Selasa, Februari 14, 2012


Sabah's land laws need to be updated, harmonised

Datuk Osman Jamal February 05, 2012: Sabah Lands and Surveys Department Director Datuk Osman Jamal called for a transformation of the State's land laws.

He said the Sabah Land Ordinance 1930 has been in existence for more than 80 years albeit with some amendments since the formation of Malaysia in 1963 and needs to be improved, updated and harmonised with other legislation over land matters.

The latest was the issuance of Communal Titles which Osman touted at length as proof of the Sabah State Government's concern for Sabahan natives.

He said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman would announce in due course land to be alienated for needful graduates for entrepreneurial undertakings.

He cited how the Government accord preferential consideration to natives as no premium needs to be paid for land alienation to natives in perpetuity.

"The Government gives free land survey and collects annual land rent of only 50 sen per acre. The Government could collect more revenue (only RM600,000 quit rent was collected from NT lands when compared to the department's total revenue of RM300 million last year) from native lands (comprising 56 per cent of all lands) but it did not as a responsible Government (to the natives)," said Osman.

The Federal Government under the Bumiputra Lab has provided RM25m for land surveys and other services for natives under the Communal Title exercise and the once value added-lands are developed in future, they would benefit the natives and their descendants.

There are many native land disputes before the courts to be adjudicated which Osman said he could not comment on for the benefit of enquirers until the judiciary has ruled in finality.

The civil courts are bogged down with land dispute matters with insufficient number of judges to expedite the outcome as well as decided cases. At one instance, Osman said, "Saya pening baca keputusan mahkamah (I get a headache reading court decisions)."

He stressed that all court verdicts are respected by his department.

"If we are in the wrong, we would admit it."

Osman was also queried on native land matters under the jurisdiction of the Forestry Department whose Director was not a speaker at symposium, recently.

"I am not the Director of the Forestry Department," Osman replied.

Land is not an infinite natural resource available for all.

Osman explained at length that while land applications piled up, his department could only process a limited volume (12,000 average annual output) as the flow chart of the process involved many other authorities.

"Under the Sabah Land Ordinance, we practice an open system of land alienation," said Osman.

In some cases, there were agreements signed to sell off the lands applied for even when land applications were yet to be approved.

Only about 50 per cent of native lands alienated are developed for agriculture.

He said it was an exception rather than the norm if there was an officer or surveyor who forgot (pegawai lupa) his duty on the ground in giving his report on the actual condition.

He said even staff or civil servants from the same village complained on the delay or why they were not considered (in land applications) when the permission of the State Secretary has to be sought for such cases to override policy against it.

He said he would send his Native Unit mobile office to visit the ground to advise natives on important land matters and they would not be as naughty as another mobile service, apparently referring to the mobile courts that was in the news lately about clerks forging the signatures of magistrates on late birth registrations.

Osman regretted that for example interference with land administration process by elected representative of an area might cause delay as some would object to land applicants for being "Ini bukan orang saya" (of the same village or area) or worst, "Ini bukan penyokong saya."

He said what is important to his department's staff is to sincerely help the people when land is available for the right purpose.

If not, little can be done to satisfy all the land applicants.

Communal title is an option for natives to own land like the 26,000 hectares degazetted from forest reserves to benefit 6,000 natives.

When the descendents of natives are more educated and selves-reliant in the future, communal titles can be subdivided among them.

45 ulasan:

  1. Yes, the Sabah Land Laws should be reviewed and made up to date, those laws that are no longer relevant should be abolished and replaced with more relevant ones.

    1. Yup, outdated regulations should be thrown out and make way for more suitable laws that actually worked.

    2. The authorities should be proactive in ensuring the laws are relevant and suitable.

  2. The government could help the people make the best use of their land for development or agriculture purpose so that they can make a better living for themselves.

    1. that is one good way to improve their standard of living. By doing that, i'm sure the poverty rate in sabah will decrease.

    2. Agree with both, the government can help them by giving them training in agriculture, subsidies in seeds, fertilizers and others. Provide them with a platform to sell and market their produce, this is definitely a good plan.

    3. Trainings and courses should be provided.

  3. The law governing Sabah land should be reviewed and updated if need be.

    1. it is to ensure that the Sabah land laws is still relevent with the current situation.

    2. mungkin pekara ini boleh dipertimbangkan..

  4. This should be done to protect the rights of the people.

    1. Tanah adalah nadi untuk rakyat Sabah dan saya harap agar ada perubahan.

    2. ya..harap isu tanah yang ada akan dapat diselesaikan..

  5. The federal government should look into this matter as well.

  6. The protected lands can become a means of living for the people if well maintained and developed.

  7. Irrelevant laws of the land should be substituted with important ones.

  8. Sabah Land Ordinance must be reviewed and be updated. We can't have these people go landless.

    1. And make sure the land will not be sold off right after it is given to them. They should develop the land for long term profit, not sell the land for short term profit.

  9. Mungkin sudah tiba masanya undang2 NCR tu dikaji semula sama ada relevant atau tidak untuk diguna lagi pada masa sekarang dan seterusnya.

    1. dan pastikan hak2 pendudk dilindungi.

    2. setuju dengan law, yang pentng hak-hak penduduk dilindungi.

  10. Kabinet akan meminta padangan pakar mengenai hal2 perkaitan dengan tanah NCR. pasti akan mendapat penyelesaian yang terbaik.

    1. ya..pandangan daripada semua pihak dan pakar perlu bagi mencari penyelesaian terbaik.

  11. SLO perlu disemak semula pastikan ia adil bagi semua pihak.

  12. Hope you will keep your words.

  13. Everyone deserves their rights, hope this matter will be settled soon.

  14. Outdated procedures are confusing everyone, this should taken notice.

  15. Peraturan2 harus dikemaskinikan untuk mengelakkan sebarang kejadian tidak diingini berlaku.

    1. Bukan saja itu, ia perlu diupdate supaya seragam dan tak mengelirukan mana2 pihak:)

  16. Geram aku tengok si Osman ni.. Bagus ko turun padang pantau ko punya staff buat kerja yang pemalas mau mampus!!!!

  17. Bayangkan saja utk kasi lulus tanah yang sudah kena ukur & final cek terpaksa tunggu 3 bulan. Kalau banyak proses tak pa, ni bila tanya surat tu masih dlm bilik bos, lepas sign baru hantar ke HQ. Tidak bikin panas ka macm tu.... aishhhh..

  18. Semoga hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tanah dapat ditanggani dengan baik.

  19. Harap2 dengan pembaharuan yang dibuat isu2 tanah dapat ditanggani dengan lebih teratur.

  20. Update la mana2 yang memerlukan revision..

  21. Isu tanah memang isu hangat di Sabah sekarang ini. Harap isu ini dapat redakan dan keputusan yang akan diambil akan memberi kebaikan kepada semua pihak.

    1. isu tanah sudah lama membelenggu penduduk di Sabah, selain isu PATI. kalau mengikut laporan, Sabah merupakan negeri yang mempunyai kes tentang masalah tanah yang paling banyak.

  22. semoga isu-isu tanah akan dapat diselesaikan, kesungguhan untuk menyelesaikan pekara ini pasti amat dihargai.

  23. Kerajaan Negeri memandang serius mengenai masalah tanah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk Sabah.

  24. Pelbagai kajian dan perancangan yang akan dilakukan berkaitan dengan masalah tanah adat yang banyak berlaku di Sabah. Maka kerajaan meneruskan usaha untuk menyiasat apa yang perlu diperbetulkan.

  25. The Sabah Law Association has offered to participate and contribute in the discussion on Native Customary Land Rights (NCR) in Sabah.

    In welcoming the Chief Minister’s statement that the State Government will have a discussion with the legal fraternity and experts on the issue, the association said it hoped the date for the discussion will be announced soon.

  26. The Sabah State Government takes the issue of Native Customary Land Rights (NCR) seriously and will look for the best solution which results in a win-win situation for all.

    Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman urged those reacting to Sabah Attorney-General Datuk Roderick Fernandez’s recent statement on the NCR issue, not to be unduly worried.

    He will bring this matter to the Cabinet for in-depth discussion with my colleagues, and also invite Barisan Nasional (BN) component party leaders to discuss the issue.

  27. Pasti kerajaan meneruskan usaha bagi menyiasat dan mencari jalan yang terbaik bagi memastikan kes ini dapat di selesaikan.

  28. Datuk Osman jamal perlu memberikan jaminan bahawa sekiranya undang2 tanah dikemaskini, tidak ada lagi rampasan tanah berlaku di negeri ini yang kononnya didalangi oleh Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur..
