Isnin, Oktober 17, 2011


Humble yourselves, says PM

no SEREMBAN 2011/10/17: Barisan Nasional leaders need to humble themselves and realise that they are in power only as long as the people want them, said its chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

"Please humble yourselves. There is no guarantee we can rule forever. We are facing a whole new political landscape today and are assessed and judged by the people each day."

Najib said some BN leaders would prefer to paint a perfect picture and report that everything was fine in their particular areas or state.

office%2Bpolitics "Everything is okay Datuk Seri... that is the answer I often get. But is it really okay? And what is the real scenario? Have we done our work... have we fulfilled our electoral promises?

"There are those who will say any thing to win votes and when they win the seat, there is no sign of them... they are hardly in their offices and work is not done," said Najib in his speech at the Negri Sembilan BN convention, near here yesterday.

The prime minister said when this happened, BN would be punished because the electorate would be angry with the representative concerned and would opt not to vote for the coalition as a whole.

"Voters these days are highly critical and demanding. Elected representatives must also be humble, apart from fulfilling all electoral pledges and serving the people."

Najib also urged all BN component party members to accept the concept of a "winnable candidate" and put personal differences aside in facing the next general election.

He said all quarters would need to be prepared to accept candidates chosen by the leadership and not pull any disappearing stunts if they or their choices were not picked.

"During the Sarawak state election in April, there was an assemblyman who ran off to London and even switched off his handphone because he was not chosen as a candidate.

"He was a three-term assemblyman and just because he was not chosen this time, he opted to disappear. Even I could not contact him. Fortunately, we won that seat... if we had lost, I would have personally looked for him."

old-school-vs-new-school-95827-530-469 Najib also urged all delegates to embark on a multi-dimensional preparation to face the next general election and not to use "old weapons to fight a modern war".

"Work towards adopting new methodologies to win. Do not at any one time sabotage the candidate.

"Though the momentum seems to favour us now, take nothing for granted. We must prove to the voters that we can deliver and it is time for us to get our mindsets ready."

17 ulasan:

  1. Janganlah terlalu yakin bahawa mereka akan kekal berkuasa. Rakyat yang meletakkan mereka di atas. Rakyat juga boleh menurunkan mereka.

  2. Harap Kerajaan akan berusaha berkhidmat kepada rakyat jika mereka ingin kekal berkuasa.

  3. It is up to the people. If they still believing in BN leadership then they should keep on voting and support BN!

  4. The BN leaders also should do their responsibility and make people proud of your hard work!

  5. jika nak terus memerintah, kenalah sentiasa membantu rakyat dalam apa jua keadaan.

  6. rakyat pasti akan terus memberi sokongan jika sentiasa membantu dan mendekati rakyat.

  7. "..Please humble yourselves. There is no guarantee we can rule forever.."

    Oh, I like this. I hope the leaders bear in mind this phrases.

  8. Glad if some of the leaders realize that there is no guarantee they can stay and rule forever. Therefore, put more efforts to serve the rakyat instead of sleeping on your money mattress.

  9. sekurang2nya beliau mempunyai perasaan rendah diri dan tidak terlebih yakin dengan kemampuan diri. bukan macam pemimpin2 di pihak lawan, sudah kalahpun masih tidak mahu mengakui kelemahan..

  10. PM Najib masih berpeluang mengubah minda rakyat dan mengekalkan kuasa jika beliau dapat mengetengahkan muka2 baru yang disifatkannya winnable candidate, bukannya yang rapat dengan beliau. dan tolong penuhi semua janji2 kerajaan..

  11. BN dikatakan akan memilih calon2 yang baru untuk PRU. janganlah pula ada yang bersikap tidak profesional bila tidak terpilih seperti apa yang berlaku dalam pilihanraya di Sarawak April lalu.

  12. tunggu dan lihat barisan 'winnable candidate'untuk PRU-13 nanti. harap2 mereka antara yang dapat berkhidmat dengan baik untuk rakyat.

  13. Dalam politik tiada yang akan kekal selama-lamanya, tapi sekurang-kurangnya ada usaha untuk mempertahankannya. Terserah pada pengundi untuk memilih pemerintah negara.

  14. sentiasalah berusaha dan memberikan khidmat yang terbaik kepada rakyat agar rakyat terus memberikan sokongan.

  15. rakyat sentiasa membuat penilaian..siapa yang menunjukkan prestasi yang baik maka dialah yang akan disokong.

  16. Setiap Pemerintahan akan jatuh jika mereka lalai dan lupa diri mereka sebenarnya bergantung terhadap sokongan rakyat.

  17. Datuk Najib perlulah memastikan setiap masalah rakyat akan ditangani sebaiknya. Jangan biarlah masalah ini berlarutan kerana ini akan menjadi beban pada akan datang.
