Ahad, Februari 19, 2012



Sabah Now No Longer Poorest State, Says Najib

LAHAD DATU, Feb 17 (Bernama) -- Sabah, which for the most parts was governed by the Barisan Nasional (BN), experienced major changes in its development and economic landscape since it attained independence through Malaysia in 1963, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

He said compared to before, Sabah now was no longer the poorest state in the country and in fact had huge potential to surge forward.

"Then (in 1963) probably more that 70 per cent of the people could be said to be poor, hardcore poor and destitute. However, Sabah now is no longer the poorest state in the country.

"According to statistics, the average per capita income of Sabah now lies in the middle when compared to the richest and poorest states," he said when launching the Mini Estate Sejahtera (MESEJ) project at Kampung Nala, Tungku, about 60 kilometres from here, today.

Najib said this was the outcome of the national development agenda which was clear and effective and now included the National Transformation Programme that would bring about a brighter change for the future of the people.

"We launched the National Transformation Programme because we wanted to change everything, like this Kampung Nala (which previously was only a mangrove swamp).

34 ulasan:

  1. It would be great if Sabah can surge forward and achieve better things. We have the resources and the capabilities to move forward.

    1. Sabah will one day raise as the richest state in malaysia. I'm looking forward for that day to come.

    2. Me too, hope to see the day when Sabah becomes the richest state in Malaysia.

    3. semoga Sabah akan terus membangun dan maju.

  2. The National Transformation Program can help the people and the country achieve more if it was conducted efficiently and effectively.

  3. If this news is true then good for Sabahans.

  4. To the government keep up the good work.

  5. "We launched the National Transformation Programme because we wanted to change everything, like this Kampung Nala (which previously was only a mangrove swamp.)
    pasti akan lebih banyak kemajuan dapat di lakukan dengan adanya program seperti ini.

    1. Hope that the National Transformation Programme will be able to help bring more positive results to the country.

    2. semoga program NTP ini akan membawa perubahan yang besar pada seluruh negeri Sabah.

  6. Pasti berita uini mengembirakan penduduk sabah terutamanya di luar bandar yang sangat memerlukan pembangunan.

  7. Its a relieve to know that sabah is no longer the poorest state.

    1. lebih melegakan lagi jika Sabah bebas dari masalah PATI.

  8. The State government and the Federal government must work together to help Sabah develop further.

    1. kerjasama daripada semua pihak akan membolehkan Sabah menjadi lebih membangun pada masa depan.

  9. Sabah kini dah makin membangun, dan kini bukan lagi negeri termiskin.

  10. ini satu pencapaian baik untuk Sabah, moga sabah akan terus maju dan menbangun.

  11. For me.its a rude 'humour' from PM.Yet,we havent develop in some district.

  12. I hope this really indicates that Sabah is free from poverty.

  13. dengan kewujudan pelbagai program2 dan projek2 yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan di Sabah sudah pasti rakyat akan dapat keluar dari kemiskinan yang dialami.

  14. Politically speaking, it's a sign of improvement. But still, problems are there and we need to face the reality.

    1. that's right. it's a sign of improvement but there is still many aspect we need to look and solve.

  15. of course, most politicians from opposition side wouldn't agree with PM statement.. if they do agree with the PM statement, that's means they are digging their own graves.

  16. comparing with the old Sabah which is lead by previous leaders, Sabah today is much better..

    1. The Government is making continuous efforts to ensure that people's lives are comfortable and assist those still in grasp of poverty to better themselves

  17. Mengenai peruntukkan untuk landasan kereta api Beaufort dan Tenom masih menunggu kelulusan dari Kerajaan persekutuan.

    1. its better if we get our autonomy so that no need to wait for a long time for Federal's approval.

  18. Datuk Najib perlu mengambil perhatian mengenai perkara ini. Tambahan lagi kemiskinan yang masih dikhabarkan oleh pembangkang di Sabah menjadi isu mereka. Maka PM perlu peka dengan isu semasa di Sabah.

  19. Teruskan meningkatkan pembangunan di Negeri Sabah terutama sekali dikawasan luar bandar.

    1. ya..usaha harus terus dibuat agar Sabah lebih membangun.

  20. Of course we are not the poorest state in the country. It is only a common perception of the people. he government is continuously addressing the problem through various programs such as a cooperatives, agropolitan and 1Azam programmes.

  21. Of course those live in the urban areas arent the poorest. But those in the kampung still very neglected. Just look at Tongod area is more than enough. There is a very nice tarred road from telupid's rndabout until almost the end of Tongod but yet most of the kids over there, dont have transport sending them to school.
    They can build a new road which cost millions of riggit(which mainly for palm oil estates) but why cant they provide a bus/van that just cost less than 100k? Gimme a break..

  22. tingkatkan lagi usaha agar lebih banyak pencapaian diperoleh.
