca.
BalasPadamPeople are smarter than before now. Even PTI are smarter than us.
BalasPadamIt's quite annoying when that happen. Improve the mycard quality already!
BalasPadamMaka harapan kita, jabatan pendaftaran akan membuat satu MyKad yang lebih berkualiti dan tahan lasak. Kerana yang ada sekarang ini mudah rosak.
BalasPadamDimana-mana tempat bank memerlukan MyKad cip yang boleh dibaca bagi membuka akaun. Memang kita tidak boleh salahkan Bank kerana MyKad itu yang rosak. Kualiti dan mutu MyKad begitu rendah maka JPN perlu perbaiki kualiti MyKad ini.
BalasPadamNeed to improve the quality. If not, others problem will be up next due to lack quality.
BalasPadamkualiti atau ketahanan Mykad perlu dipertingkatkan lagi agar kesulitan yang banyak dihadapi kini dapat diatasi.
BalasPadamNRD need to find a solution for this problem because there are many people out there who face the same problem. since MyKad become an important tool, NRD should always carry out studies to improve the quality of this card.
BalasPadamMemang pun,cip2 tersebut bukan lagi satu masalah besar bagi kita di sini.
BalasPadamit happen quite often..maybe the chips is not as good as been told by the NRD..
BalasPadammaybe the MOHA should replace the chips..there's no point if we can't use it..
BalasPadami agree with you villager..
BalasPadamItu adalah untuk memastikan rakyat akan menjaga MyKad mereka dengan baik. Satu lagi, takut ada orang yang sengaja 'mencicirkan' Mykad mereka, tapi sebenarnya dijual kepada pendatang tanpa izin.
Mungkin NRD patut menukar MyKad kepada cara yang mudah tapi berkesan seperti yang ada pada Kad Kredit ataupun gunalah bar kod.
BalasPadamMemang sangat ketara MyKad mudah rosak. Kadang kala cip tidak dapat dibaca malah kad pun mudah "terkupas" tapi kad ATM tidak pun padahal simpan dalam dompet yang sama?
BalasPadamSegeralah naiktaraf keadaan mykad sekarang kepada security yang lebih terperinci dan selamat. Denda yang mahal akibat kehilangan mykad boleh jadi langkah untuk rakyat lebih berhati-hati untuk menjaganya.
BalasPadamSyukur saya sekali ja pernah kena masa berurusan di Maybank. Dah lah masa tu kejar masa, chip mykad pula tak dapat baca.. Nasib baik ada lesen driving, kalau tak konpom tak selesai urusan hari tu. huhu
BalasPadamRasanya, untuk kesenangan semua pihak ada baiknya mykad dinaiktaraf. Jadi tak lah timbul masalah tak dapat read thumbprint:P
BalasPadamBetul tu amy. Mykad saya pun buruk dah, tapi kad ATM ok pula. hehe
BalasPadamMungkin mahu upgrade jadi mcm kad atm kan.. Atau buat mykad serbaguna yang boleh digunakan utk shoping, naik bas dan apa2 yang patut la.. Jadi dompetku tak perlu simpan banyak kad guna mykad ja. hahahahhaa
BalasPadamApapun, semoga perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.
BalasPadamHarap kerajaan akan mencari punca Chip Mykad ini tidak berfungsi dan menyelesaikan isu ini.
BalasPadamGuess what? I miss the old Sabah.
BalasPadamSaya juga setuju.Masalah Sabah tidak seteruk sepertimana skrg ini.
BalasPadamPerennial issues in Sabah should be solved asap!
BalasPadamTidak boleh juga upgrade kad ATM untuk jadi kad ATM macam2.. kalau hilang susah woo...semua info ada di dalam..
BalasPadamSaya rasa isu ini bukan rakyat Sabah saja yang rasa, semua negeri pun guna Mykad yang sama.
BalasPadamKualiti Mykad harus dipertingkatkan lagi secepat mungkin! Bukan murah2 bayar.