Rabu, Februari 22, 2012



A NEW CITIZEN movement that has demanded that oil royalty for Sabah should be at least 70 percent, Oil for Future Movement (OFF), now wants state-owned Petronas to repay all study loans from PTPN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) by Sabahan students.

OFF Chairman, Phillip Among, said thousands from Sabah who had loaned study aids from the government-controlled PTPN have become victims instead of the scheme when they could not find jobs for courses taken under the PTPN loan.

"We have yet to determine how many exactly Sabahan students fell victims but in every districts that i went, there were parents and students who complained to us. Some of the PTPN loanees have been barred from leaving Malaysia because of their defaulted loan repayment.

"But how could these students repay when they are jobless? They can't even leave to try their luck for employment in other countries. Petronas which had been making huge profits from Sabah oil and gas must repay all these loans from PTPN," Among demanded.

Businessman Among claimed that the amount of defaulted PTPN study loans involving Sabah students is 'not much' as compared to the profits Petronas had made out of Sabah oil an gas over a long years.

"PTPN study loan taken by Sabahans could be less than 10% of the reportedly total amount defaulted to the tune of RM40 billion, much of it must have been taken by students from the rest 11 states in Peninsular," said Among.

He said it is only logical for Petronas to help in now if the Federal Government wants to put a real meaning in its slogan "People First, Performance Now".

A few days ago, OFF has also demanded that oil royalty for Sabah must be backdated to 1976 and a statutory eight percent interest per annum should be paid.

Among then said that Sabah political parties, should insist on 70 percent oil royalty for the state and not just 25% or 30% as some of them have been demanding.

"This one-sided oil agreement evidently signed under extreme duress in 1976 between the federal government/Petronas and the Sabah and Sarawak state governments has come under increasing public scrutiny, and we have lost huge opportunities not only on oil royalty but other related businesses and hence we are the poorest today in Malaysia. We must be compensated," Among had said.

He said he would organise forums and seminars on it involving the youngsters including university students who are interested to fight for their generation and the next.

Among also called on the PR to elaborate on its royalty structure pledged to Sabah and Sarawak as so far it did not clarify whether the 20 percent pledge covers the outer waters.

He had also hinted that if OFF's demands are not heard, he would lead an initiative to bring the issue of oil and gas resources of Sabah and Sarawak before the United Nation Security Council via here a global energy security protocol, for a determination by the international community.

"The Malaysian Government is not transparent on oil money derived from any waters in Malaysia including from Sabah and Sarawak, and we do not know where these money are being spent onto whereas we remain the poorest in Malaysia now. We need to know and we need to demand after all it is our rights to do so," he had said.

32 ulasan:

  1. I thought students only need to pay the loan after they manage to find a job, they need to declare it with the PTPTN. It is not logic that the students are requested to pay without having a job.

  2. The Malaysian Government should be transparent on the oil money so that the people knew where the money is spent and how it benefits the people.

    1. Betultu, kerajaan perlulah mengurus kewangan daripada minyak Sabah dengan ketelusan dan penuh integriti.

  3. Just because the students can not get a job for courses taken under the PTPN loan, so the Petronas need to help the students pay PTPTN loan? be flexible, try find another job. It is ok if the job not related to your course.

    1. yup, true.. how can we become an advance nation if always rely on government help??

    2. graduan harus menmbah kemahiran untuk lebih mudah mendapatkan kerja.

  4. Kalau saya yang penganggur, saya tidak mahu Petronas tolong bayar loan PTPTN. Saya mahu Petronas ambil saya bekerja di Petronas. Apa guna belajar tinggi2 tapi tidak dapat berdikari.

    1. ya. bgs lagi Petronas ambil bekerja. dgn itu pinjamam dpt juga dibayar.

    2. mantap lagi cadangan sdr dari cadang diatas..

    3. This suggestion is way better than having Petronas paying the PTPTN loans.

    4. ini cadangan yang baik..lebih bagus minta kerja daripada minta dibayarkan hutang.

  5. pinjaman PTPTN harus dilangsaikan oleh pelajar sendiri.

    1. setuju..pelajar harus bertanggungjawab terhadap pinjaman pelajaran mereka sendiri.

  6. bagaimana dengan peminjam yang telah menjelaskan pinjaman mereka?? adil ka bagi mereka?? atau Petronas juga akan membayar semula kepada mereka?? buat cadangan tu biarlah yang releven..

    1. betul..cadangan yang lebih relevan diperlukan..

  7. saya harap pihak yang tidak henti2 menyerang Petronas turut mengarahkan semua syarikat2 yang menggunakan sumber alam kita untuk menjana keuntungan supaya menyerahkan 50% atau lebih keuntungan mereka kepada rakyat di negeri ini.. seperti syarikat pelancongan, perlombongan, pembalakan, perikanan dan sebagainya.. kita tunggu dalam masa setahun, pasti tidak ada pelabur yang berani melabur di negeri ini..

  8. They should take the responsibility to repay the loan.

  9. Ini akan menyebabkan golongan ini lebih bergantung kepada kerajaan.

    1. Betul, ini akan menyebabkan rakyat Sabah semakin bergantung pada bantuan Kerajaan dan juga Petronas dan tidak mampu berdikari sendiri. Permintaan macam ini hanya akan melembabkan rakyat Sabah.

    2. making the people too independent towards the government will have negative consequences in the near future.

  10. Tindakan wajar perlu diambil supaya pemuda ini mempelajari sikap bertanggungjawab, jika tidak, mereka akan kehilangan daya bersaing.

    1. Jangan hanya pandai salahkan orang jika tidak mampu mencari kerja, fikirkan apa yang diri mereka pernah lakukan untuk mencari pekerjaan?

  11. Terserah kepada Petronas untuk mengambil tindakan.

  12. Can help but to a certain extent.

  13. Tidak bolehlah begitu..Sudah perjanjian pelajar itu sendiri..Maka perlulah tepati apa yang dipersetujui. Kalau belum dapat kerja dan cukup-cukup makan rasanya alasan boleh diterima juga.

  14. Semoga para pelajar di Sabah akan mendapat bantuan dari Petronas dalam pendidikan.

  15. Kalau PTPTN tidak memberikan kadar faedah lagi bagus. Kerana tidak juga bertambah-tambah duit pinjaman tersebut.

  16. Kalau mahu buat pun mengenai perkara ini kedua pihak perlulah berbincang.

  17. graduan harus mempersiapkan diri dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran bagi membolehkan mereka mendapat pekerjaan..

  18. Debtors should pay their own debt. Why should you ask others to pay for your debts.

  19. You must responsible to pay back, and dream not for others to pay it for you.

  20. Perhaps PTPTN can reduce the loan interest. This might help the student to pay less.
