Jumaat, Oktober 28, 2011


UBF: Another divide-and-rule bid by BN

image Kota Kinabalu Oct 28, 2011: The United Borneo Front (UBF) sees the newly formed Kadazandusun Murut Association Malaysia (KDM Malaysia) as just another divide-and-rule attempt by the Barisan Nasional (BN).

Its chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who said this, also believes KDM Malaysia was formed for the political interests of certain individuals or party in the BN instead of the KDM community itself.

"To me it (KDM Malaysia) is a political non-governmental organisation.

It is meant for the political interests of certain individuals or party than the KDM community itself it is just another divide-and-rule attempt," he said, Thursday.

KDM Malaysia logo


KDM Malaysia was registered as an NGO on Sept 8, on the advice of the Prime Minister as mentioned by its president Datuk John Ambrose, and plans to get actively involved in assisting the BN to ensure victory in the coming 13th General Election.

It is applying to join BN as an affiliate member, like the United Sabah Bajau Organisation.

So far KDM Malaysia claims to have 20,000 members and is targeting to have 50,000 by year end.

Ambrose, who is also Penampang Umno division chief, also said that KDM Malaysia is aimed at helping the hardcore poor obtain PPRT houses, help resolve problems faced by the people, especially those in rural areas as well as help the KDMs succeed in the various fields, among others.

Asked whether KDM Malaysia will become some kind of a rival to the UBF, Kitingan felt the only competition will be within the BN itself, that is with those BN components also fighting for KDM interests.

"Go and ask Pairin and Dompok how they feel (about the KDM Malaysia) to us (UBF) we do not see KDM Malaysia as a competition because we are open to everybody," he said.

35 ulasan:

  1. We don't need that KDM Malaysia, what for?

  2. Wasting time and money!

  3. perlukah KDM Malaysia ditubuhkan?

  4. masyrakat KDM harus sentiasa bersatu agar maju ke hadapan.

  5. dah terlalu byk parti dan persatuan KDM, ia hnya membuatkan KDM berpecah.

  6. apa usaha untuk memajukan dan membangunkan KDM perlu sentiasa dilakukan.

  7. I see UBF is not totally NGO.. they will fight together with opposition parties to topple BN..

  8. I will say that KDM Malaysia is good for the community.. it will help the community to progress.

  9. Isn't that UBF who want to use SAPP as a vehicle to contest in the 13th general elections? I agreed with villager that UBF is not totally NGO.

  10. UBF dan KDM sama2 berasal dari Sabah. diharap mereka dapat menjadi saluran yang terbaik untuk menyuarakan dan memperjuangkan hak2 serta kepentingan orang2 Sabah.

  11. setiap orang ada penilaian mereka sendiri..yang penting sebarang pekara yang ingin dibuat perlulah memberikan kebaikan...

  12. Banyak pertubuhan tapi adakah boleh membela nasib rakyat

  13. Baru kena tubuh, sudah banyak persepsi negatif. Tengok dulu macam mana KDMM ni boleh bantu KDM.

  14. Bah, good luck KDMM. Jangan tersasar daripada matlamat sebenar untuk perjuangkan nasib KDM.

  15. What is the purpose to form KDM? Serve any purposes?

  16. "DM Malaysia is aimed at helping the hardcore poor obtain PPRT houses, help resolve problems faced by the people, especially those in rural areas as well as help the KDMs succeed in the various fields, among others."

    Semoga KDM mencapai objektif untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukannya.

  17. Sabah memerlukan parti/organisasi/persatuan yang betul-betul membantu dan memperkembangkan negeri Sabah. Golongan yang bertujuan mengambil kesempatan dan mementingkan diri seharus disingkirkan.

  18. KDM & UBF boleh kerja-sama juga jika misi dan agendanya sama.

  19. "Asked whether KDM Malaysia will become some kind of a rival to the UBF, Kitingan felt the only competition will be within the BN itself, that is with those BN components also fighting for KDM interests."

    I see no conflicts between UBF & KDM. Most important both know well about their role and responsibilities.

  20. Syukur satu lagi organisasi ditubuhkan untuk membantu rakyat Sabah. Semoga golongan yang memerlukan bantuan dapat diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya.

  21. We need quality organisation/party that really work for the people. Those who intended to take people for granted, please leave Sabah. Good luck to KDM, hope KDM may able to resolve the Sabah issues such as PATI, Poverty, Land Grab etc.

  22. Betul kata Asyraf, tidak salah jika KDM bekerja sama dengan UBF. Kerjasama ini berkemungkinan menghasilkan keputusan yang tidak terjangka.

  23. "So far KDM Malaysia claims to have 20,000 members and is targeting to have 50,000 by year end."

    Semoga lebih banyak golongan awam menyertai KDM, usaha sama-sama diperlukan supaya lebih banyak masyarakat terutama penduduk kampung dan pedalaman dapat dibantu.

  24. Hope no conflicts of interest between UBF vs KDM. Both should put more attention to the people.

  25. Mana sajalah yang penting KDM dapat dimajukan.

  26. Paling penting dan harus diingat KDM haruslah setiasa bersatu. Jangan hanya kerana banyak persatuan perpecahan berlaku pula:P

  27. KDM haruslah sentiasa bersatu.. untuk negeri Sabah..

  28. Setuju yan. Janganlah bersengketa nanti hancur pula KDM.. huhu

  29. Harap jika UBF-KDM bekerjasama dapat membuahkan hasil yang baik demi kebaikan KDM sendiri.

  30. Apapun, semoga semuanya OK. So kita tunggu sajalah perkembangannya nanti.

  31. Sabahans should unite, if not we will fall.

  32. KDM only for Sabahan and not Malaysia.

  33. KDM cuma NGO and not political organization. So KDM have they own track.

  34. KDM Malaysia? Rasanya tidak perlulah ditubuhkan KDM Malaysia tersebut. Cukuplah dengan KDM yang ada sekarang. Nanti bertambah berpecah lagi KDM yang sedia ada.
