Khamis, Ogos 25, 2011


Call for special body to tackle oil, gas issues

KOTA KINABALU August 25, 2011: An Umno Youth leader yesterday urged the state government to consider forming a state-level special committee to coordinate and handle issues concerning the oil and gas industry in Sabah.

Keningau Umno Youth head Azman Haji Ruslan said in view of the huge potential for the development of oil and gas sector in Sabah, it was therefore important for Sabah to be properly represented, especially when it comes to making negotiation with the federal government.

The oil and gas industry is now a big concern to the people of Sabah and it would be unfortunate if the state does not have a strong negotiating team that could represent Sabah’s interest.

“It’s exciting to know that the oil and gas sector will play a major role in the future development of Sabah, but I believe not many Sabahans are really familiar with the oil and gas industry.

Therefore, it’s probably high time for Sabah to form a special committee or think-tank, which will not only function as a business forum but to cultivate a deeper understanding about the oil and gas industry among the people.

“It will also help our leaders to have a better grasps about the (oil and gas) issues and be able to speak with more authority about the industry,” said Azman, who is the former Sabah Umno Youth head.

Azman was commenting on Sabah Oil and Gas Contractors Association (SOGCA) president Datuk Iskandar Abdul Malik’s statement who suggested that Sabah Energy Corporation (SEC) be given the leading role in the development of Sabah’s oil and gas industry.

Iskandar said that presently everybody in the State’s oil and gas industry still does not know who is leading the industry.

“Everybody jumped into this industry, like the SEC, Sedco, Yayasan Sabah and so on until we do not know who is leading the industry,” Iskandar was quoted as saying.

dr_pics.jpgAzman however agreed with Datuk Dr Johan Arriffin’s (Yayasan Sabah Group deputy director) statement that local contractors must team up with the established players with the right technology and experience,” he said.

“Datuk Johan was right by urging Petronas to nurture local oil and gas contractors and service providers with the right experience and technological know-how,” Azman said.

Petronas recently announced major plans to develop long-term key projects to monetize and add value to Sabah’s petroleum resources, which will result in greater revenue to the state.

Following discoveries of oil and gas resources in offshore Sabah, Petronas is forging ahead with its upstream and downstream oil and gas projects involving a combined capital investment of RM45 billion.

44 ulasan:

  1. Betul, Sabah patut lebih aktif dalam perkembangan industri minyak dan gas.

  2. Harap Petronas akan memberikan lebih banyak peluang kepada Sabah untuk membagunkan industri ini.

  3. pembangunan indistri minyak dan gas asli di Sabah diharap akan memberi manfaat kepada Sabah dalam mengembangkan ekonomi Sabah.

  4. penduduk Sabah jg hrus diberi peluang untk menceburi dalam bidang ini.

  5. peluang yang lebih besar perlu diberikan keapda Sabah untuk terlibat dalam sektor ini.

  6. harap sektor ini akan lebih memberikan manfaat kepada Sabah dari segi pembangunan dan ekonomi.

  7. setuju jika jawatankuasa khas peringkat negeri ditubuhkan untuk mengendalikan isu2 berhubung dengan minyak dan gas di Sabah. apa yang lebih penting, jawatankuasa ini boleh menghadiri rundingan yang diadakan bersama kerajaan persekutuan. boleh jadi ini salah satu langkah untuk merealisasikan tuntutan kenaikan royalti minyak.

  8. diharap ramai anak2 muda sekarang berminat dan mungkin telah melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang minyak dan gas bagi memenuhi keperluan tenaga kerja dalam industri ini. kita harus pastikan bahawa majoriti mereka yang berada dalam industri minyak dan gas Sabah merupakan rakyat tempatan Sabah sendiri.

  9. I hope that Sabah will be given more opportunities to get involved with the gas and oil process. Especially our local youths.

  10. kalau industri minyak dan gas boleh berkembang pesat, nescaya suatu hari nanti, Sabah akan menjadi salah satu negeri yang terkaya di Malaysia.

  11. harap industri ini dapat membantu menyumbangkan peluang pekerjaan kepada belia tempatan yang minat menceburi diri dalam bidang ini

  12. harap kerajaan persekutuan dapat mempertimbangkan isu peningkatan royalti minyak kepada negeri Sabah

  13. “Datuk Johan was right by urging Petronas to nurture local oil and gas contractors and service providers with the right experience and technological know-how,” Azman said.

    agreed too!

  14. “It will also help our leaders to have a better grasps about the (oil and gas) issues and be able to speak with more authority about the industry,” said Azman, who is the former Sabah Umno Youth head.


  15. Harap Petronas dapat menaja lebih ramai pelajar2 Sabah dan serap ke bidang ini.

  16. Hope the long term key projects really bring more economical development to Sabah.

  17. Cadangan yang bagus, untuk mendapatkan teknologi dan pengalaman. Para kontraktor perlu diberi peluang untuk bekerjasama dengan pasaukan yang telah dibina.

  18. Therefore give more opportunities to the Sabahans to get involve in this oil and gas industries. And the Sabahans also must grab the chance!

  19. “Everybody jumped into this industry, like the SEC, Sedco, Yayasan Sabah and so on until we do not know who is leading the industry,”

    There must be a team to lead this industry.

  20. "The oil and gas industry is now a big concern to the people of Sabah and it would be unfortunate if the state does not have a strong negotiating team that could represent Sabah’s interest."

    Make a team asap before it's too late. Don't let outsiders manipulating Sabah's sources!

  21. Sudah masanya Sabah belajar untuk mengurus sumber semulajadi di Sabah.

  22. Good Luck to all Sabahans!

  23. Berikan ilmu minyak dan gas kepada penduduk tempatan Sabah untuk lebih mengenali semua ini dan membolehkan mereka menguruskannya sendiri tanpa lebihan ambilan pekerja luar. Berikan peluang kepada mereka.

  24. laksanakan apa sahaja cadangan yang difikirkan perlu untuk menyelesaikan masalah2 yang timbul di Sabah. berkenaan dengan industri minyak dan gas di Sabah, saya yakin bahawa semua menteri atau pemimpin2 politik kerajaan tahu apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan..

  25. yes, sabah will be change, no need to be called the poorest state in m'sia anymore.

  26. i believe sabah can do it, just hope the people can really see into this too and be prepare for change.

  27. Banyaknya harapan. Semoga pihak2 berkenaan dapat men unaikan harapan rakyat Sabah:)

  28. Saya setuju dengan villager. Laksanakan apa saja yang dirasakan bersesuaian asalkan ia membawa kebaikan:)

  29. Saya yakin asalkan ada usaha, pasti semua yang diinginkan dapat dicapai. All the best:)

  30. special body?? hhmm, apa2lah yang penting isu ini dapat ditanggani dengan baik.

  31. Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar dan pastikan Sabahan dapat lebih peluang utk buktikan kemampuan mereka.

  32. the youths should be trained in develop this industry.

  33. alot of people can have chances to get a job in this field too, good..

  34. YES, its time to settle down and do more preparations in this field. hope for the best.

  35. one of the best fields to develop on, better get started now.

  36. “The oil and gas industry is now a big concern to the people of Sabah and it would be unfortunate if the state does not have a strong negotiating team that could represent Sabah’s interest."

    My opinion where not necessary to bargain or negotiate any as we have to confident with our government that they will offer the best and benefit to the local people. We just wait and see.

  37. Oil and gas industries has great potential and future expansion, certainly can offer great job opportunities to the Sabahan. Hoping Petronas will create more working opportunity from top to bottom level as there are many right and qualified candidates in Sabah.

  38. "Petronas recently announced major plans to develop long-term key projects to monetize and add value to Sabah’s petroleum resources, which will result in greater revenue to the state."

    Gladly to hear about Petronas announcement especially their future plan that may benefit more to the people in Sabah. Im sure adjustment the loyalties which is their plan also. Hoping the bext!

  39. Its a good opportunity for the young generation to involve in Sabah oil & gas industries. Im sure Pertronas will offer in house training and programs so that the Sabah people can cope well with the plan and perform their job efficient and effectively.

  40. Pembangunan industri minyak dan gas memang cukup untuk memperkembangkan ekonomi Sabah dan taraf kehidupan seluruh Sabah juga mendapat perubahan yang pesat. Harap semua orang Sabah bersiap-sedia dengan perubahan yang akan datang.

  41. Agree to Chee.. With complete course and training given to the local, these helps to produce more hand-on skill graduate to contribute back to Petronas.. Win-win-situation.

  42. Kalau jumlah loyalties diperbaiki, memang mendatangkan lebih banyak manfaat kepada pembangunan and perkembangan ekonomi di Sabah. Harap semua ini menjadi satu realiti di masa akan datang.

  43. Petrol and gas memang sumber semulajadi dan juga sumber pendapatan yang utama untuk negeri Sabah.. memang seharusnya Sabah merupakan negeri yang kaya dan bertaraf seperti KL.. semoga kerajaan berusaha membangunkan ekonomi Sabah.. semua rakyat Sabah dapat hidup dalam keadaan yang lebih "ada" berbanding sekarang.

  44. Good expansion plan by Petronas.. Such plan should benefit to the local inclusive project contractor, job offer, economy improvement etc.. We look forward to further improvement and development.
