Double Six tragedy: ‘Putrajaya must reopen probe’
KOTA KINABALU March 3, 2012: The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said it would continue to press the government to reopen the investigation into the airplane crash that killed former chief minister Fuad Stephens and 10 others on June 6, 1976.
SAPP supreme council member Bahari Aship said Sabahans need to know the truth behind the crash – now known as “Double Six” tragedy – which has never been satisfactorily explained.
Bahari pointed out that the High Court here, in its judgment in the defamation suit filed by former chief minister Harris Salleh against SAPP president Yong Teck Lee, had said that there was nothing wrong for Yong to call for a re-investigation of the tragedy.
“So there is nothing wrong to call for re-investigation of the Double Six tragedy. It’s seems that Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders including those from Sabah had got it wrong,” he said.
The High Court here this week ordered Yong to pay Harris RM1 million in damages for defamation for alluding that Harris was involved in the tragedy.
Justice Abdul Rahman Sebli found that Yong had “crossed the line” when he insinuated that Harris had “blood on his hand” though, he added, there was nothing wrong for Yong to call for a re-investigation of the air crash.
In a response to the court ruling, Bahari said Deputy Health Minister Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin, who is also Wanita Umno Youth chief, had gone too far when she said that lying is the trend in the opposition.
He said that although the crash had happened some 36 years ago, the federal government had never made public its findings on the causes of the crash.
“The people of Sabah must be told what happened,” he added.
He said thast as long as the federal government was reluctant to make public those findings, the call to reopen the case must continue.
“People are asking why the government is reluctant. It seems that it is trying to sweep the case under the carpet,” he said.
On Rosnah’s statement that political leaders must be liable for whatever statement they make, Bahari said SAPP does have a sense of responsibility on every statement it had made and the party never tell lies.
I'm sure the truth will be revealed one day, we'll wait and see.
BalasPadamOne day we will know the real truth behind the double 6 tragedy.
PadamKebenaran akan terbukti juga, tidak perlu sampai naik makahmah.
Padamtrouble 6 tragedy adalah satu peristiwa yang menggemparkan penduduk Sabah apabila ia mengorbankan 6 pemimpin2 penting Sabah.
BalasPadamIt is indeed a dark day for Sabah when the plane exploded mid air.
Padamtragedi ini memang mengejutkan ketika ianya berlaku dahulu.
PadamKita harap kes sebegini tidak akan dibangkitkan lagi.
BalasPadampermintaan keluarga mangsa untuk tidak mengungkit kes ini perlulah dihormati.
PadamKalau ada duit boleh buka berapa banyak kali pun yang disuka.
BalasPadamYong Teck Lee have plenty of money to pay compensation, I'm sure those who sue him will be very happy. Maybe Harris will sue him again and again.
Padamperkara ini sepatutnya tidak di bangkit semula, sudah lama terjadi.
BalasPadamTragedi yang menyedihkan. Namun hal ini sepatutnya tidak di politikkn dan tidak perlu di bangkit semula.
BalasPadamI hope it won't be politicized, imagine how sad the victim's family will be.
PadamSAPP stop asking for RCI..jangan buang masa.
BalasPadamPerkara ini tidak perlu di ungkit semula, SAPP hanya membuang masa, hal ini sudah berpuluh2 tahun berlaku.
BalasPadamentah kenapa baru sekarang sapp sibuk untuk memabngkitkan hal ini.
PadamPast is past. Nothing can be changed.
BalasPadamya...yang berlalu tetap berlalu dan tidak akan berubah..kita harus memandang ke hadapan.
PadamIt's good to know the truth, but i'm afraid the truth be manipulated by the irresponsible people.
BalasPadamIt is indeed a sad moment for all Sabahans when the D6 occured.
BalasPadamSabah has lost once of her founding fathers, and for the KDM community at the time, their first Huguan Siou.
PadamI find it quite odd that during YTL tenure as the CM of Sabah, he did not re-open this case back then.
PadamWhy is it only now that he wants to re-open this investigation now?
PadamI don't know what is the motif of YTL to reopen this case now. If he is truly sincere to solve the mystery, he should do it during his term as CM.
PadamYTL and SAPP just using this sadness tragedy for their political mileage without thinking the feeling all of the family victims..
BalasPadamI wonder how YTL get rich in only two years.. can we trust this leaders to be our next CM??
BalasPadamHopefully the truth will reveal itself.
BalasPadamThe people of Sabah won’t forget this disastrous incident.
BalasPadamLet’s pray for our beloved state.
BalasPadamI really feel pity for the families of the victims.
BalasPadamI hope they investigate this incidence properly.
BalasPadamharap pekara ini tidak akan menjadi bahan politik..
BalasPadamWho doesn't know, wants to know the truth. Who knows the truth, hides the truth.