Selasa, Ogos 10, 2010


Exercise proper role on state immigration matters: PBS

KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah has urged the State government to exercise its rightful power or proper role on state immigration matters as provided for by the Federal Constitution.

Its secretary general Datuk Henrynus Amin said while immigration is a federal matter, Sabah and Sarawak has unique arrangement under the Malaysia Agreement in 1963 whereby both States were accorded certain control over state immigration.

These are special rights to Sabah and Sarawak recognized by the international community including the United Nation as the sponsor and facilitator for the successful creation of the nation of Malaysia,” he said in a statement.

He said it is important for Sabah to take a closer look at the constitutional provision on state immigration so that whatever little power or residual power the state has on immigration can be effectively used to curb the growing threats of the transient population.

While this is not denying the role played by federal agencies such as the immigration department, the fact remains Sabah seemed powerless to legislate or enforce its own laws in spite of the constitutional provision for state control on foreign entry to Sabah.

He said the people of Sabah are puzzled and could not understand the apparent powerlessness of the federal government and its numerous agencies and departments to deal with illegal immigration.

It is therefore absolutely necessary for the state government to have the right mechanism or tools to enforce its obligation under the federal constitution.

Henrynus said he would bring up this proposal to the PBS Supreme Council and from there to the Chief Minister and then the Prime Minister or relevant Ministries at the federal level.

He said this is even more important given the stand taken by the Federal Government to treat the issue of illegal immigrants not as a national priority.

He said under this condition, the only realistic solution is to empower the state to enforce its constitutional obligation on immigration.

“Therefore, logically Sabah should build the proper institutions under state control to exercise its immigration power instead of relying on the federal immigration department which have not shown positive results,” he said.

“This is quite proper as the Chief Minister is the chairman of the state security committee,” he said.

He said PBS would not be perturbed by opposition criticism of the PBS stand on the issue of illegal immigrants, and stressed that “politicizing the issue will not resolve the problem.”

He said PBS record on the issue is clear, and regardless of opposition propaganda belittling PBS contributions, the party will continue to apply pressure or work from within the BN framework to bring about lasting solution to the problem of illegal immigration.”

He said PBS will continue to engage the federal government and the relevant agencies constructively as well as work with any person or group or organization of similar agenda to bring the issue of illegal immigration and related issues such as fraudulent citizenship, phantom voters, etc to the national agenda.

“This is a political process that will take time, but PBS recognizes the urgency as time maybe not on the side of the people of Sabah.”

For that matter, he said PBS will thoroughly study the report by the special laboratory on foreign workers and illegal immigration and will support any good recommendation in the interest of the people of Sabah.


Malaysia and Philippines committed to border security

25 ulasan:

  1. the oppositions should not made any criticism to PBS if they really want to help to solve this problem. give your support and work together, and don't just politicizing this issue..

  2. It's time the federal should let the Sabah state government to deal with this issue.

  3. agree with u darshania...the sabah state government should be given the authority to handle this issue if the federal can't do it...sabahan knows what the best for sabah...

  4. i agree that politicizing this issue will not solve the problem...

  5. This is not just govt problem..this is all people's problem...what the best is work together for better outcome...

  6. hope that there will be an effective and efficient methods to solve the issue...people are tired waiting for the actions to be taken to tackle this problem..

  7. therefore, i believe that PBS will do their best to solve this issue...

  8. i think all of us should work together to solve this problem..

  9. Instead of making criticism, I think it would be much wiser for them to cooperate and brainstorm ideas which can act as a solution to this problem.

  10. Hopefully this problem can be solve as soon as possible before it gets worse.

  11. Saya harap masalah ini boleh diselesaikan sebelum terlambat.

  12. I just hope this matter will soon be solved. No matter who is making the efforts.

  13. Mungkin kalau kerajaan Sabah diberikan autonomi, kita boleh mempercepatkan penyelesaian masalah ini.

  14. Sabah perlu mendapat hak untuk menyelesaikan masalah sabah sendiri... bukan sabah tidak mampu, bukan tidak berkelayakan, hanya peluang itu tidak ada....

  15. The fact is, the federal government has never put us on hold. Never, nunca hamas.

  16. Kerajaan persekutuan tidak pernah menganggap kita ni sebahagian daripada plan. Time kita susah, kita juga yang telan tapi time kita senang,bukan main lagi mau ada share.Kalau tidak kena bagi, berabis la mau buat fitnah.

  17. huhu.. Harap2 semua masalah akan berakhir dengan baik!

  18. Mungkin ada baiknya juga kalau Sabah diberi peluang utk menyelesaiakan masalah2 yg timbul. Bukan berniat membelakangkan kerajaan pusat tapi rasanya kerajaan negeri lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk Sabahan :)

  19. Mungkin jugalah kan Bi. Kalau diberi peluang pasti Sabah dapat lakukan dengan baik.

  20. Apapun, semua pihak harus berganding bahu utk selesaikan hal ni :) Lagi ramai yg c/tgn utk membantu lagi cepatlah hal ni selesai kan. hehe

  21. Sabah tidak harus tunduk kepada mereka. Kita harus buktikan bahawa kita mampu berubah menjadi lebih baik dan menyelesaikan masalah itu sendiri.

  22. Yes, Sabahan should be firm in decision making and dare to say NO. Illegals issue in Sabah is been harping for so many years.

  23. Sabah harus menguasai apa yang perlu dikuasai.


  25. Tak mungkin kerajaan pusat tak mampu menangani isu ini. Mereka yang mengawal kemasukan warga asing.
