Ahad, Julai 04, 2010


Kit Siang: Sabahans have become minority in Sabah

PETALING JAYA, July  4 — Lim Kit Siang said today that the lack of economic opportunities and development in Sabah had caused an exodus to Kuala Lumpur for greener pastures.

“After 47 years, Sabahans are now concerned that they have become the minority and strangers in their own land. How can Sabah’s population of 400,000 during the formation of Malaysia in 1963 be now multiplied to over three million today. Super producers in Sabah, where did they come from?” he said during Pakatan Rakyat’s first meeting of Sabahans in Klang Valley.

However, Lim pointed out that many Sabahans have been exploited with false promises which have left many to be unemployed and homeless.

He added that Sabah still lacked the basic infrastructure and necessities to accommodate the growing number of unemployed.

“Something has gone very wrong that Sabah has become so poor. The state is lacking the necessary infrastructure. The federal government had promised that all development in peninsular will also be in Sabah but now even electricity, water and broadband is lacking.

“That is why it is important to have a study and forum to discuss the problems affecting Sabahans. We cannot solve all the problems but we need to start so that we can begin to resolve them,” he said.

Lim also stressed that Sabah had been cheated by Barisan Nasional.

“All are Malaysians including the people of Sabah. It cannot be denied that the promises made when Sabah joined to form Malaysia in 1963 have been broken. For ordinary Sabahans, their economic and social status have not changed after all these years, he said.

He said that Sabahans have the choice to change for a better future.

“We need to change the power equation in this nation. This cannot be said when Sabah and Sarawak still remain as fixed deposits for Barisan Nasional. If Sabah and Sarawak decides on change then Anwar can become our next prime minister,” he said.

Earlier only 80 people turned up for the forum held to discuss the wellbeing of Sabahans in the Klang Valley.

Speakers and spectators voiced their frustrations with the inability of Barisan Nasional to resolve the economic dilemmas affecting the state.

imageParticipants complained that they were forced to come to Kuala Lumpur because there were no job opportunities in Sabah.

Father Valentine Gompok claimed that students had to resort to prostitution to pay for their debts and workers were misled into leaving their homes with false promises.

PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail questioned how a state which is oil rich could become one of the poorest in the country.

“We must not let ourselves to be exploited. What can we do? We all can do something. We are the ones that can make a change and [don’t] let yourself become a spectator. If we begin now then we can be sure of change,” she said.

She added the federal government had taken everything from Sabah but has failed to protect its people.

30 ulasan:

  1. do not show your concern for a while only, show you proposal and plan how you are going to solve this problem,instead of making questions repeatedly.. so that the people can see you effort and put their trust on you.

  2. nothing forced them to come to SM. even how many job opportunities in Sabah, they will still travel. is not because of forced but the attitude of the Sabahan itself..

  3. all party should be cooperate to solve this problem!

  4. The government is not fully responsible to what had happened to the stranded sabahans in SM. Saying sabah has not enough job opportunities is just an excuse.

  5. This is the job for all parties from Sabah to unite even though they are competing with each other for the election. Its important to sit together and discuss the solution to the problems Sabah is facing.

  6. hehehe waa..i'm scared hear this issue.who said that sabahan is minority??there a many job in sabah but the sabahan people is demand for the job.

  7. all Sabahan, think twice before going there.. peninsula did not as you expected..

  8. the choosy attitude for the sabahan is the wrong. not mean sabahan go to SM can be rich. think 1st before make decision. now, look what happen??mm...

  9. Sabahan sering dipanggil nama yang tidak sedap. Tapi ia langsung tidak menyelesaikan apa-apa masalah.

  10. Sebenernya kerajaan pusat telah memperuntukan bagi pelbagai pembangunan dan kemajuan di negeri ini. Cuma apa yang saya lihat pihak-pihak yang sepatutnya melaksanakan projek itu tidak melaksanakan dengan baik, malah banyak projek yang tidak dilaksanakan. So harap perkara ini dapat dibawa berbincang dengan baik.

  11. government or NGO should organize seminar or program to bring awareness among Sabahan youths especially in rural area about job opportunities, employment agency scam and the problem faced if they are willing to go to SM.

  12. Tidak perlulah pergi ke SM untuk mencari pekerjaan. Kalau tidak memilih jenis pekerjaan sebenernya di Sabah sangat banyak peluang pekerjaan.

  13. I have never seen myself as a minority. Have you? Karen Armstrong said, no one can insult you, if you don't let them.

  14. Perkara ini tidak perlu dipertikaikan lagi akan kekurangan di negeri sabah samada dari segi pembangunan ataupun pekerjaan. Apa yang penting memberi cadangan, perbincangan untuk menyelesaikan sebarang masalah yang dihadapi oleh sabah.

  15. sebenarnya Sabah ni boleh membangun dan maju menandingi negeri2 lain di Malaysia, byk sumber2 di Sabah boleh diusahakan. byk peluang pekerjaan boleh diwujudkan di Sabah tak perlulah nak pergi jauh2 untuk mencari pekerjaan, sumbangkanlah tenaga untuk kemajuan negeri Sabah.

  16. We need an urgent action!!! Please

  17. kita semua perlu bekerjasama untuk menbangunkan negeri sabah. jika negeri Sabah membangun, masalah seperti ini takkan timbul.

  18. only LKS who said that Sabahan have become minority in Sabah.. i don't think so since a lot of illegal immigrant spent their time in jail.

  19. penduduk asal Sabah tidak akan menjadi kaum minoriti di negeri sendiri. setiap penyelesaian masalah memerlukan semua pihak untuk bersatu. kita perlu bersama-sama dan menyokong sepenuhnya pihak berwajib dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang wujud seperti masalah pendatang tanpa izin.

  20. tidak sepatutnya ada pihak yang berkata sabahan become minority...

  21. lihat pencapaian semua kaum yang ada di Sabah..setiap kaum kini mencapai kemajuan yang jauh lebih baik berbanding masa lampau..penduduk Sabah tidak akan menjadi minoriti di negeri sendiri..

  22. betul....banyak penduduk sabah yang menjadi teraju utama dalam sektor awam dan swasta.....

  23. penduduk Sabah jauh berbeza berbanding dulu. taraf pendidikan dan ekonomi semakin meningkat..kemajuan ini akan menjadikan rakyat Sabah terus meju ke depan dan bukannya menjadi kaum minoriti...

  24. rakyat sabah sedang mencapai kemajuannya...soal minoriti tidak sepatutnya wujud kerana semua pihak sepatutnya bersatu dalam menjaga hak dan kepantingan bersama...

  25. bersama-samalah kita berusaha bah

  26. Says who? LKS is not even a Sabahan. Sabahans does not admit that we are minorities.

  27. Since when does Sabahans become minority? Why does certain people call us all sort of names.

  28. That is not a nice thing to say, Lim Kit Siang.

  29. I hope that the government will not keep on taking us for granted.

  30. We do need a a solution for this but don't just show concern way before election and then after election, langsung tarak ada. This should be a continuous efforts from time to time. Time to walk the talk..
